

Secrets Get Discovered

By asdfjklö aka SBL


Special NOTES: The following story is playing I Cologne during 2005 and 2006 (it´s ending in winter 2006/07 so it end in the future with regard from today!


Hello, my name is Chris, and at the time of the following events I was 23 years old. I do not know, when I began to find overfull women´s bellies attractive. I knew only that I would probably never meet a woman, my preferences called for. Now, the years passed and after the College I visited the University of Cologne to study over BWL and were one the best ones of my subject. But the realization, never to get together with a stuffee to live out my fantasies tormented me and at the age of 21 years I told parents with whom I still lived my secret preference. A therapy with a psychologist was the result. My memories about stuffing were deleted with hypnosis and so on.

But it should come everything differently and become more pictorial, than I would ever have thought.

The time passed and due to my contacts by means of study colleagues I could get a good waged practical course in a local company. By convincing achievements there, I also earned quantity of efficiency bonuses and could buy a small house in a green Cologne suburb in the summer of 2004 . It was in January 2005 and I was already in the 8th and last terms as SHE came to our university. I did not know her name but I thougt I had seen her before but could not mention. However her American accent was unmistakable. She had studied so far at the university in Pittsburgh and made now her last term due to scholarship in Cologne. Natascha Dunington, that was her name was 25 years young and slim, had a pretty face, beautiful eyes and a graceful hair. She spoke outstanding German, since she had selected this language in school and had trained with German films and newspapers to go further. Good mood was her constant companion and although she often went to parties, she never neglected studying and was equal tome. Despite this fact we did not have a competition, in the opposite, we make friends ourselves directly and went often on celebrations or into the cinema, theatre, the Cologne arena and to the places which Cologne has offer. Our solidarity handed as far that Tascha, that was her nickname, told me even details from her tragic family life. Her parents died in a plane accident when she was 12. She grew up with their aunt, who died as a result of sudden heart failure in a few months before Tasha came to Germany. But Tascha couldn´t be thrown out of her ways by these strokes of fate and always found a reason for optimism. Also she took me to her affectionate and cordial "Grandma" (she called her grandmother in such a way) who lived in Cologne and loved her granddaughter.

On 20.03.2005 however Tascha ran out of the classroom and I simply knew that somewhat was not ok. Therefore I followed her. I found her sitting on a wood bank while tears ran over her face and in her trembling hand she, a non-smoker, held a burning cigarette. I sat down beside her and took her into my arms.

"Tascha, what is the matter?"

"Something bad happend Chris." she sobbed and took a hasty puff of her cigarette, which she extingished the same moment. "Shit" she said "now with 25 years fate drives me into being a smoker."

"Tascha", I spoke to her with an encouraging voice "you´re far away from being a smoker. The cigarette did not taste or did it!?" Her eyes told me that I was right.

"We know each other now already well and you can trust me nevertheless, Tascha. Talk about your problem and I assure you that we´ll find a solution." Tasha took a deep breath and I could see that my words encouraged her.

""Grandma" died in a car accident last night."

But Tascha was not long yet at the end with bad messages. The house her grandmother lived in according to will was now property of a society for the prevention of cruelty to animals. Tascha reported with her shaking voice that she had packed all herr things into her car which would now be her only home. The scholarship would take over costs of studying, but the indirect costs like car or appartments weren´t paid and in a city like Cologne it is impossible to find a home at a place without many acts of violence if ther is no money. And with her student job as a waitress there wasn´t much money at all.

However I had a solution. In my house a medium sized room was empty-standing and in such a way offered Tascha to live there until she found a new home. And a parking bay for the car was also still free. Tascha accepted offer, wrapped her arm around the neck and kissed my cheek. We also drove to a furniture market were I bought Tascha a new bed. In the evening we had installed the bed and Tascha fell into it overtired and fell asleep within seconds.

The next 2 months passed and Tascha and I were perfect friends.

Then came 04,06,2005, the day, which should change everything: I had invited Tasha into the cinema that evening. It was a warm day, therefore she wore a red top that showed her flat belly and a black mini skirt. At the ticket-office (it was a small underground cinema with good low budget films, which were not shown in the large houses) I also bought 1 pound of popcorn for Tascha. I cannot remember the movie but the fact that Tascha rose from her seat during the movie... to come back with another pound of popcorn. After the movie was over the light turned on and I noticed that Taschas clothes seemed to be tighter because of the fact that her belly was rounded. Wewent into an Italian restaurant where Tascha ordered ia pizza with all supplements. After half of the pizza Taschas belly was even more swollen and was close to the fabric of her skirt. "She´ll never finish the whole pizza" I thought . Well, the error probably was that I had thought. Taschas plate was soon empty and her normally flat tummy which she rubbed with her right hand was now bulging like an early second trimester pregnancy belly. "Respect" I thought. I had not experienced such a thing with a woman yet and was surprised that I was so fascinated.

And theevening was not over yet...

Back home Tascha went to the refrigerator and got herself a 2-gallon cup ice cream.

"Aehem... Tascha please don’t eat it you´ll burst!" I said.

"Oh no, Chris, I´m only a little bit hungrier than the other day" she justified herself.

"A little bit?? With that belly you could get a seat as a pregnant woman in every overfilled bus!!!"


With this sentence she looked at me in such a way that I gave and went under the shower, also in order to think about my beginning diploma.

After approximately 15 minutes I came out of the bath and went into the kitchen, where I assumed to find Tascha. I was not wrong and I was shocked and excited at the same time from the situation which was offered to me: the 2-gallons of ice cream were totally gone without any leftovers.

On the kitchen chair, which I had frontally in the view, Tascha leaned back, the zipper of her skirt was unbuttoned and her belly pressed it completely downward. Well it was not a belly which I saw there but an extremely filled beachball.It which appeared so stuffed that it would not have surprised me to hear a bang and see Tascha bursting right in front of my eyes. Tascha put her hands on her bloated gut and began rubbing it. I felt a heat in my neck section and a chill running down my spine. I was strangely excited. Tascha groaned.

"*BUUURRRRPPP*... oh sorry, uff, I was no so full over a long time. Chris, please give me * BELCH* the skin lotion, I´m too heavy to stand up."

I went back into the bath and got the lotion. But instead of giving it to Tascha I offered to rub her belly so she could get recovery. After I had rubbed the lotion onto my hands I put my finger gently on her belly and rubbed it. It was indescribable. Her belly was hard as a rock and her belly navel was nw an outie. As I touched Taschas navel region with both hands I suddenly knew where I Had seen her before we even met.

"Anni!" spoke my thoughts out loud and looked to her deeply in the face. And I saw that she knew that I knew it. "You are Anni from Fatishkingdom!!!"

Tascha`s (or now Anni`s) stuffing orgy had recalled the deleted stuffing memories.

"Don't you mean that you are guilty to give an explanation? I think we are friends and you lie on me?!"

"Chris, please let me explain...", she tried to say but I interrupted her.

"There you need however a good apology to save our friendship!!!"

"Ok one, you´re right. I`m not Natascha Dunington but Anni Hamingworth. And I am the Anni from Fatishkingdom."

"Why did you use lies???"

"What I´ll tell you now did no on but my aunt and Grandma ever knew about, you may NEVER tell it to someone else."

"I promise!"

"I am not here because of a scholarship, but I fled from my husband."

"Husband??? That doesn´t mak it "better" " I commentated this new development.

Anni breathed deeply which was not only because of the fact that her still filled belly had some influence on respiration.

She began to explain.

"I´ve always loved to eat very much and than I was discovered by Alicia. With the money I gained from Fatishkingdom I financed my study. I was financially independent. Then Fatishkingdom was closed by the authorities and I did not know where to go. I was engaged to Thomas Hamingworth at the time who was also very affectionate to me. At least before our marriage. I married him und hoped that with his financial support my study would become successful. Well, he gave me money for the study, but after the marriage he briefly became another kind of man. For each little mistake I was punished with domestic violence. Blue bruises and hurt body parts were my constant companion. But I knew no way out and stayed with him."

"Why didn't you tell the authorities about his assaults?"

"I couldn´t. Thomas's father, Thomas Hamingworth sr. is a powerful man. You have never heard about "HamInChemicals Inc..", did you?"


"That´s no surprise. "HamInChemicals Inc. is officially a small regional factory for household cleaners but in truth it is a huge company which is working for the US government. They manufacture chemical agents for the military. My father worked there before its death at that time there however was no military equipment as really only cleaner was manufactured there."

"And the company has much influence in the States and you would never get any job in the USA no in the case that you would leave Thomas so you came to Germany came by using a new identity. Am I right?"

"Your totally right. My aunt had a few contacts to the "correct" places and so I received a wrong passport and a scholarship at the university of Cologne. And my Grandma was known neither to the Hamingwoths nor to someone else in the US. Except my aunt."

Now I felt like the purest complete idiot. I was so harsh to Anni. But after this explanation I knew that I would have exactly acted the same. And so I took my overbloated friend into the arms.

"What you told me Anni shows me that we are true friends."

Anni and I had to cry about this sentence and hold each other deep in the arms. And following our feeling we spent the night together.

Well, from that day on Anni and I were a pair. My partner was the best stuffee ever seen on the Web. For a stuffing fan like me it was paradies on earth. Outside of our own home Anni was still "Natascha Dunington" and I had often watch out not to call her "Anni". And we now had another academic subject in our private rooms. The working-days belonged completely to the "BWL" but the weekends were dedicated to our stuffing studies (or better to say the nights after the parties to which we were often invited). We tested out what meals Anni could eat most of and what made her stomach upset. We used the newest achievements of the technology for our experiments (as video cameras or Excel programs for example) whose results we evaluated with the utmost care in order to be able to still improve Anni´s capacity. Naturally also erotic aspects did not come too short so that the sex act became more intensive with each new"study" equally to Anni´s belly whose "water mark" expanded with every stuffing. But this was also a result of the fitness club work Anni and I staehlten did daily (with exception of the "Stuffing" days). Anni was a real fitness freak and I was glad about that as I didn´t want that she became fat and shapeless.

The highlight of summer 2005 was without any doubt our attendance at Centro (in Oberhausen) about one driving hour away from Cologne. It became a very spcial shopping tour. We didn´t look out for clothes but restaurants. I don´t mean the little carnival-like hot dog-purchasers but real restaurants. Each restaurant (whether Greek, Mexican, French, Thai etc..) received a small attendance from us. I did not count how many menus Anni had taken when we drove home. But I could see the effect. Anni was as round as never before. The only reason that the button of her trousers didn´t pop was the fact that her trousers did not have any buttons. We had decided to buy Anni maternity clothes for our trip but even those were beyond elasticity. Without our studies mentioned before Anni maybe would have eaten something causing winds. This would have been her death sentence as her belly has already an overswollen balloon with no more room to grow without bringing Anni in acute danger of exploding. But due to our studies the feeling of complete fullness and a burning inside her stomach were the only side effects that Anni felt. But she did barely notice as she fell asleep directly on the passenger seat so that her only "messages" during the return trip were her belches and the growlling of her belly.

And at home I gave her the best medicine against her complaints: my belly-rubs which she enjoyed. That brought as into a never ecstacy.

We did not know if we were ever able to extent the amount of filling Anni eat in Oberhausen but we knew we would try it. During the following stuffing studies we didn´t attempt as we selected a day which was better to tray the biggest stuffing Anni ever had to that moment.

We chose 24.11.2005: "Thanksgiving Day". With the help of the computer I calculated how much Anni had "cleaned away" in Oberhausen and I used turkey flesh as correspondence. The result was 13 pounds of turkey. So I bought a big 17,5 pounds turkey as we wanted to set a new record. We filled the bird with a dlicious cheese-stuffing which Anni liked most. With some trouble we got the meal in the roasting tube and we used the hours of waiting (till the bird would be brown and crispy) to look at the stuffing videos we done as part of our studies before. On one hand in order to love us on the other hand to give Anni the right motivation for her upcoming feast.

When the meal was ready and I grabbed it out of the oven and placed it on our kitchen desk next to Anni who made herself comfortable on a padded chair. She licked with the tongue and began to eat. First the wings disappeared in Annis mouth without causing any effect regarding to her body. Now the chest of the bird also "disappearedf" within shortest time and Annis belly rounded a little bit. Anni cut the turkey´s legs off as they were the best pieces of the turkey and she wanted to eat them at last. But before this yummies should find the way into Annis stomach the back and the belly of the bird had to be eaten including the filling. The first third of these parts was masterd by Anni without any trouble even if her belly had blown up like a fith month preggo tummy. Anni became more slowly and chewed the pieces now longer before she swallowed them. This tactic was successful because soon "only" the last third of the bird´s back and belly was remaining. Anni´s gut was now so big that the top button of her jeans popped off and her stomach filled the gap within seconds and pushed her t-shirt a bit upward. Her paunch now looked seven months pregnant and Anni put herhands onto her navel region to give it a little rub. Anni´s fighting spirit now increased and soon only the two turkey legs of the fixed meal were still present. Anni groaned exhausted which was not a surprise as her gorging turned her belly into a huge canonball. Anyway the new record was already set and Anni could have stopped now... could as I said.

But she wanted to ate the whole flesh so she took one turkey leg into her right hand the other into her left to took bites by turns. She ate as there was no tomorrow and as a result the second button flew off to give her overstuffed belly more room to expand. The quantity Anni had already eaten was enough to let three women burst except Anni whose only goal goal was it to leave no leftovers. This however did not succeed because as only small morsel was left Anni had to throw the towel.

"Oh... honey... *URPS*... I ate so much....... please... get... *BORP*...the belly-rubbing lotion and... rub... me, otherwise... *ORPS*... I...will…burst…* ARP* "she groaned.

I knew that Anni was serious about the bursting fear and I wanted to go into bath. As I was close to the bathroom door I felt an impact with a hard object right to the head and was falling to the ground. I laid on the kitchen floor half unconscious and my vision had suspended but I could hear clearly the words which were spoken.

"Hello Anni", said a male voice with a demonic touch "so we meet again" The speaker laughed in a satanic way.

"Thomas!" I heard Annis shocked voice calling "what do you do here?"

Suddenly I knew to whom the demonic voice belonged: to Annis brutal husband Thomas Hamingworth

"I want you Anni! My guys somehow provoked to find you but in the long run it was successful. You really thought you can me leave? Well, you better thougt again, exactly like your aunt and your grandmother. And they have paid the price already!!!" Hamingworth laughed.

"You killed them Thomas?" Anni asked.

"Not with my own hands. You know that I have my killer swadrons. Your aunt and your grandmother were poisoned with a special venom developed by my fathers company. It can´t be detected so it was a clever plan. The poison does not cause any pain maybe you feel better now.

Unfortunately your parents didn´t die that painless way."

"That was no accident?"

Hamingworth laughed dirty.

"No, your father had documents that would have been strong enough to bring my father into serious legal difficulties. Your father was a too respectable and moral man Anni. He could have become rich in the company but he preferred honesty and wanted to give the data of our secret laboratories to the CIA and the FBI. My father fortunately found out on which plane your parents wanted to fly to Washington and it was easy to deposit poisonous gas cartridges into the machine. These cartridges have a clock running down to zero so our guys can use them without bringing themselves into danger. The following you can surely imagine."

"You`re scum Thomas! I will tell that to the authorities I promise."

"Dead corps cannot talk Anni. You and your friend will see your family again in the the other world in a short while. Actually I only wanted to talk with you to asked you for returning but I changed way after the food orgy you did. You are only an useless gluttony-loving slut that doesn´t deserve to live."

"How did you get access to our home Thomas?"

"I used a special key that can open any door within second while you both were at the university and than I hid in the small roof-truss were it´s easy to here any spoken word, bitch. But now enough words have been said. It´s time to die!!!" Hamingworth spoke with icy voice.

The "mist" that had interfered my eyes slowly disappeared and I could see Hamingworth standing in front of Anni which was still to full to react. Hamingworth bent over Anni holding a sharp knife in his right hand. He put the blade at Anni´s throat. Instead of fighting Anni seemed to accept her fate and grabed the last bites of the turkey she wasn´t able to eat before. She bit the meat from the bone chewed ponderously and swallowed what alleged to be here very last meal.

After the other police workers had left only the young blond CSI-woman was still in my house. She was about 24 years of age and had introduced herself as special agent Müller before.

"My first case after academy and then such a strange case" she spoke while shooking her head.

Then she turned to Anni who had slowly overcome the consequences of her stuffing and showed life spirit again.

"Respect madame that is probably the most unusual kind of self-defence in the entire crime history. I see already the headline in the "Tribune": "Psychopathic Killer Shot By Popped Off Button In Self-defence By Young Women Student"."

It was indeed a good shot. The final piece of turkey that Anni ate when Hamingworth hold his knife to her throat let the third button jump off the row. At the right time Anni was able to stretch herself in the quite right position what affect the flight path of the button in a very important way. It was like David versus Goliath. Hamingworth was hit exactly at the nose. The force the button got from Anni´s bloated belly penetrated Hamingworth´s nose bone that was finally broken and one of the fragments was just pushed into Hamingworths brain. He was already dead when the knife fell out of his hand and he sank to the ground like thunderstruck. This was told us by the coroner who arrived together with the police which I called shortly after my head was totally clear again.

After two hours of collecting evidence and carring Hamingworth`s corpse awy as well only special agent Müller was still present.

"Maybe that will be more efficient than praying to get another lucky shot next time" Müller giggled.

With these words she gave Anni a small card into the hand. Müller turned and wanted to go, stopped and turned back. She put her hand into the pocket of her jacket and took out a silver tube which emerged on closer inspection to be a cigar container on which "Romeo y Julieta Churchill" was written.

"Here" she said and offered the tube to Anni. Anni was now in some kind of obligation and accepted the cigar.

"Why..." she wanted to ask a question but Müller interferred.

"I wanted to smoke this cigar after solving my first case. As you solved it Mrs. Hamingworth therefore this honour belongs to you. We would never have found out otherwise what has been behind the death of your grandmother. Iread about it at academy and was deeply convinced that it was no accident. And I was right " she smiled before she continued her talking. "By the way as teen I also liked to have eating contests against my fellow girl friends and I was very good at. No defeats at all. But I´ve never had a contender like you Mrs. Hamingworth. Well, these times are gone" she said with a of sign of regret in her voice.

"So But now I really have to go back to my office. And don´t be concerned about tv or newspapers the police report will be moved into the "poison cabinet" directly."

Agent Müller said good-bye in a polite way and left. Now were Anni and I were alone.

"So what to do now?" she asked with an erotic touched voice.

"I think I`ll finally get the lotin now" I answered. "And while I´m rubbing your belly you should care about your gift." While I said the last words I pointed on the cigar container which Anni had put to the table.

"I hope I don´t get sick" Anni whispered as I got the lotion and she unpacked the cigar and hold it under her nose to smell .

On the way back to the living room (I could see that Anni went there) I saw the lighter in the corridor which we placed there in cause of a electirc black-outst so we can light candles much quicker. I grabbed the lighter and went to the couch where Anni laid and relaxed. She had the cigar in her mouth and I lightened it. Anni took a deep puff and made and posed in an erotic way while blowing smoke through her red lips. She had obviously discovered a further hobby. Gently I rubbed her dome-bulged belly with lotion excited by Annis belly and her smoking skilled. I stopped the rubbing after 80 minutes when Anni had totally smoked cigar to the end. Anni laughed.

"That was good Chris."

"The rubbing or the cigar?"


We felt like two teens in love and enjoyed ourselves adult way.

More than one year has past since then and now on 31.12.2006 our small world is a little bit different. Anni and I married briefly after the death of Hamingwoth jr.. The evening Anni killed him and we enjoyed her new freedom she got pregnant. With twins, a boy and a girl. Both were born at 20.09.2006 in a very good condition. Also Anni wasn´t harmed. We called the children Romeo and Julia like the cigar brand of the cigar which Anni had received from Anja on the day of becoming pregnant. Anja? Yes, Anja Müller, CSI Cologne. On the card which she handed to Anni on this fateful day the address of a dojo was printed where Anja taught combating without weapons. Anni visited the seminars regularly and after the courses she often talked with Anja during drinking wine and enjoying a few cigars together. A good friendship developed which resulted into the fact that Anja is the godmother of our children.

Anja and her husband Mike (we like each other and are talking about sports very often) are regular guests in our house and so are we in their. Although it is not so difficult to do thees visits as we are living in the same house now.

Anni´s access to money was accompanied with the fall of the Hamingworth empire. On the same day as Thomas in our kitchen Anja passed her determination results to the US authorities. Raids in all secret laboratories of "HamInChemicals Inc.." were the result and the documents were found. The killer swadrons which had tormented Anni´s family in such a brutal way were arrested and escaped the death penalty only by the fact that they gave information to the authorities. Thomas Hamingworth sr. was never charged with the facts. As the federal authorities stormed has private house they found him leaning over his desk. In his right hand he still hold the 9-mm-pistol which he used to kill himself by a shot in the head. It was never found out if it was the death of his son or the raids that caused him to commit suicide. With the death of Thomas Hamingworth Sr. all the money got property of the only still living relative, his sister-in-law Anni.

600 billion dollar!!!

And Anni acted in her loveable way for which I almost love her most (except stuffing): Anni kept 10 million dollar (from which we bought among other things the house already mentioned) and closed the company that caused so many tears. The workers who weren´t responsible for the company´s bad ways received full compensations which corresponded to a 10-annual salary. Anni who had been struckby so much injustice donated the further money of the company to found a foundation to support poor children.

Yes, that´s my Anni. Our BWL-studies turned out to be a great success and we had exactly the same results. In the company, where I had made my study practical course, I am now in a responsible leading position. And Anni has founded a small publishing company based on "stuffing magazines"that are a world-wide success. Anja is also one of our guestmodels and her husband Mike finds her very attractive in overstuffed condition. For a non-professional stuffee she is just amazing. But also Anni profits from this friendly competition as both of the women want to be the winner at the end of the competition. 50% of the publishing company´s profite is donated to charities.

But now I have to leave. I have to prepare dinner for Anni and Anja therefore I cannot write any not further lines. Well, the next issue of Anni´s magazine needs some bloated bellies to be photographed and I hope Anni and Anja are very hungry tonight...




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