Phil Chugg
Mon, 22 Dec 2003
Hi Audrey,

My name is Phil Chugg and I was at Uni with Bryan in Newcastle from 1964 to 1966, when I left the art school.

In 1964 we started a Blues group with Bryan called
"The City Blues Jug Blowers" playing clubs like the "Manhole Club" at Wallsend, the "El Cubana" and "Blue Note" club in Sunderland. I was the piano player. 

I now live in Tasmania, Australia.

Sunday, 4 January 2004
Hi again Audrey,

Unfortunately, I don't have any photos of my time at university with Bryan. I was in the Art School with Bryan and I think we thought ourselves too 'cool' to take photos of that sort .... plus the clubs we played at were basically dark and smokey, and we weren�t famous so nobody took photos of us.

Some weekends when we didn't have 'Gigs' we would take our 'beat-up' old VW Kombi over to the Lake District for a change of scenery.

I have to say though that even back then Bryan was putting on the 'Mr Suave' act.

I got a letter to him about 10 years ago with a tape of a female duo I was involved in recording, and he sent me a card in reply from the Rome Hilton.

These days I do 'Voiceovers' for radio and TV ads, Graphic Design for print ads and teach keyboard. So even though I'm 58 I have an interesting life.

If you want to see a current photo and hear my voice please visit:
or, to go straight to my page click on the link below.

I remember my four years in Newcastle with great fondness as a very special part of my life, and imagine Bryan would as well.

Signed Phil Chugg

Reproduced with the kind permission of Phil Chugg: Copyright 2004
A Close Friend of Bryan Ferry
at Newcastle University
Phil Chugg now lives in Tasmania
Here you will find lots of web pages about
Bryan Ferry and Washington,
the town in which he grew up.

Audrey Fletcher
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