Regular Expression Parser

Regular expression parser
took me about 12 hours
from scratch
ignoring about 4 hours being braindead...
Why? Am I insane?
I've always got all turned around when trying to use other regular expression parsers, so I wrote my own one, this one is diferent to others in that it logs what matched which part of the rule (you choose), so you can learn what matches so you can tweak your rule to work the way you want it. Also you can use it so that when it matches a test string, you'll know where the section is as it is part of the output. Included is a test project of 290 tests so if you change any part of it you can see if it still works :-)
File Size: 7350
Version 1.0
Date: 3rd Jan 2004
Requirements: gcc (or similar), make (or make your own project file)
10829regex.cregex code
2351regex.hregex headers
385base.hsimple c definitions
26557main.c290 tests code
610Makefilemake Project file
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