Sister Phil

Name: Phil E.

Age: 21

Virgin for 21 years.

Sexual story:

I've been blessed to be able to say that I have been able to stay chaste. Sometimes temptations come my way, but God got ahold of me early and never let me go.

Why did you want to join the convent?

I really like nuns...and who better to represent the message of chastity than someone who exemplifies it in daily life-to the point of taking a vow. Joining the convent would be a solid "vow" that I could take to exemplify my own God-given desire to live a chaste lifestyle.

What is your definition of sexual purity?

Abstaining from improper/UnBiblical sexual relations with others, as well as activities, actions, or thoughts that could lead myself or others to sexual sin.

Member since: July 4, 2004

Email: [email protected]



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