Character List:
Piratey Types
Pirate - Captain of the (?)
Age: 28
Height/build: 6'3", athletically fit
Skin: Suntanned
Eyes: Green-hazel
Hair: Dirty blond with streaks of darker brown. Falls to mid-back, usually tied back.
Clothing: Trousers and boots are the only certainty. In public, he dresses to show that he takes pride in his appearance. His favorite shirts (worn when relaxing) are short "kimono" types of things, left open at the front...however, it isn't uncommon to catch him shirtless and lovin' it.
Weaponry: He often has a rapier or broadsword at his hip (he knows both, but only uses one at a time). However, his interest in the exotic also extends to weaponry.

Daerik is proud to be a self-made man. Although it is not general knowledge, he was born into the squallid home of a fisherman and sold to a pedophilic aristocrat. In making his own life for himself, Daerik has cut all ties to his past. He cut out in his early teens and joined the crew of a merchant ship, where he was introduced to smuggling operations. Inspired and determined, Daerik worked his way up to the top. Now one of the most infamous of pirates, he carves out a good living for himself and his crew. He takes particular joy in tracking down and collecting rare and arcane artifacts, including a live mermaid.

Daerik reference
: #1 | #2 | #3 | #4 | #5

Jessie Marden

Privateer - "Interim" Captain of the Horizon
Age: 25
Height/build: 5'1", average and somewhat athletic
Skin: Creamy "mocha" colored
Eyes: Dark brown, nearly black
Hair: Black with a thick white streak starating above her right ear. Reaches to shoulder blades
Piercings: Left ear - two in lobe, one in cartiledge
Clothing: Dingy white shirt (front/collar ties over her chest, see Ref), khaki pants, boots. Wears a small oval golden locket that will not open because it is dented in one corner. Sometimes wears a dress while on shore.
Weaponry: Sword and dagger. She often wears the dagger, but the sword is only added to her ensemble when needed.

Jessie's a tough cookie who puts on an even tougher front, yet is fiercely loyal to those who are close to her. Among these, she considers Captain Marden to be a father figure and Artimus a trusted friend and confidante. She is a determined go-getter, focused on the present and unphased by the fact that she doesn't know where she comes from or what her locket holds. Her "tough" front sometimes fools even herself as she blocks worries and fears in pursuit of her goals - this is both an asset and a weakness.

Jessie reference: #1 | #2 | #3 | #4 | #5 | #6 | #7
Note: She doesn't actually wear bikinis, those were just sketches ;)

Privateer - First Mate of the Horizon
Age: 33
Height/build: 6'10", muscular
Skin: Dark, rich brown
Eyes: Black
Hair: None, shaven
Clothing: Loose, colorful styles
Weaponry: Daggers in boots/clothing. When he really means business, he straps on his greatsword.

Artimus is the posterchild for Strong Silence. Patient and deep-thinking, he prefers to take a moment before rushing into action. His word is his honor and when he makes a promise (or a threat) you can be sure that he will see it through to completion. Artimus was tutored in reading by Marden (who brought him on as a cabin boy when he was very young, saving him from a cruel shipmaster) and in turn taught Jessie. He is a good man to have at your back, if you prove yourself trustworthy.

Artimus reference
: #1 | #2 | #3

Cabin boy and Deck-swab Extraordinaire
Age: 16
Height/build: 5'8", lanky
Skin: Pale, pale white with freckles. Does not tan, only burns
Eyes: Grey-green
Hair: Orange with a braided "rat-tail." Wears a navy blue bandana tied at the nape of his neck.
Clothing: Long khaki shorts worn "sagging" over red-and-white striped boxer underwear. An undershirt of any solid color and woven sandals complete his usual outfit.
Weaponry: Large dagger, a gift from his father. He has been learning how to throw smaller throwing knives, but owns none.

Daaniel signed onto the Horizon's crew as a cabin boy, eager to join his father in seaward adventure and glory. Abandoned by his mother when his father proved "married" to the nautical life, he was raised by his grandmother and looked forward to his father's occasional visits and fantastic tales. When he joined the crew, he told his grandmother that he had joined the Royal Navy, since she despises her son's (Daan's father's) lifestyle. Although he loves buying odd trinkets (he is usually conned into believing they have magical powers or are long-lost relics) he sends the majority of his stipend to his grandmother. Although his head is in the clouds, his heart is in the right place.

Daan reference
: #1 | #2 | #3 | #4 | #5

Daaniel's Wyvern

Daaniel bought a young wyvern from an exotic market bazaar. Green, blue, and yellow, the wyvern's coloring resembles a macaw. It is the perfect size for shoulder-perching and likes to hang out on Daaniel's shoulders and head. Good natured and inquisitive, the thing annoys Jessie, but "earns its keep" by catching and eating rats and by keeping Daan busy.

Wyvern reference
: #1 | #2

Bard, Entertainer, Ladiesman
Age: 35
Height/build: 5'7", solid build - not fat but not athletic
Skin: White, fairly pale
Eyes: Grey
Hair: Dark brown, thick and wavy flowing to just below the shoulders. Often tied back.
Clothing: Layered. Trousers and boots, light-colored long-sleeved undershirt, dark green short-sleeved overshirt with a lace-up front, two belts. Sometimes wears a cloak for effect and/or warmth.
Weaponry: Longsword, throwing knives. Also knows archery.

Gaebril loves the proverbial wine, women, and song. He enjoys entertaining people and is indeed a crowd pleaser although he is nowhere near as famous as he would wish. He exhibits a love of life and knowledge of the fantastic that captures Daaniel's attention, resulting in Gaebril gaining a scrawny red-headed shadow. Gaebril met Jessie's crew the night Marden was murdered, unintentionally becoming involved. Catching a heady whiff of adventure, he stuck with the crew by offering to pay handsomely (with money he doesn't have).

Gaebril reference: #1 | #2 | #3

Captain of the Horizon
Age: 52
Height/build: 5'8", solid rectangular build
Skin: Darkly suntanned and harshly weathered
Eyes: Grey
Hair: Black with liberal streaks of grey/white. Thick grey/white streaks on sideburns and above both ears. Hair is tied back in a short tail.

Eris (aka, Winter)
Bountry hunter / Assassin for hire
Age: 31
Height/build: 5'6", athletic yet curvy
Skin: Albino white
Eyes: Pale, icy blue-grey
Hair: Whiter than the usual platinum blonde
Clothing: Her signature is a Captain's coat. However, attire changes to fit the current task.
Weaponry: As needed. Take your pick: she probably knows how to use it and use it well.

Eris reference: #1 | #2
Although they are not elves, all characters in this storyline have varying degrees of slightly pointed ears. I don't know why. But I like it.

The culture and technology is reminiscent of the Mediterranean around the 1700-1800s. The characters of the story are based in this region:
Ansel's Cradle and locations largely revolve around port cities and shipping-related venues.
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