Sexy Sadie

You were traveling through the desert, listening to your favorite songs. You were miles from anywhere. She was standing on the side of the road with her car that had broken down. She was blonde, she wore shorts and a top she had pulled up and tied in a knot under her breasts. She had been there a while. She was hot. Her hair was up in a visor. You could see the glisten of the sweat that was covering her body. She was distressed. You pulled over to help her. As you stepped out of the truck she first laid eye's on you. She saw a handsome, sexy man. Your hair and dark skin seemed to glisten in the sunlight. There was a definite twinkle in your eye. There was an instant attraction. You asked her what was wrong. She filled you in on what caused her to be in this predicament. You checked under the hood. As you moved wires, checked fluids, she found herself mesmerized by you. She giggled nervously. Once you had checked all you could and had her try to start it once again, you realized the only thing left to do was offer her a ride into the nearest town. She hesitated only for a moment. There was something about you that she knew she could trust and the desire she felt for you was overwhelming. 

She knew this would be her only chance to spend more time with you, so she agreed. She reached into the car and got all the important things out and carried them to your truck. You opened the door for her and she climbed in. You realized you were at least an hour away from any sort of help for her. She asked if you thought the car would be all right out there while you took her for help. You reassured her and she relaxed. You had her place her things in the back seat. As she reached over the seat to place them on the back seat her top rose to expose just the bottom of her bare breasts. You knew she was attracted to you and yet you were to uncomfortable to make a move. She asked you to wait for a moment so that she could get something out of the bag in the back. She got on her knees on your seat and turned around rifling through the bag. The shape of her backside and the sight of her bare legs aroused you. She got what she had wanted and thanked you for waiting. As she buckled the seat belt around her, the shoulder strap lay perfectly between her breasts making the shape of them clear. 

You turned on the air to cool her. As the air got colder her nipples began to harden. Her nipples were large it was as if she didn't notice how hard they were getting. Your hardness grew... She bent forward to let the cold air hit the back of her neck as her hair fell forward. Every move she made appeared to stimulate you. As you conversed she looked over at you. She noticed the bulge growing in your shorts. She wanted you. She wanted it. She knew she would probably never see you again and the inner desire she was feeling began to overwhelm her. She knew that you were too much of a gentleman to make the first move, so if there was to be a move, it had to be hers. She offered you a bite of her sandwich. You accepted. She unhooked the seat belt and moved closer to you. She said you drive I will feed you. You accepted. As she tore a piece of the meat from her sandwich, she fed it to you leaving her fingers on your lips for only a moment longer than needed. She placed a bite in her mouth and licked her fingers slowly, enticing you with each swipe of her tongue. She tore another bite for you and this time put her fingers in your mouth for you to lick. You did. She knew you wanted her too. She gave you too big of a piece of meat slowly putting it in your mouth. Instead of tearing the meat to make it smaller, she moved to your mouth with her mouth and placed one end of the meat in her mouth. She got to where your lips touched and she bit the meat and moved slowly away. She was making the moves. You sat back and enjoyed. Knowing you would know when to join in. 

She asked if you would be offended if she took off her blouse as the heat was really too much for her. You said, "No, not at all." She undid the knot she had placed in the shirt that lay under her breasts and let the shirt fall. She slowly grabbed the bottom of the shirt and pulled it over her head. As her arms rose over her head her breast seemed to respond immediately to the rush of cold air from the dash. At that same moment you heard a moan of pleasure come from your riding companion. Mmmmmmmmmmmmm! Thank you she said. This is SO much better. You agreed. She said she had noticed an ice chest in the back and did you happen to have bottled ICE water? You said you did. The Ice Chest was immediately behind your seat. She asked if she could have one. You said of course. She again got to her knees on the seat and reached over the seat for the ice chest. As she did, she brushed your bare shoulder with her breast. She asked you if you would like one and of course you agreed. She turned around and handed it too you, once again brushing your shoulder with her breast. She undid the plastic that protected the cap. She opened it and handed it to you. She opened hers and as she poured the ice cold water into her mouth, parts of it poured out the sides making a stream down the outsides of both breasts. Her nipples became FULLY erect. And a slight giggle escaped her. She said OOPS!!! She undid the zipper on her shorts to wipe the water from her stomach. She didn't rezip them. 

She asked if she could sit next to you. You agreed. She moved close to you. She grabbed the water bottle from between your legs and as she did her fingers lightly brushed the large bulge in your shorts. She offered to help you to drink the water. You opened your mouth. AS IF SHE PLANNED IT...she Accidentally missed your mouth and the water dropped perfectly to the area she desired. She moved quickly to wipe it off and when she got a good feel of what lie beneath the shorts she moaned and said OH MY!!!! She let her hand stay and massage the entire area, completely forgetting about the water or the reason for her hand to be there in the first place. You felt a rush of heat with each movement of her hand over that area. You never said a word. But your face spoke volumes. You liked what she was doing. You were just as turned on by her as she was by you. She was enthralled with the enormity of your erection. 

She reached without words to your belt and undid it. She reached for the zipper and Carefully undid it too. As she tugged at each side of the shorts you lifted your hips to release the tension and to allow the shorts to expose the one thing she was intent on having. As your shorts cleared the seat, so did your underwear, she placed her foot on the gas pedal to allow yours to free yourself from the clothing. She pulled them off and neatly put them behind her over the seat. As her eye's found what she had been seeking a moan of pure pleasure escaped her lips. She lifted your shirt. She began kissing and nibbling on your nipples. She was so excited. You could feel almost an electricity coming from her mouth. With each lick, nibble and kiss you felt a 
stimulating shock. It was wonderfully exciting. Your cock was craving for her touch. She waited... She savored the moments with your chest. Your driving became a chore rather than routine. You really had to concentrate in order not to wreck the vehicle.

She moved back to the passenger side of the vehicle. She reached inside the waist band of her shorts and lowered them just a bit and began to fondle her own breasts. Her hands started slowly circling each breast. Never touching the nipples. Always leaving you a perfect view. Goose bumps rose on her skin. Her eye's closed. Her left hand continued circling her breasts, 
almost in a figure eight. Her right hand slowly crept beneath the shorts. Out of view but completely obvious as to their location at each moment and movement. She was completely consumed in her own pleasure, knowing with her pleasure would come yours. Her legs parted. Her left leg rested on the back of the seat as her right leg lay touching the door. Her right hand moved 
slowly, methodically. Circling, caressing and stroking herself. Her mouth parted as her breaths became short and her mouth was becoming dry. She licked her lips to keep them moist. She bit her lower lip. She was going to cum. She moaned. She pulled her hands from her shorts before she could reach orgasm. She put both hands in the waist band of the shorts and lowered them to the floor, exposing for the first time her wet pink lips. Placing her legs where they were before she resumed masturbating. She wanted you to see her cum. She moved her foot to your crotch and began to stroke you with her toes as she played with herself. It didn't take long to reach the same plateau that she was at before. Your hands reached for her calf. You stroked it as she stroked you and herself. There was a rhythm that was set. She wanted you to experience her orgasm with her. She began to moan, first with her mouth shut.

As she grew closer her mouth opened and she said... I am going to cum. Her fingers dove inside of her. Stroking and diving deep inside her. She was saying only "Yes" "Yes" "Yes."... Her legs tightened and her head fell back and her fingers dove as deeply as they could inside her and she held it there while the rush of orgasm overtook her. She was cumming. You loved it!!!! You were rock hard. As her breathing resumed to normal she pulled her fingers from inside her and placed them carefully in her mouth and then put them back inside herself to give you the flavor of her juices. As she rubbed her fingers on your lips your mouth parted and your tongue tasted... As one hand was in your mouth the other was finally touching your cock. She tickled all around the area. Up and down on your stomach. Inside your thighs. She wanted you. You were ready. She lowered her head till you felt the warmth of her mouth as it surrounded your cock. She sucked it as if she were taking a big stick fully and sucking all the juices as she pulled away. She kisses the head as she lowered her head even farther. With her hands she spread your legs farther apart so that she could lick your balls and take each of them separately into her mouth. She licked the area where your thighs meet your groin. She kisses, licked and sucked. Savoring each moment. Her tongue 
darting in and out of her mouth with precision. Your cock was so fully erect that you thought you would explode with the simplest of touches. She made you wait. She made you want more. She knew just when to move to prevent you from reaching orgasm before SHE was ready. Her tongue moved up the shaft circling the head. Sucking occasionally. Her hands (one on your balls, the other holding you and stroking you) moved with such ease and grace. Her mouth enveloped you. She knew you were close and this time she was ready. She sucked and stroked and caressed as your balls tightened. Your thighs 
became rigid, your driving became erratic and without ability to control it any longer you said, "Oh I am going to cum" With those words, she buried your cock deep in her mouth, her right hand held your balls and her left hand stroked deeper and harder feeling the moment approaching. She longed for it. Between her lips she felt the throbbing of your cock as your juices were exploding into the back of her throat. She held on. Wanting it all. As you released all of your juices and your orgasm dissipated you realized that this was the first time you had ever experienced oral sex while driving. You liked it. As a matter of fact you Loved it. SO DID SHE. She pulled away and lit you a cigarette. It never tasted so good. 

She laid back with the look a cat would have after eating the canary. She was thrilled. She wanted more. So did you. You were getting closer and closer to town and as you were with in 10 min she began to dress. She gathered your shorts and helped you into them first. She got you squared away before thinking of herself. As she began to dress, first her top, then her panties, then her shorts, she got you more ice water to quench your thirst. You were being pampered and loved it.

You realized that you couldn't say good-bye so quickly, so as you approached town you noticed a motel. You pulled in and said you would be right back. Once you returned you asked her if she would like to shower. You told her you got a room so that she could freshen up and relax since it would be at least 2 hours before they would have her car in the shop. She agreed.

Once inside you called the station to have the car towed in and gave them the number of the hotel and asked that they call when the vehicle is REPAIRED. She got her stuff in from the truck as you were on the phone and went into the bathroom to start the shower. She came out as you finished the call and asked if you would like to shower with her. Before you answered, you took her in your arms and kissed her and held her close. This was the first time you could actually feel her so closely. You wanted to touch her as she had you. She found herself weak with your touch and her knee's grew weak. She used you for balance as your kisses continued. They were so passionate. She loved being able to put her arms around you while you held her. She undressed you as she backed you into the bathroom. The heat from the shower was already fogging the mirrors. Your clothing was just being dropped and thrown as each step grew closer and closer to the shower. As your last piece of clothing hit the floor she felt your hardness rubbing against her. She reached and opened the shower door as you both stepped inside. The water running off of your head and onto her was hardly noticed as your kisses never broke. She wrapped her leg around you and your hands reached lower to grasp her ass as you lifted her to enable her to wrap both legs around you. You placed her back against the shower wall and she felt your hardness beneath her. She felt the throbbing inside her mount as her anticipation of you entering her grew. Your cock searched and searched for a home and as she moved it found it's spot. She held on to your shoulders and as you entered her, you felt her hands as they grasped at your shoulders. The absolute pleasure she felt as you entered her was obvious. As you pumped and pumped she rotated and moved all the while holding you as if she never wanted to let go.

You were in control and loved it. You wanted her to experience all of your pleasures. You turned around and had her back to the water as you shut off the water and opened the shower doors. As you were inside of her you carried her to the bed and carefully laid her down on her back. You pulled out and kissed her chest and neck down her stomach and lower. You spread her legs and buried your head arousing her completely. 

Before she knew what had happened she was on her stomach. You grabbed her hips pulling her upward. You entered her again. Holding her hips as you slowly drove your cock deep inside of her. Once she was as wet as you thought she could be you again pulled out. Sliding the tip of your cock over her backside. She wanted you inside her. Begging you to enter her. You eased your cock into the back ... slowly.... so slowly as not to hurt her. You wanted to fill each orifice and once inside you would have. She didn't say NO she didn't ask you to stop. She welcomed you. Her legs spread even more as to give you more access. She was anxious for you. YOU LOVED THAT. As you got deeper and deeper you heard her satisfied sounds of joy. She said, yes ... deeper.... oh yes..... You grabbed her hips and drove your cock inside her fully. Slowly pulling in and out. She let one hand rub her clit as you gained momentum .... She was close ... so were you... She begged you to cum as she was close too. You said.... soon.... She felt your cock begin to throb and expand. She felt her own orgasm mounting ... she reached back and grabbed your ass to pull you in deeper. She wanted you deep when she would reach her orgasm... It was time. She said now... Deep.... oh god yes.... With those words you couldn't hold back... You said "I am going to Cum" She said "YES" and you did ... you felt her clamp onto your cock as her orgasm took control of her body. You felt the moment which only made your moment greater.

You drove completely inside and held it as you burst inside of her. You held her close to you as you both began to recover from the simultaneous orgasm. As your body finished she felt the weakness overcome you and helped you to lay down. She once again returned to the shower and turned on the water. She came back and kissed you deeply and helped you to the 
shower where she leaned you up against a wall in the shower and scrubbed your body. She wanted you to relax. As she finished with you she got out and got a towel and dried you off. She led you to the bed and laid you down. Said she would be right back. 

She got back in the shower and cleaned herself and as she got out and dried herself, you had fallen asleep. The phone rang. She answered it, her car was done so she got her things and left. You never heard the phone. When you awoke, she was gone. You knew she was someone that you didn't want to live without. As you got yourself dressed you thought... I have to find her. When you got to your truck there was a note that said:

I can't tell you how much I enjoyed our time together However, I do have to tell you that our meeting was NO accident
Your friends sent me as they knew where you would be and They knew what you had been going through They thought we should meet. The rest was my idea. If you would like to see me again My number is in your glove-box. I will thank your friends when I see them again.

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