I'm 43 years young, 5'10" in height, of stocky build and was born in Dublin, Eire. The eldest of three children, my star sign is Aries and my ascendant is Saggitarius. People say I'm intelligent and I have degrees in computer science, philosophy and psychology (joint) and philosophy of religion. More recently I have obtained an MA in Catholic Theology. I also have a diploma in counselling and am a member of a number of professional bodies including the British Computer Society (Member), British Psychological Society (Affiliate), British Association for Counselling (Student Member). My IQ as measured by the Catell scale is 157.

I'm ebullient and gregarious by nature and am very much a 'people person'. I think that I am quite gentle and generous but I sometimes lack self-confidence. My personality type, as described by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is ENFJ: E - Extravert (a shy extravert, if that isn't a contradiction); N - iNtuitive (yes, most definitiely); F - Feeling (yes, most definitely) ; J - Judging - in the sense of wanting things organised and planned rather than judging people (yes, I like a planned, ordered existence which means that I'm not all that spontaneous!)

I was brought up as a Mormon and served a mission in France  - hence I speak fluent French.  I am no longer a Mormon but am a committed and practising Catholic, of progressive stripe.  I'm a good public speaker and I'm also a confident and engaging trainer - I enjoy running groups and lecturing. I also enjoy writing.

I currently live in Islington, North London, England with my little black cocker spaniel puppy, Bonnie. As an inner city and somewhat fashionable London Borough, Islington offers quite a mix of restaurants, pubs, shops and theatres.  My mobility is somewhat restricted at present by the diagnosis in 1999 of   Myasthenia Gravis, a rare auto-immune neurological disorder which affects muscle strength and fatiguability. .

I'm quite a homely person and I love nothing better than having friends over for dinner or the occasional party. I host an annual 'Eurovision Song Contest' party which, though extremely tacky, is also a real hoot!! It is on such occasions that my Dame Edna Everage impersonation is aired for the umpteenth time to wild applause and the stench of rotten tomatos having just missed their target.  A hearty sense of humour and the ability to laugh at myself are qualities with which I have been abundantly blessed! I am also happy to spend time alone and do not crave company just for the sake of it. I am, as the French say, 'bien dans ma peau'! Though gay, I wear this lightly and do not frequent the scene or generally broadcast the fact. It is just a part of me, not a defining characteristic. I have been celibate for over 12 years out of personal choice. I try to lead a good, respectable and responsible life.

I have close links with the mental health field both professionally and personally. I live with bi-polar affective disorder (manic depression) which is controlled by taking lithium and carbamazepine. It's a frustrating illness to deal with as it affects mood and can be quite unpredictable. However, there are others who make the most of it and lead happy, productive lives - e.g. Ted Turner (CNN), Spike Milligan (comedian), John Cleese, etc. Perhaps, one day, I'll write that creative masterpiece and make a million!! Watch this space! Part of me is a teacher, another a counsellor, then another part is a priest or guru and a big part of me is a philosopher and a thinker. The trick is to integrate all these aspects and I see that as my life's task. Would you care to join me on this exciting journey? 'Gearrion beirt bothar' as they say in an Irish proverb - two people shorten the road! :)





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