"Deep" Relaxation
Sexy Sadie

I was waiting for you to awaken. You were so tired. You had such a hard week. Work was making you crazy and the stress that you felt was overwhelming. When you got home last night, I had your favorite dinner waiting. While you watched television and your food was settling I ran you a hot bath. I had to get your muscles to relax a bit. You were so tense that the muscles in your neck and back were spasming. So a hot bath should soothe you. Once in the tub I saw you begin to relax. I got you a drink and began to wash you. You told me it wasn't necessary and I told you that it would be my pleasure to just take care of you completely. I told you to just lay back, enjoy your drink, and let me do the work. You decided you were too tired to argue and you didn't really want to anyway. It felt much too good. As you sipped your drink, I washed you from head to toe. Your eye's grew heavy and your body became almost limp in my hands. I told you that you should get out and get into bed. I had the blankets turned down for you. You complied. I dried you and led you to bed. I laid you on your stomach and began to massage your neck. I rubbed your shoulders and your back till sleep overcame you. While you slept I rubbed your hips thighs, calfs and feet. I massaged your hands and arms as well so that when you awoke you wouldn't feel any aches or pains. During the night you slept so soundly. This morning, I watched you as you slept. I wanted you to awaken with a smile on your face. I knew what it would take. I was anxious. I hoped that you wouldn't awaken before I could wake you my way. Slowly, I took the covers that cradled your body and pulled them down. Exposing your beautiful body. You were lying on your back and I began kissing your upper thighs. As I kissed them I heard a soft moan escape your lips. My hands began to rub the outside of your thighs as I kissed and licked the inside. My hands found your backside as my lips circled the one place that I desired the most. Your body began to react to my touch and your pleasure was becoming obvious. I enveloped you in my mouth. The warmth that my mouth provided, appeared to please you as well. I felt you growing harder inside my mouth. I sucked and licked and kissed. Your balls were still with in reach of my tongue as you were completely in my mouth. I lapped at your balls while you continued to grow. When I could no longer reach your balls with my tongue, I began to suck and suck going up and down the shaft, not using my hands at all. Letting my mouth take full control. I engulfed the head and would take you completely then slowly releasing till I once again covered only the head. My hands caressed your balls, your backside, your hips, thighs and stomach. My hair tickled you as it draped over my face and lightly brushed against your stomach. You were fully erect and still had not opened your eye's. But, the sounds of pleasure were growing more and more. Your hands stroked my head and you would pull my hair out of the way. I loved how gentle your touch was. I loved the sounds that escaped you in moments like these. With each sound that I heard, I felt a surge of excitement run through me. A seemingly new burst of energy and desire to please you. You could feel my excitement and as I hummed UMMMMMMM while my mouth covered you, the vibration made your excitement mount as well. You were getting closer and closer to your moment. You began to swell in my mouth and my head followed as your hips rose and fell with a wonderfully steady motion. Deep in my throat and out to the tip. All the way in, almost out. All the while I sucked and moved my tongue along the shaft. I tasted the precum as it kept my mouth moist. As the moment approached, you lifted your head from the pillow as your hands cradled my head and you said "OH GOD!!!! I'M GOING TO CUM." With that you felt my lips lock around you and the sucking take on new heights as you felt the first surge of cum rising to the tip and finally bursting completely in my mouth, hitting the back of my throat and filling it so full that you were sure that I would choke. Instead, I again hummed "UMMMMMMMMMMM" as the last drops found there way out. As soon as your body relaxed again, I sucked one last time to be sure not to miss anything and then release you. I looked into your eye's and saw that I had succeeded in starting your day right and with a smile. You pulled me up into your arms and hugged me. I told you that there was more where that came from and that when you got home there would be yet another surprise for you. With a full smile you said, "I don't think I have ever looked forward to a day as much."


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