Choreographed March 2000 by Kathy Hunyadi USA & Max Perry USA
Description: 4-Wall, 32 Count, Intermediate Cha Cha Line Dance
Choreographed To: "Arriba" by 'Joee' (CD: Single - LP Version)
Counts Step Description
1-9 Side, Together, Forward Turning 1/4 Left, Side, Together, Side; Rock Step; Locking Triple Back
1-2 Step L foot to left side, Step R foot next to L
Step L foot forward while turning 1/4 to left
4&5 Step R foot to right side, Step L foot next to R, Step R foot slightly to right side
6-7 Rock forward on L foot, Recover weight to R foot
8&1 Step L foot back, Cross step R foot over L, Step back on L foot
10-16 Locking Triple Back; Rock Step; Right 3/4 Turning Toe Touches
2&3 Step R foot back, Cross step L foot over R, Step back on R foot
4-5 Rock back on L foot, Recover weight to R foot
With weight on ball of R foot, touch L toe out to side turning 1/4 to right
& Hitch L knee slightly
Turning 1/4 to right, touch L toe to side
& Hitch L knee slightly
Turning another 1/4 to right, touch L toe out to side
              (Your weight remains on the R foot throughout the turn, just touch the toes of L foot to floor and hitch the L knee very slightly to complete the 3/4 turn right.)
                            Note:   For styling on the last touch, you can "flick" the L foot out diagonally back!
17-23 Step, Touch, Together; Step Forward L; Triple Forward R, L, R, Right 1/2 Turn
&1  Step L foot home (&), Touch R toe out to right side (1)
2-3 Step R foot next to L, Step L forward
4&5 Step forward on R foot, Slide L up to & behind R (third position), Step forward R
6-7 Step forward L, Turn 1/2 to right, Step R foot in place
24-32 Cha Cha Twinkles (3 Sets), Kick Ball Change, Left 1/2 Turn
8&1 Step L foot forward & across R, Step R slightly to side, Step L foot next to R - body angled to left
2&3 Step R foot forward & across L, Step L  slightly to side, Step R foot next to L - body angled to right
4&5 Step L foot forward & across R, Step R slightly to side, Step L foot next to R- squaring off to wall
6&7 Kick R foot forward, Rock back on ball of R foot, Step L foot in place
Step forward on R foot while turning 1/2 to left - weight remains on R.

Tango Time! (16 Counts):
There are two times in the song where there is a dramatic change in music.
Do 3 repetitions of the 32 counts then the bridge,then 3 more repetitions of the 32 counts then the bridge.After that continue with the 32 counts until the end of song.
1-8 Step, Hold, Walks, Lock/Ronde, Back, Back
1-2 Step forward on L, Hold
3-4 Walk forward R, L
5-6  Lock R foot behind L while starting Ronde' (sweep) of L foot from front to back
7-8 Step back on Left, Step back R - toes turned out slightly
9-16 Cross, Point, Step, Hold, 1/4 Turn, side, Drag
1-2 Cross step L over R, Point R toe back
3-4  Step forward on R, Hold
5-6 Step forward on L while turning 1/4 to left, Step R to right side
7-8 Drag L foot to meet with R - weight stays on R.
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