AM to PM 
Choreographed by Rob Fowler and Paul McAdam UK
Description: 4-Wall, 48 Count, Advanced Line Dance 
Choreographed to: "Am to Pm" by 'Christina Milian' (CD: Single) Intro: Start after 64 counts as Christina sings 'Everybody wanna get down...' 
Counts Step Description
Monterey, rock & cross, turning flick, swivels
1,2 Touch right toe to right side,  full turn to right on left foot bringing right by left
3&4 Rock left to left side, rock onto right, cross step left over right
&5 Touch right toe to right side, 1/4  turn to left on left as you flick right up to rear
Step forward on right
7&8 On balls of feet, swivel heels right left right to make a 1/2 turn to the left
Coaster, kick, turning hitch, switches, heel twists
9&10 Step back on left, right by left, step forward on left
11&12& Kick right forward, kick right heel back, 1/4 turn to right on left foot and hitch right knee, step right by left
13&14 Touch left to left side, step left by right, touch right to right side
15&16 Touch right toe forward with heel twisted to left, twist heel to right, twist heel to centre
Look down & up, kick, coaster turn, kick-cross-unwind
&17 Look down, look forward
18 Kick right foot forward
19&20 Step back on right, step left by right, turn 1/4 to right on left foot as right  foot steps across in front of it
&21 Step left to left side, cross step right in front of left
22,23 Kick left to left diagonal, cross step left over right
24 Unwind 3/4 turn to right
Out-out, knee rolls, roll, travelling applejacks
&25 Step back and slightly out on right foot, step left to left side
26  Roll right knee in
27&28 Roll right knee out, in, out
29,30 Step 1/4 turn to left on left foot, 1/2 turn to left on left stepping back on right
31 Make a 1/4 turn to left on right foot stepping left to left side with both toes out
&32& Toes in, out, in as you travel to the left
Turning steps
33,34 Step right diagonally forward, 1/4 turn to left as you touch left by right
35,36 Step left diagonally back, 1/4 turn to left as you touch right by left
37,38 Step right diagonally forward, 1/4 turn to left as you touch left by right
39,40 Step left diagonally back, 1/4 turn to left as you touch right by left
Skaters, shuffle, rock, 1 1/4 turns
41,42 Right skater step travelling slightly forward, Left skater step travelling slightly forward
43&44 Smooth shuffle to right (right, left, right)
45,46 Rock forward left over right, recover onto right
47 Make a 1/4 turn to left stepping forward on left foot
48  Full turn to left on ball of left foot, ending with right by left.
Complete dance 4 times. After count 16 on the fifth wall (you will be facing the back) place arms by sides and raise to head height over four beats - then start dance again.
End of Dance:
You will end the dance facing the back wall, at count 32&.Whilst doing the applejacks put arms to sides and hold elbows to sides with arms out - hands facing forwards when your heels are together, hands in and elbows out when toes are together
(like the old space invaders!).

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