The Personaliy Test!
Get a pen or pencil and a sheet of paper for the PERSONALITY TEST!!!!! At the end of the test count up the amounts of As,Bs,Cs,Ds,Es,Fs,Gs,Hs,Is, and Js and click the letter that you got the most of at the bottom! Have FUN!
#1. If your personality was described in 2 words what would those to words be?

a. Wise and Playful
b. Caring and Cautious
c. Funny and big-tempered
d. Understanding and Strict
e. Weird and Out of Control
f. Comedian and Care-free
g. Confident and Out-going
h. Conniving and Mysterious
i. Gentle and Easy-going
j. Sarcastic and Competitive
#4 What kind of people are your friends?

a. People that are sort of confused, and that need my help.
b. Understanding people.
c. Someone that will pair up with me where ever I go!
d. Wise and playful people.
e. We( hint: hint) have each other.
f. Funny people.
g. Sarcastic people.
h. I don�t have friends..except those who I eat!
i. Someone I can talk to and just hang out with.
j. Over-confident but sweet and laid-back people.


#2. Free time?

a. I�m a big planner� If anyone needs to throw I party, I�m there.
b. Baby-sitting
c. I like to eat yummy snacks
d. Being the leader/therapist and all around helper, wherever and whenever I can.
e. Cracking jokes, getting in trouble or looking for something�
f. Rooming around singing..and having a jolly good time!
g. Doing things I�m not supposed to do
h. Making plans to my success
i. Working but on a flexible schedule
j. Playing with my friend
#5 What is your motto or quote that displays where you stand? (this gives away who the person was� that�s why I put it last!)

a. Ah, yes. The past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it, or - learn from it!
b. X-na on the oopisay!
c. At your service my liege
d. They will always be there to guide you� and so will I.
e. Make mine, a CUB sandwich!
f. Motto? � Oh! Oh! I know my line: I dunno, what�s the motto with you! AhHAHAHA..ahem.
g. Besides, this is my kingdom. If I don�t fight for it, who will?
h. No, fool. We�re going to kill him -- and Simba too�
i. If you were HALF the king Mufasa was!
j. Well, we don�t. Simba�s the rightful king.
#3 What is your weakness?

a. Cant think of it at the moment
b. I get caught up in too many things
c. I have am VERY self-conscious about what I am
d. I trust everyone
e. I get influenced easily
f. I�m slightly cowardly and I steal other people�s ideas
g. I am over confident
h. I am very self centered
i. I am over-protective
j. I am to curious
Mostly As ---- Mostly Bs ---- Mostly Cs ---- Mostly Ds ---- Mostly Es ---- Mostly Fs ---- Mostly Gs ---- Mostly Hs ---- Mostly Is ---- Mostly Js----
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