No one likes a copycat! You think copycats are poopy too, right? Join the club! I made this site because I, like many, have become fed up with people who need to get a mind of their own and stop copying our ideas and images. Someone (nameless) went so far as to start copying the way I sign my artwork. This kind of behavior is just sad. So come on, join the bandwagon and adopt an anti-copy swirly kitty from Luna!
*What does a copycat do?*
Steals images from your site
Copies your ideas
Acts like you
Mimicks your style and/or speech
Re-draws your artwork
Uses your site layout
Uses your site graphics
Uses your site information
Is all out annoying/poopy!
Put copycats to shame and rally with the rainbow kitties =3
Use this button to link to me:  ~>

Click the one at the right to go Home! ~>
Click on one of us to go adopt!
(c) Chibi- nyuu!
Down With the copycats!
Di Gi Charat Paradise
Stole tons of pictures from, claims them to be hers. Also copied several of my layouts (like the music section). BOOOO!!!! =( four paws down.
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