Character List:
Aidan & Loki

Race: Human
Height/build: 5'5", very slender with few curves
Age: 16
Eyes: Green
Skin: Very fair with light freckles on her cheeks, nose, and upper arms
Hair: Red/orange, poofy and unmanageably wavy, cut short
Clothing: Layered yet somewhat form-fitting. Not always color coordinated. A typical outfit would be: spaghetti-strap top under an open short-sleeve blouse, stretchy exercise pants, sneakers. Or: Long-sleeved tee-shirt under short-sleeve shirt/blouse.

Aidan is a witch - in the nicest sense of the word. The only daughter of a practicing yet doubtful Wicca, she seems to lead the life that her mother wishes for. At school, she is quiet but friendly and keeps the company of a handful of friends. She has been experiencing the paranormal since she was very young (ie. her invisible friends were actually there) and has openly shared her experiences with her mother until recently. In the past year, she realized that hearing these things made her mother feel sad, rejected by the powers that be. As such, her mother does not know about Loki. Otherwise, she and her mother have a good relationship and look out for each other as best they can.


Cat / Shadow being / partially manifested spirit
Height/build: Large for a cat, but of average weight
Eyes: White
Fur: Black, white right forepaw

Aidan has been visited by dead pets before, but Loki seems to be a special case. Although the deceased cat's personality comes through at times, his form is being used by a spirit of unknown interests. It doesn't seem malevolent, but its intentions are unclear. Since first appearing to Aidan, Loki has stayed by her side to offer help, advice, and friendship...but he also has a lot of trouble to offer as well.

Aidan/Loki reference: #1 | #2 | #3 (color)

Race: Calanthra (PE)
Height/build: 4'6
Age: (equivalent of 13 human years)
Eyes: Purple
Hair: Magenta-purple, long and slightly wavy, put up in different styles
Skin: Mostly green with purple irridescent markings

Calluna is a gentle and happy soul. Quiet and observant, she can spend hours watching animals, nature, and other Calanthrans. Of course, some Calanthrans don't enjoy being watched - especially since they often forget she is there. Although Calluna seems to be a perfect spy, she doesn't intend to be a sneak and she keeps secrets as a rule. Her main outlet is her writing - journals and stories. Her parents still attempt to get her to speak up more, but she is happy and content as is.

Calluna reference: #1

Ember Berrybane

Race: Kender (halfling)
Height/build: 3'6", slender and agile
Age: 28
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Light brown and very long. In three braids at the peak/back of her head - two braids wind around the other three, ponytailing them to hang to her mid-back
Clothing: Trousers with boots. Non-color-coordinated shirts (a long-sleeve under an over-large lace-up short-sleeve). A poncho and scarf upon occasion. Many pouches and purses, filled with miscellaneous treasures and trash she's picked up. Colors never match unless by accident.

As a kender, Ember is both inherently curious and mindlessly fearless. She is incredibly friendly and emotionally sensitive, although her flighty attention span usually only allows for short bursts of strong emotions. As such, she does not generally hold grudges. She loves being the center of attention (and will go into any antics to maintain it), enjoys perpetual motion, and must be well-bribed (with something to keep her visually entertained) to sit still even for short amounts of time. She loves her friends unconditionally, even if they are friends in her mind alone and the "friendship" is not mutual. Her most frequent companion is a blink dog

Ember reference: #1 | #2

Kutlass Kate
Race: Human
Height/build: 5'2", solid in a fit way
Age: 25
Eyes: Grey
Hair: Brown and long, braided to the small of her back
Clothing: Anything flappity, colorful, and overly piratey. The only standby is an ever-present bandana on her head (usually topped by her rat Gimpy)
Weaponry: One or two ridiculously overlarge cutlasses, a bunch of daggers stashed in several places

A headstrong girl with a hot temper and more concealed weapons than you can rattle a sabre at, Kate is a tongue-in-cheek parody of self-respecting pirate characters everywhere. Her pet rat Gimpy habitualy rides on her head or shoulders and weathers his station through all of Kate's spasmodic antics and grueling battles. Kate takes great pleasure in the crazy and inane.

Kate reference: #1 | #2

Konoha Ninja
Race: Human
Height: 5'3 (Shippuden height: 5'6")
Age: 12 (Shippuden age: 15)
Eyes: Dark brown
Hair: Brown and long, with cheek-length bangs
-Age 12: Loose khaki leggings, blue tunic-like halter top (see refs) tied at the waist with a belt, dark blue leg warmers and Konoha regulation shoes
-Age 15: See refs. Color scheme same as previous outfit

Amy-ninja references: #1 | #2 | #3 | #4 | #5 | #6 | #7(color)
Amy-ninja shippuden: #1 | #2 | #3
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