What mid-game is all about
O.K So you learned about chess opening. Well, chess opening is important if you try to gain good position around the middle of the board and attack early on. Sometimes you win fast. But usually the opponent will set up good defense also try to counter-attack your position fast. Exchanging of pieces must be done. That's when mid-game strategy comes. You want to exchange for pieces with more values. You want to check his king around to force him to take your tempo of the game and possibly a checkmate later on.
The following materials show you what each piece is supposed to do.
Pawn : should control the middle or resist your opponent's advance such as knight or bishop
Can be used as semi-mobile spot to launch attack
form solid pawn structure for defense and advance your pawns for offense
Knight : should launch attack and menace around opponent's position
Knight can jump over pieces and attack for knight fork. Use these aspects!
Try to sacrifice for queen or rook. Harrass king and pawns.
Bishop : attacks in diagonals   combo attack with queen gets checkmate
sacrifice on pawns on king's castle
resist rooks, knights and queen
pin against king or queen
Rook : attacks in straight line   Double rook can own queen or king
attack king's caslte with combo such as queen
caslte your king with rook for better defense
Queen : Remember one contact with support on queen's back gets an instant checkmate   use combo with knight or bishop
my general chess advice
I believe chess should be won by both micro-management and macro management. Micro-mangage your pieces so you don't use extra pawn or stuffs. Remember, losing each pawn can be despairing expereince to the end of the game. Also macro manage your postion and defense around your king. usually offense is about micro management and defense is macro management in my opinion.
This general theory works in both western chess and Xiang-gi.
My advice is set your defense first then attack! If you want to surprise your enemy with ambush, then attack first while thinking about your defense also. otherwise the counter-attack would produce revenge
on offense, be creative! (like using knights) You don't have to hurry up too fast. Keep your tempo. All you have to do is force your enemy to take your baits of plans to follow. always prepare multiple attacks. If you get a chance to check the king, do so almost always.
Checking king will open new passages and weak points for you to get. Attack first check the king then sacrifice if you have to. But it is better to keep checking the king withous losing pieces in my experience. This is true both in western chess and Korean chess.
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