Cloud and Tiffa

   Tiffa and Cloud grew up together in the town of Niblem untill Cloud was 15 and left to join SOLDIER.  Tiffa was very popular with all the boys in town, but had a crush on quiet unpopular Cloud.  Tiffa was Cloud's only friend and he liked her too, but was to shy to tell her. 
    One night he met her on top of the water tower to tell her his plans about joining SOLDIER.  Tiffa was disappointed about this and made Cloud promise to always be there to save her if she needed a hero.  Cloud did not quite understand what she ment, but agreed.
    When Cloud returns after being missing for so long, Tiffa is overjoyed and begs him to join AVALANCHE.  She flirts a little with him during the start of the game and reminds him of his promise to look out for her.  Things seem to be going good for then untill Aeris steps into the picture.  Aeris is so out-front with Cloud that It makes Tiffa very  jelious because she cant be like that.
    After Aeris' death  she still stands by Cloud and is the one who helps with all of his anguish and in his coma when he finds out the truth about everything. Cloud found out durring the flashbacks in his coma that he  had saved Tiffa that one day at the Nebelhem Mako Reactor by defeacting Sephiroth. In the end it seems that Cloud needed Tiffa and Tiffa needed Cloud.

Want to type a better story for this couple? E-mail me


#1 Very cute Dojinshi cover  with flowers around them

#2   Same pic on the top of the page

#3   Cute (and very edited) dojinshi cover.  Big Tiffa with a small Cloud in the back

#4 This one is a cute dojinshi cover of them kissing on a bed.  Tiffa's PJs are cute ^_^

Fan Art

#1    Very nice fanart (well it was two, but I put then together) of Cloud and Tiffa posing         By Phil


None yet


none yet.  If someone can hook me up with a movie of when they have that flashback I would appreciate it ^_^


Cool stone cast of Tiffa

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