Frequently Asked Questions

Is this for real or is it a joke?

PN: This is not a joke. I use humor to discuss serious issues.

What is this about ?

PN: If you didn't read the "about the nun" page, here's a brief explanation: I say, "Our culture presents sex as a necessary obsession and treats people as objects for consumption. I want to fight back by infiltrating culture with a better message...promoting the freedom of Self Respect and Self Control." I seek to purify the mass cultural stimuli marketed to us at every moment. I want to fight the filth of advertising and entertainment that promote an unhealthy self indulgence and unrealistic expectations of women. Because it is impossible to eliminate degrading and negative images, I wants to combat this negative marketing with my own alternative marketing. My marketing promotes self respect, self control, and respect for sexual intimacy. My moral standards are ideal guides for living by and ways to protect yourself from negative consequences, and not as a judgement of lifestyles.

I want to encourage others to look into the messages that are marketed to them. Think twice about what people are trying to convince you of regarding body image and sexuality. Do not be obsessed with your physical appearance, but rather focus on bettering your heart and mind, in order to better serve those around you and know how to love others. Restrain yourself in regards to sexual intimacy in order to protect your heart.

We live in a culture that promotes narcissism and selfishness. Advertising encourages satisfying your every selfish need, and exploits women, trying to convince you that sex is one of those needs and you should have what you want.
Sex is NOT a need. You will not die or wither away from a lack of it.
Sex is not your right. You have no right to force intimacy from anyone else, and you do not owe sex to anyone.
Sex is a gift from God that is made perfect when it is between two people that taken a vow to be there for each other for life.
Sex is a MARRIAGE. Coitus is the original marriage. This is because of how powerful of a connection it is. It is not to be taken lightly. It is not just something you do, that you can walk away from, or remove emotion from. How many people could you marry and divorce, and expect to walk away without burdens on your heart?

Are you Anti-Sex?

PN: No, of course not. I'm very PRO-sex. I just have high standards for the use of sex. I believe sex is a sacred, precious, amazing thing.

Sex is not bad in itself, but it is a powerful thing. It can add enjoyment to or harm a person's life. Sex between two people with no commitment to each other is just an empty physical act based on selfish gratification.

Sex was meant to be a sacred covenant that bonds a married man and woman as one and adds enjoyment and fulfillment to their relationship. The marriage relationship is the natural and most ideal setting for an enjoyable sex life because of the level of trust, intimacy, commitment and knowledge of each other.

What do you say to people who have already had sex?

PN: I should hope people realize that my message is not only for virgins.

A person can always walk away from any past choices and start new. Virgins do not have a claim on purity. You can decide to leave your past behind and become "virgin again," and be made pure again.

If you have had sex, I want you to understand that Jesus offers a place of healing and a clean slate through his grace.

What about the issue of SEXUAL COMPATABILITY?

PN: I've talked to people about this a lot. This is a fairly recent (in the last 10 years) question. I think that this question comes out of the multi-partner lifestyle. First, this question is irrelevant to 2 virgins. They will learn together. But regardless of whether they have had partners in the past,for a couple to attain sexual pleasure in marriage, these things are NECESSARY:

1. they must both decide to be committed to the idea of monogomy,(for those with past partners, this will be more challenging, and I would suggest that they have each been abstinent for at least 3 years before getting married).

2. They must COMMUNICATE with each other in bed. -Tell your spouse what you like and don't like. If you are not happy sexually in marriage, than make sure you are not faking pleasure to appease the other person, and not communicating with them!

3. They must be committed to the idea of UNCONDITIONAL love, as was said in their marriage vows...

The problem with the idea of "Sexual Compatability" is that it is based in desires of self gratification. Marriage is about wanting to be partnered with someone through life, and ready to be with them through thick and thin, sickness and health, times of pleasure, as well as challenging times. Too many people now leave a partner because things have gotten too stale or challenging. Usually,this is just a matter of a person's SELFISH nature, not wanting to stick with that person, and work things out-or believing that things are supposed to be like they've seen it in a Hollywood movie.

If 2 people are committed to being with each other, they will figure out how to please each other- Usually the person that knows how to please their lover best is successful because he/she is thinking more about what the OTHER person would want (A SELFLESS attitude).

The problems I've seen in too many relationships is that the guy is moving too quick,(moving faster when HE feels ready), not making the woman feel comfortable, never getting her heated up enough with foreplay affection for her to opened up and relaxed enough to achieve orgasm.

So...I would say that if you are worried about "sexual compatability" before you know if this is someone you want to love for life, this is the first problem. Just like asking: What if the person was in a car crash and became a parapalegic? What if they developed cancer? What if they are "bad" in bed? These are all possible things that can happen in a marriage, and things that a loving partner should be ready to handle, and work on with that partner that they have promised their life sickness and in health,...In passionate enjoyable lovemaking, AND in awkward lovemaking moments.

If I want to wait to have sex, how far can I go sexually?

PN: The question should not be "How much can I get away with? but "What is the best thing to do?"

You have to set a black and white line for yourself which you discuss and agree with that person that you will not cross. That needs to include specifics like, what touching is allowed where, and what positions you will stay away from. For example, you could decide to not go beyond kissing, but do you want to be kissing while laying down and rubbing up against each other?

This should be based on knowing what will wet your pants and make your judgement blurry because you're drunk in the moment. Some people are more microwave-style, and will get turned on and ready to go from kissing. Others are more crock pot-style, and need more time and touching before the heat gets cooking.

Do you agree with masturbation?

PN: Again, the question should not be "How much can I get away with?" but "What is the best thing to do?"

I do not talk much about this issue, because my convictions are based on Gods guidelines in the Bible, and masturbation is not mentioned specifically in the Bible, so I think it is a gray area, and one which God has let us decide for ourselves. I think about the idea of a pure lifestyle. I go by the verses that say (ideally),we shouldnt gratify the flesh.

What is your stand on gay/bi-sexuality?

PN: The idea of abstinence or chastity can be used in any relationships for health and emotional safety.

My message seems to apply more to heterosexual relationships.
But, please know that I don't talk about this issue because it is not really my concern and I do not act as judge. As the Word states "Do not judge, or you too will be judged." I do think it is relevant that when looking into the Bible for guidance on the homosexuality issue, there is hardly any verses that talk specifically about it. The Bible generally speaks in terms of "sexual immorality" and talks more often about "adultery." Jesus did not even talk about the issue of homosexuality specifically, and puts more emphasis on telling people to love others, than pointing out their "sins."
Homosexuality should not be targeted by the church, and should not be such a political issue. When I look at the teachings of Christ, I see a lot more emphasis on the rebuke of those who seek greed and worry about money, and those who do not believe in him, or reject His name.
If Jesus did not focus on this issue,why is it that the modern church is so preoccupied with it?

Why are you a PINK nun?

Not only do I really like pink, and like to stay hip to whats in style, there is a better explanation through

"The color pink usually serves two purposes. It can be used to show childish innocence, or a characters child-like personality. It can also be used to show a more flirtatious personality.  Pink is normally a color associated with girls and femininity. Pink is considered a color of good health and life - we speak of people being "in the pink" or the "freshness" of a newborn babe. "
Also, the other color in my habit, white, is also symbolic. "White is a sacred and pure color.  It's the color of angels and gods, as the color reflects that which is sacred and pure.  White can also represent reverence and purity." (Source: Henry Dreyfus). Lastly, pink is associated with sexuality, and purity.  That is, a girl who is a virgin in heart and body. Pink is symbolic of pure love, for example.

Are you a Christian?

PN: My convictions are based on my faith in the teachings of Christ. It is not about the laws of religion, but a choice to know and follow Jesus and his example of love and purity.

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