Pok�mon The Song-Japan's

I'll go through flames, floods, weeds, forests                                 The soil, clouds and under the skirt of the girl (scream)
And through here, through there
And through here, through there
A long, long road to go
To get Pocket Monsters
Good-bye, my home
I'm starting with the cute guy (Pikachu!)
Win and win with a trained ability
Go to a new town with new friends
Success is not guaranteed
                  (A matter of course)
What's the matter?
You, monsters always go all I'll go through out
The flames, floods, weeds, forests
The soil, clouds and under the skirt of the girl(forget it)
And through here, through there,
And through here, through there
A long, long road to go
To get Pocket Monsters
Tired, I say good-night
I close my eyes and am reminded (Pikachu?!)
That through fanned flames and a storm
Hearing you monsters
I battled
Old days they said that yesterday's enemy is today's ally
But today's ally is an aeon ally
I wanna be a great Pocket Monster trainer!
...I should be!
I heard someone telling the dreams come true with the
    sound of music
....A bud would bloom,
....I would see my dream come true.

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