AGE: 44

1. The word "Virginity" is often associated with negative connotations.
What is YOUR definition of "virginity"?

Virginity = the state of being pure and untouched
Virginity is a commitment and a stand one takes in one's life. It is not based on whether one's hymen is intact or not.

2. How is this different from "Sexual purity?" Can anyone be sexually pure, no matter what their past choices have been?

Sexual purity, in my opinion is the same as virginity. And yes, Purity and Virginity is a decision based on the present - now - not in the past.  However, Sexual Purity and Virginity is NOT the same as abstinence or celibacy.

Being Virgin or Pure, is the combination of abstinence or celibacy combined with a commitment to respecting the sacredness and holiness of sex. Also you are respecting your body as a sacred instrument, a temple containing the spark of God.  After all, we are all made in the image of God, right? As a person who is Virgin or Pure, you decide to engage in sex only inside holy matrimony, with your spouse. Period, end of story.

3. What types of physical intimacy are permissible for you, or what is going too far?

That is such a tough question, as I do not yet have a serious relationship with a man yet.  I would say kissing, hugging and hand holding are OK. Anything more than that should be avoided, since it just flames passion. At least, I know I couldn't handle it! Passion can be channeled in less sexual ways, though. Cooking a really good meal for your lover (yes lover, check Song of Solomon), going out for a gourmet meal, traveling to someplace with astonishing natural scenery (mountains, ocean, etc.) listening to the CSO play Beethoven or Mahler, going to see Romeo and Juliet....

one needn't be sterile and dried up if one is a Virgin, God forbid!  Please let's all turn to the Song of Solomon in the Bible, thank you.

4. Is it hard to be a virgin? Why do you believe it is worth the wait?

No, it is not difficult, in my experience. But then, I think it is a lot harder when you are 18 or 21 and the hormones are stronger.  And YES, it's worth the wait. I wish I would have had this attitude and commitment back then.  My life would have turned out differently, I believe. At least I would not have gotten so beat up emotionally and spiritually in my relationships with men over the years. And my self esteem and self respect would not have needed so much work.  Yes, it's most definately worth it. But I think most people will go through what I did before they have the strength and will to make good on their commitment to virginity.  If they ever get that far!

5. Have you been in any relationships that have affected your desire to wait for marriage? Do you ever wonder if you'll ever get to have sex?


  The last two relationships was the straw that broke the Casual Sex Camel's back! A  I was sleeping with 2 different guys, and I realized we were all just using each other as a "feel good" flesh and blood drug. Just pop some sex and feel great! Right. Get your high, coming up. And do I mean coming and up. hehehe.  It was just so sleazy. I felt like a frikkin carnival ride.  Then after that I went home for Easter Sunday,April 2003, just me and my dad. Who is about 80 years old now. He bought me an old fashioned gardenia corsage to wear to church, opened doors for me, cooked me breakfast, spoiled me rotten, listened to my Dad, showed me by example, as a good father should show his daughter, how a real man treats a real woman. With love and respect, without a sexual agenda as a payoff.

The next day, when I returned home, I declared myself a Born Again Virgin. And I never looked back. I have absolutely no regrets.  Thanks Dad!

6. Is there anything that helps you each day with your decision not to have sex? 


 Yes!  Since declaring and acting on my decision to be a Born Again Virgin in April, 2003, I have had a profound increase in my self respect and self worth.  I am more focused, have more energy, am clearer-minded, and take much less crap from men.  And guess what? People, particularly men, treat me better. But it begins with yourself and your own self worth. Since I consider myself a Golden Goddess, saved for one very lucky man, well, men sit up and take notice now. :)

7. What are some words of advice for someone who wants to wait?


 Free sex is a lie and a betrayal. Don't fall for it, no matter how good or right or special it may feel in the moment.  The facade always fades in a week or a year and leaves you feeling empty and used.

It is difficult, but the payoff is so worth it. Stay tall and proud and stand your ground, girl!  Men will respect you, but most of all, you will respect yourself.  When you claim Virginity and Purity for yourself, you will gradually realize just how precious, special and valuable you really are. God will show you. 

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