USA (1994) - Directed by Peter Segal
Synopsis :
Third episode of the Naked Gun series. This time, it's the Oscar ceremony that has to be saved by Lt. Frank Drebin.
Cast :
Leslie Nielsen...........
Priscilla Presley........
George Kennedy......
O.J. Simpson..........
Anna Nicole Smith..

Cameo's : Pia Zadora, Raquel Welch, Weird Al Yankovic, Shannen Doherty, Olympia Dukakis, etc...
Soundtrack :
The soundtrack of this Naked Gun film was never released and that's a pitty, because in the film, Pia does a great job, singing
This Could Be The Start Of Something Big.
Comments :
Being the third one in a row, you can hardly call this Naked Gun innovating. If you liked the first two, you'll like this one too.
Pia Zadora appears as herself (again) as one of the musical acts on the Oscars. For the harder parts of her performance, she got a stand-in. So it's this last one who gets to slide on her belly and falls into a tuba (yes, a tuba).
Although most of the reviews weren't positive about the film, they all raved about Pia!

Still from 'Naked Gun 33 1/3
This could be the start of something biiiiiiiiiiiiiiaaaaaaaaaaa
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