Virgin (again):

Katie, Age 17, Palm Desert, CA

1.  What is your definition of "virginity?"  

Being pure in mind as well as trying to be pure in body.

2.  How is virginity different (or the same) as sexual purity?  

 Because they both involve purity. It is hard to be one without being the other.

3.  What convinced you to stop having sex, and wait?  

Meeting someone I actaully love. And also God was telling me that a life of meaningless sex was jsut not for me.

4.  What types of physical intimacy are permissable for you and in what situation?  

try not to go beyond kissing, but since i am human, I do mess up sometimes.

5.  Is it hard to wait, since you have had sex before? (and how do you avoid letting it get out of control in a relationship?

 yes. But since i find my strength in God, he makes the temptation easier to escape from, also having a partner who wants the same thing makes it whole lot easier to not get out of control.

6.   Do you believe your standards are best for everyone?

 Yes. But I know not everyone would like them.

7.  What would you say to someone who thinks they need to experience sex or multiple partners before settling down with one person?  

DONT MAKE THE SAME MISTAKE I DID! Think of it like this, you are sleeping around with someone elses future wife/husband. sick.

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