Fairy Tale
Sexy Sadie

Once upon a time there was a King who lived on top of a mountain that over looked his entire kingdom. It was beautiful, there were rolling hills scattered with Weeping Willow trees. When the sun would set the King would sit on the balcony and watch it as it slowly rested behind the hills. To all who looked on, he had everything. He had money, power and a beautiful queen. But his queen did not appreciate him and he was very unhappy. He tried to please her but to no avail. She could not be pleased by him. His nights were very long and lonely. 

One day a chamber maid came to his room and when their eye's met, there was an instant attraction. Being a chamber maid, she was aware that her attraction was cause for beheading. She tried very hard for the next few months to hide her attraction. The king would call on her and he, being the faithful man that he was, tried as well to deny the attraction. But, there was no way to deny the attraction. It was obvious. She would do his bidding, and he was so kind that he would make her chores as easy as he could. He made sure that her work took place in parts of the palace that he was in so that he was able to watch her and see her as often as possible. He would fantasize about being with her. 

His queen grew more and more distant, and his loneliness grew harder and harder to live with. Soon, he found himself looking forward to the happiness he would feel when he would just see the Chamber maid. He would speak to her and ask her questions of life as a commoner. She would always answer his questions with honesty. He grew to look forward to their conversations. He could feel her attraction and this made him feel good. The nights no longer seemed so lonely now that his mind was filled with thoughts of her.

But the king felt guilty for his thoughts and would try harder and harder to please his queen. He would buy her the finest silks and the finest jewels. She did not respond to these things with favor. He would ask her to walk with him in the vast gardens of the palace, but she found the gardens boring. He would go to her chambers at night and have the finest foods prepared for her delight, she was not impressed. She was unhappy too. No amount of love that he could give her could soften her heart. 

Soon the king was asking the Chamber maid to walk with him. He found delight in the joy the garden brought to her. He felt his masculinity returning with each moment he spent with her. He knew she was good to him not because he was king, but because she truly enjoyed his company and was attracted to him, the man not the king. His heart began to fill again with joy. It had been such a long time that he had a heavy heart that he found himself falling in love with her. 

He found himself bringing her to his chambers for long talks, she would speak to him as his friend. He would have her meet him whenever he could find a moment to spend with her. She would always be there when he called for her. She looked forward to her times with him as well. She wanted none of his treasures, none of his wealth, none of his possessions. She only wanted to be with him. She loved him whole heatedly. She would give him small tokens of her love, a rose from the garden or a drawing she had done, these items held no monetary value but to the king it was as if she had given him a kingdom or a chest of treasure. 

One day while walking in the garden she stumbled, he reached for her and caught her. It was the first time they had touched. He could not let go of her, nor did she want him to. Their eye's locked and time seemed to stop. He pulled her to him and kissed her. His hands moved up to cup her face and the kiss that had been so long in coming was now filled with the emotions that both of them had with held for such a long time. She had never been kissed like this nor had she ever felt the way she did when she was with him. Her knee's grew weak with his touch and he found himself supporting her as he kissed her. He could feel the love she had for him in the way her hands held him and the way she kissed him. He could see in her eye's that she loved him and he loved her as well. The kiss continued. He reached down and placed one arm behind her back and the other around her legs as he picked her up and carried her to a part of the garden that was private. He laid her on the plush grass surrounded by wild flowers. He laid beside her on his side resting on an elbow as she laid on her back, and they gazed into each others eyes. They both knew that this moment would change their lives for ever. But that they were no longer able to refrain. He put his hand on her waist and pulled her to him. His hands slowly caressing her. She put her hands on his back and stroked him. Touching his body with the touch of an artist's brush to the canvas. She moved her hands to his hair and his face. They explored each others bodies so slowly and so carefully, as if they would never have a moment like this again. 

They were so consumed in each other that the sounds of the garden disappeared. They heard nothing but each others breathing and felt nothing but the touch of each other. Piece by piece their clothing came off. As their naked bodies were exposed to the other, there was no shame or embarrassment. As her body was exposed he looked with joy and love at her. All her imperfections were not seen by him. She felt comfortable with him. She felt beautiful. He made her feel that way. As his body was exposed, she looked with the same joy and love at him. He felt no discomfort either. He felt handsome, and she made him feel that way. They both touched each others naked bodies, exploring and enjoying each moment. There was no rush for intercourse as the titillation of touching each other was just as erotic as the act itself. They kissed each other again. He pulled her on top of him so that he could feel her nakedness on his skin. It felt right. It was good.

She felt his hardness beneath her and he felt the moisture between her legs. He rolled over so that he could look down upon her. As he did his body lay between her legs. He kissed her forehead, then her cheek, then her neck. He could see and feel the goose bumps rise on her skin as his kisses enveloped her neck. He kissed her shoulders. Her eye's were closed. He kissed around her breasts, licking and nibbling teasing her by not touching her nipples, he could see them becoming hard with each kiss. Her breasts began to swell and her back would arch as he pulled away between kisses. When he finally put her nipples in his mouth she let out a sigh that he knew was filled with pleasure. She reached for his head as he began to lower himself kissing her stomach and her sides. She felt his chest as it touched her moisture. Her legs opened wider to accommodate his movements. His hands held her sides with strength and yet a gentleness that could not be explained. His hands were so loving as they touched her. She felt his strength when he would guide her body as if he were molding a masterpiece. He kissed her inner thighs and she had never had this done. She was not sure what to expect. But he was confident. He knew what he was doing and appeared to enjoy it. She looked at him as he kissed her and watched as he kissed her outer lips and teased her clitoris, then she watched as his tongue explored the entire area. She was not prepared for the sensation that came when his tongue found its way inside her. Her head fell back and her body reacted involuntarily. His hands now held her hips and he raised her legs so that he could bury his tongue deeper inside her. She moaned again. He worked and played with her for what seemed a long time... She felt her body getting ever closer to cumming and with that her hips rose, her legs spread, her stomach tightened and the orgasm over came her. He stayed there, enjoying the juices that came from her. Each jolt of the orgasm feeling stronger than the last. As her body began to relax he moved up to her.... He kissed her. He held her. Letting her strength rebuild itself. As it did, he rolled over and had her again on top of him.

She began as he did. She kissed his forehead, then his cheek, then his mouth, then his neck and shoulders. She teased him kissing his chest. Licking, sucking, nibbling... His nipples became erect and she could feel his hardness beneath her. She enveloped his nipples in her mouth. She sucked on them and nibbled lightly. She worked her way down to his stomach and kissed and licked his sides and his belly. As she did she could see his stomach muscles tighten at the touch of her tongue. She kissed his legs down his left leg to his toes... She kissed each toe and kissed back up the inner leg up to his thighs then down the other leg to his toes kissing each one then up the outside of the right leg till she reached the belly again. Placing herself between his legs so that they had to spread naturally to accommodate her body. She moved down kissing completely around his hardness. As her mouth reached his balls his legs automatically rose to allow her the space she needed. She tickled his balls with her hands as her tongue darted in and out. She took one of his balls in her mouth and then the other. Then she sucked both of them in her mouth rolling them around in her cheeks. She could here him as he lightly moaned with enjoyment. The muscles in his thighs tightened. She moved up to his penis and as she did she would kiss from the base to the tip and then back down again. She made love to his penis with her mouth. He lifted his head to watch her and he could feel her love for him through her kisses. Her hands tickled lightly around his balls and then the shaft as her mouth took him in. She tasted the juices that emitted from him and savored it. She began to suck and her hands began to stroke the shaft. She felt him swell beneath her touch. She felt his balls begin to retract as his pleasure grew. She wanted him to cum in her mouth so that she too could enjoy his juices. As he grew closer to orgasm her anticipation grew as well. She felt his body begin to tighten, his hands grasped her head his eyes closed and his head tilted back as the juices that were stored inside him found their way to the surface... She felt the rush of fluid as it hit the back of her throat and felt his penis in her mouth as it throbbed and jolted with each explosion of cum that left him. She savored it and watched him as he felt the pleasure that she gave him. As she felt his body begin to relax she sucked the final drops from the tip and moved up into his arms. 

He held her with appreciation for the love she had for him, and she glowed with the joy she felt in his arms. She could feel his love in the way he touched her and held her and kissed her. Before they knew it the sun was setting. He sat up and held her in front of him as they watched the sunset together. This would only be the first of sunsets they would watch together, this they both knew. As his legs wrapped around her from behind and his arms enveloped her, they both found the peace that they had so long desired in each others arms. 

Once the sun had set he felt himself becoming aroused again. And this time without thought he laid her down, climbed on top of her and entered her. His size made her gasp at first, then a moan escaped her lips. He would not enter her completely as he wanted her to want him badly. He only inserted the tip. She held his arms and felt the muscles as they contracted with each movement. She watched his hips as they rotated and teased her. Her legs spreading farther and farther apart, hoping that they would entice him to enter her completely. But he only teased more. Her nipples were fully erect as were his. Her moisture grew and grew with each touch of his hardness. She wanted him. She craved him. He reached for her legs and her legs locked around his arms at the elbow. As he raised her from the ground he entered her completely with one steady yet powerful thrust. She gasped. He seemed to lock his hips as their groins met. He rotated his hips while he was deep inside her driving deeper and deeper. Never pulling out. Then he began to pump and grind and pump and grind until they knew that the moment was nearing. She unlocked her legs from his arms and wrapped them around his waist locking them with her ankles. His strong arms on each side of her head as he brought them both to the most erotic and powerful orgasm either of them had ever experience. As he collapsed on top of her she held him closely. She knew when she let him go that this time he knew she loved him. She knew that there would be more special moments like these and with that she smiled. He looked at her as if reading her mind pulled her close and told her to meet him the next day. He laid with her for an hour and then they dressed. He kissed her good-bye, told her he would see her the next day. He walked her to her chambers and bid her goodnight... When he got to his chambers he knew that happiness had finally found him ... and now he DID have everything... He now knew Love...


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