<BGSOUND SRC="http://www.geocities.com/pisspot2000_au/userfiles:/user/tarzanboy.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
The World of Pisspot
Laughter is the best medecine! Was that Shakespeare talking? No, thats Pisspot in the year 2000.This page is aimed at bringing some sort of laughts in your often boring day.Now in case you are offended,please dont come back as I wont buy flowers for your funeral! Whilst visitors of this site would originate from Mauritius,World wide audience is invited.
Please stay tuned while I try to make your day(Clint shut up)....
or your night! (Moniiiiiiiiiiica where are you?)
If my cat can spare a good time so can you!
Visit Cyclone cafe, Indian Ocean web link
Forum at ile-maurice.com
Best ONLINE Auction go to:
English Premier League News
The links bellow are not suitable for children under the age of 13!
Jokes pages
Best Clinton Jokes
Mauritian newspaper
Le Mauricien
A Monkey world
(Pictures sent by poildeQ)
Mauritian in Toronto
Mauritian in Toronto 2
Click for the woman of your dream
Political laughter by Malokere
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