Conan's Lament
August 2002
Medium: Mechanical pencil
Comments: Okay, so I was getting ready for another riveting day of work when I became very interested in how Conan would view the moon. While I was showering, words started popping into my fevered little brain and I had to write them down. Afterward, I sketched this out.
I stand and watch
The night's full moon
Bathed in its light
Drowning in its light

Once such a moon
Meant new beginnings
A secret meeting
Her face brilliant
Awash in its glow
Wind-chapped cheek
Pressed to my breast

Two lovers
Enjoying life
Like the moon
At its fullest

The moon laughed with us
Earth-bound mortals
Alive in the moment
Swept away
In our love

We believed our lives
To be at their fullest
Where can one go from here?


The full moon will wane
And the moment is lost
Nowhere to go but down
No place for life in death

When I next saw her
Awash in moonlight
Golden locks aglow
Clenched to my breast
Her blood on my lips
Blue eyes glazed
Bloodless pallor blinding

The moon laughed at us

Denying either
Consumed by both

I turn from the window
The moon still plays
Casting shadows over my heart
It remembers
And knows me
For it has been naught
But a silent observer

Unable to live
Unable to die
Just watching
Countless millennia

As am I.
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