Sexy Sadie

You sweep me off my feet with your kisses.. You make me melt.... In this case you must... So the kissing and the fondling start and our hands explore each others bodies as we kiss and as the heat builds... It must reach a certain plateau in order for the rest to work ... as you feel the temperature in the room rise and as you feel my body getting moist ... and as you feel my passion rise you then lay me down on the bed... Face Down.... You bound my arms to the posts on the bed ... but you give me enough leverage to be able to sit straight up on my knees... You place pillows beneath my stomach.. so as to elevate me to a comfortable height for you. You start by sitting in front of me and ORDERING me to place you in my mouth.. I do.. You have a strap that is laying with in your reach ... that is for the times I do not OBEY your orders... I take you in my mouth and you guide me with your words and hands... Telling me EXACTLY what you want me to do... I kiss your cock with the passion that I would kiss you with. When you have had enough you tell me to STOP. You rise ... you spread my legs apart.... And you start to kiss and nibble and lick me ... as soon as I start to get close you stop..... you won't let me reach that orgasm that I so desperately crave... You grab my hips, you raise them to the right level and you slowly tease me with your hard cock.. rubbing it on my clit and getting it wet from my moisture ... you rub it on my backside getting it as wet as the front ... back and forth until I am begging you to enter me... You spank me ... hard ... wanting me to be quiet and let you make the decisions... As you hold my hips and you know I am ready and wet... You enter me from the front ... knowing I want you in back. You drive your self deep inside me..... with one powerful thrust ... then you pull out. I am in ecstasy ... wanting you so badly in back. You put it there and slowly work your way in the back. Once in.. you thrust deeply there ... holding my hips firmly with your powerful hands you continue to drive yourself to that orgasm that we both love... Faster and harder and deeper until you can't contain it any longer and you cum inside me ... as I rise in ecstasy you grasp my breasts in your hands and kiss my neck and we both lay forward in complete exhaustion ... as you exit my body I roll you on your back and get the WARM wet cloth to clean you. Of course I start where it is needed most then I exchange towels and clean you totally head to toe... Where you close your eyes in total exhaustion and sleep.... I cover you and cuddle you until you awaken the next morning ... then I wake you with......


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