Anything Is Possible
Choreographed By Stephen Sunter
Description, 48 Count Intermediate Linedance
Music: Anything Is Possible By Will Young (double A side Single)
Counts Description
Rock, Side Step, Rock Side Step, Rock ¼ Turn, Step ½ Pivot, ½ Pivot Step Back
1&2 Rock right behind left (1) Replace weight to left (&) Large side step right (2)
3&4 Rock left behind right (3) Replace weight to right (&) Large side step left (4)
5&6 Rock right behind left (5) Replace weight to left (&) Make¼ turn right stepping forward (6)
7&8 Step forward left (7) Pivot ½ right (&) Pivot ½ right stepping back on left (8)
Rock, Side Step, Rock Side Step, Rock ¼ Turn, Step ½ Pivot, ½ Pivot Step Back
9&10  Rock right behind left (1) Replace weight to left (&) Large side step right (2)
11&12 Rock left behind right (3) Replace weight to right (&) Large side step left (4)
13&14  Rock right behind left (5) Replace weight to left (&) Make¼ turn right stepping forward (6)
15&16  Step forward left (7) Pivot ½ right (&) Pivot ½ right stepping back on left (8)
  Rock Replace, Rock Replace, Cross Unwind, Rock Replace
17&18 Rock back right (1) Replace weight to left (&) Step forward right (2)
19&20 Rock forward left (3) Replace weight to right (&) Step back left (4)
21-22 Cross right over left (5) Unwind ¾ turn left (6) (end with weight on right)
23&24 Rock back left (7) Replace weight to right (&) Step forward left (8)
Step Right, ½ Pivot, Step Right, Full Turn, Rock Replace, Back Lock
25&26 Step forward right (1) Pivot ½ left (&) Step forward right (2)
27-28 Full turn forward stepping Left (3) Right (4)
29&30 Rock forward left (5) Replace weight to right (&) Step back left (6)
31-32 Step back right (7) Lock step left over right (&) Step back right (8)
Rock Replace, ¾ Turn, Cross Step, Sway Hips
33-34 Rock back left (1) Replace weight to right (2)
35&36 Step left foot forward a 1/2 turn right (3) Step right foot back a 1/4 turn right (&) Cross step left foot over right (4)
37-38 Step right to right and sway hips right (5) Sway hips left (6)
39&40 Sway hips right (7) Sway hips left (&) Sway hips right (8)
Rock Replace, ¾ Turn, Cross Step, Sway Hips
41-42  Rock back left (1) Replace weight to right (2)
43&44 Step left foot forward a 1/2 turn right (3) Step right foot back a 1/4 turn right (&) Cross step left foot over right (4)
45-46 Step right to right and sway hips right (5) Sway hips left (6)
47-48 Sway hips right (7) Sway hips left (8)
Begin Again!!!
Re-start On the second wall, you only dance 40 counts of the dance. Finish on counts 39 - 40 with the single hip sways and re-start the dance at count 1.
Tag:  At the end of wall 4, there are strong beats for 6 counts:
Hip Bumps with Attitude.
1-2 Bump hips right (1) Bump hips left (2)
3-4  Bump hips right (3) Bump hips left (4)
5-6 Bump hips right (5) Bump hips left (6)
Remember dancing should be fun; you can do your own thing on the 6 count tag.

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