Choreographer :Patricia E. Stott
Description: 4 Wall Intermediate dance
Music: How Deep is your Love – The Bee Gees or Take That, If I never Stop Loving You – David Kersh (Fever 7)
Counts Description
Cross, rock, Chasse left, Cross, Rock, Chasse right
1-2 Cross left in front of right, recover onto right
3&4 Step left to left, close right to left, step left to left
5-8 Repeat steps 1 – 4 commencing with right foot
Cross, Turn, Lock step back, Close, Forward, Shuffle forward
9-10 Cross left in front of right, step right to right turning ¼ left
11&12 Step back left, cross right in front of left step back on left
13-14  Close right to left, step forward on left
15&16 Shuffle forward – right, left, right
Full turn to right, Shuffle forward, Rock forward, Large step back, Drag, Close
17-18 Step forward on left, pivot ½ to right (weight on left), pivot ½ turn to right and step forward on right
19&20 Shuffle forward – left, right, left
21-22 Rock forward on right, take a large step back onto left
23  Slowly draw the right to left (dragging the toe along the floor)
24 Close right to left (with weight)
Rock left, Recover, Cross behind, Side, Forward, ½ pivot left, Shuffle forward
25-26 Rock left to left, recover onto right
27&28 Cross left behind right, step right to right, step forward on left
29-30  Step forward on right, pivot ½ to left transferring weight onto left
31&32 Shuffle forward – right, left, right
Weave to right, Ronde, Weave to left, Hold
33 – 34 Cross left in front of right, step right to right
35 – 36 Cross left behind right, ronde right foot  from front to back)
37 – 40 Cross right behind left, step left to left, cross right in front of left, hold
Forward on left, ½ pivot right and hook, Shuffle forward
41–42 Step forward on left, pivot ½ turn right & hook right in front of left leg
43&44 Shuffle forward – right, left, right
Cross, Back, Rock to left, Recover on right
45 – 46 Cross left over right, step back on right
47 – 48 Rock left to left, recover onto right
Start Again.
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