All I Want
Choreographed October 2000 by Denise Stone
Description: 4-Wall, 32 Count, Intermediate/Advanced Line Dance
Choreographed To: "Come On Over (All I Want Is You)" by 'Christina Aguilera' (124bpm) (CD: Single)
Alternative Music: "Steal My Kisses" by 'Ben Harper' (103bpm), "The Way You Love Me" by 'Faith Hill' (102bpm)
Counts Step Description
1-8 Hip Roll, Rock & Cross, Triple Turn, Step, Pivot
1-2 Begin counter-clockwise hip roll rolling hips from left to right, Continue hip roll ending with weight on left foot
3&4 Step right foot to right, Return weight to left foot, Cross and step right foot over left foot
5&6 Step left foot to left, Step right foot next to left foot, Step left foot to left turning 1/4 wall to left
7-8 Step forward with right foot, Pivot 1/2 wall left shifting weight forward to left foot 
Forward Mambo, Back Mambo, Walk, Walk, Coaster Step
1&2 Step right foot forward, Rock weight back to left foot, Step right foot next to left foot
3&4 Step left foot back, Rock weight forward to right foot, Step left foot next to right foot
5-6 Step right foot forward, Step left foot forward
7&8 Step right foot back, Step left foot next to right foot, Step right foot forward 
Rock, Step, Step, Rock, Step Back, Touch, Pivot, Sailor Shuffle
&1-2 Step left foot in place, Step right foot in place, Step left foot forward
3-4 Rock weight back to right foot, Step left foot back
5-6 Touch right toe behind left foot, Pivot 1/4 wall right keeping weight on left foot
7&8 Cross right foot behind left foot, Step left foot to left, Step right foot to right 
Weave Right, Rock, Weave Left, Sweep Turn
1-2 Cross left foot behind right foot, Step right foot to right
3-4&  Cross left foot over right foot, Step right foot to right, Return weight to left foot
5-6 Cross right foot behind left foot, Step left foot left turning 1/4 left
7-8 Sweep right foot counter-clockwise beginning a 1/2 turn left, Complete 1/2 turn left stepping right foot a shoulder width from left foot.

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