Virgin in Waiting,

Farrah, Age16 Moline, IL

1. What is your definition of "virginity?" TOTALLY being pure from sexual intercourse until marriage.

2. How is virginity different (or the same) as sexual purity? I think it's different from sexual purity because sometime's people just round bases...

3. What types of physical intimacy are permissable as a virgin,(or what is too far to go)? Eh...I'm not quite sure on that topic. I think going past kissing is too far. But it really depends on your opinion, religious outlook, etc. For me, I don't go past kissing. You have to know what your limits are.

4. What would be a good enough reason for you to give your virginity away? Being married. That's good enough.

5a. Is it hard to stay a virgin? (How do you avoid letting it get out of control in a relationship? Oh yeah! My boyfriend and I aren't alone together at all. Always group dates, bedrooms are off limits, etc.

5b. and Why do you believe it's worth the wait? Not only because I'm a Christian, but because sexual intimacy (not intercourse...but touching, etc.) has caused too much stress in past relationships.

6. Do you believe your standards are best for everyone? Yes

7. What are some words of advice for someone who wants to wait? Look for some one that's not going to push you into sex...I know that's a hard thing to do these days...but just try. Know your limits...and when dating, don't be alone together! Makes temptation less likely.

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