The McDonnell Douglas AH-64D is the newest version of the Apache, and, like its predecessor, the best AT weapon on the field, exactly the best Attack Helicopter in the world.

The most distinctive item which make the difference is the Westinghouse Longbow mast-mounted radar, integrated with the Hellfire ATG missiles with intelligent heads. The former Apache was fitted with IR target traking, which is not as effective through heavy smoke or rain conditions. The first contract with US Army schedules the delivery of 227 Apaches begining in 1997. The Boeing Factory in Mesa, Arizona, is capable of producing 12 choppers a month in peace times. The external market includes direct deliveries to Netherlands and Unites Kingdom. In April 2000, 117 AH 64Ds were already delivered to US Army, 10 to Netherlands, and eight to U.K. Also Singapore planned to order eight longbows, and Israel anounced plans for upgrading his AH 64As to AH 64Ds Longbow.

The Longbow is for now the only fourth generation attack helicopter in the world. Its new radar and integrated fire control system allows to fix up to 256 (Jane says 256, Boeing itself claims 128) targets on the pilot's tactic display. The target data can be managed by the system or just by the advanced hellfire missiles head, which means that the pilot can Fire-and-forget the missile, and keep tracking other targets while the hellfire flies toward its objective with an impact rate above 90%. The new radar also scans 360° constantly for aerial targets and 270° for ground targets. This system works superbly in almost every weather condition, or through heavy smoke. This chopper is also fitted with devices to mask its thermal signature and electronic counter-measures.

Tech Data:

Powerplant: two 1.447kw GE T700-GE-701C TurboShafts Dimensions: Length 17.75 m; Heigth 4.95 m; Main rotor diameter: 14.65 m

Weights: MTOW 10.105 Kg; Average Mis. Load 6552 kg.

Performance: 261 km/h; Max Climb Rate: 474 m/min. Service ceiling; 3800 m; Flight time: depends on auxiliary fuel tanks .

BOEING says that as a result of flight and combat tests, they can affirm that the AH 64D Longbow:

- Are 400 percent more lethal (hitting more targets) than the AH-64A, already the most capable and advanced armed helicopter in the world to enter service.

- Are 700 percent more survivable than the AH-64A

- Meet or exceed U.S. Army requirements for both target engagement range and for probability of acquiring a selected target. The specific requirements and results are classified.

- Can easily hit moving and stationary targets on an obscured battlefield at maximum range, when optical systems are rendered ineffective.

-Can use either its Target Acquisition Designation Sight or fire control radar as a targeting sight, offering increased battlefield flexibility.

-Have the ability to initiate the radar scan, detect and classify more than 128 targets, prioritize the 16 most dangerous targets, transmit the information to other aircraft, and initiate a precision attack — all in less than 30 seconds.

-Require one-third less maintenance man-hours (3.4) per flight hour than the requirement.

-Are meeting a 91 percent readiness rate — 11 percentage points more than the requirement.

The longbow can variate its ordenance, but its air-defence capability consists in two AIM-9 Sidewinder missiles, or four smaller Sidearm, Stinger, Mistral AAMs. To the Hellfire missiles adds four rocket pods with 76 70 mm FFARs for soft targets and one M230 30 mm Chain gun with up to 1200 rounds. It can be fitted also with up to four fuel auxiliary tanks.


Don't you think AH 64 D Apache Longbow is the fastest chopper in the world. Just check its technical data and compare it with its predecessor, AH 64 A Apache. The Longbow is meaningfully slower. Its Climb rate also is lesser than that of the first Apache. That may very well be because that is not neccessary at all, with all that firepower capability and increased range, the Longbow doesn´t need to be faster. Instead, the maximun weight has been increased to carry more weapons. Also, the Longbow is toughest, better armoured, increasing survivability.

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