News club

News club is one of the club in SMA Negeri Sumatera Selatan wich study about mass media. There are two divisions in news club, broadcasting and journalistic.

    At broadcasting, students act and work just like broadcaster in television and radio. Studens will leaarn bout how to have a good publis speaking, managing  a TV program, learn how to run broadcast activity with electronic media(program for radio broadcasting; mega-mix, program for cutting the music; cool edit pro, and others). Students also learn how tomake video through handy camera and capture pictures by pocket camera. Students will make some videos reporting to many different spots. Another activity, there was radio visiting so some of the students went to one of radio station and had the interview, students got some information about radio.

    At journalistic, students will learn about writing article, making bulletin board, newsletters, and others. For the newsletter, we make the articles and figure out the photos whic will be put on the newsletter of SMA Negeri Sumatera Selatan and shine magazines. These are the newsletter that will be given to the donors of SMA Negeri Sumatera Selatan and other parties involved.

    News club had ever participated and won at several competition such as essay writing contest, newscaster contest, and bulletin board competition. We had ever attended to several workshop whic were being held by several mass media such as Sumatera Exoress newspaper, Palembang pos newspaper, kompas newspaper, sriwijaya post newspaper, PAL TV, and Sriwijaya TV.

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