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PSP 5 (with some modifications), 6 or 7 Selections
Magic Wand Flood Fill
Layers Inner Bevel
Alpha Channel

 Step 1: Using the magic wand with the setting  as shown, you will need to select both the moon and the star. PSP5 and 6 users will use "All Pixels" from the drop down menu.
Holding down the control key, place your cursor on the moon, and then on the star. You should now have marching ants around both images.

Step 2: Go to Selections/modify/contract 2 pixels then save to alpha channel. 
You can choose to name the selection if you want to. If you are working on a bigger project where you have saved several selections to the alpha channel, you should name each one. 
For this tutorial, this will be the only time that you will be saving to the alpha channel.
Step 3: Don't deselect yet. Click the undo button one time.  Add a new raster layer and then hide the layer with the moon and stars. You should see the marching ants and you need to make certain the new layer is the active layer as demonstrated in the picture below.

On your new layer go to selections, modify, and expand 10 pixels.

Step 4: Flood fill this new selection with a solid color. I usually use white. Next you will go back to the sections menu and load your save selection from the alpha channel. The marching ants will move to your previously saved selection. Hit the delete key on your keyboard and then select none.

Step 5: Use the magic wand tool again and select all pixels. You can now either flood fill with a solid color, gradient, or pattern of your choosing. I am going to flood fill with a dark blue. Keep this area selected because you will need it whether you go to step 6a or 6b.
PSP6 & 7 users go to step 6a PSP5 users go to step 6b
Step 6a: PSP6 users go to Image, effects, inner bevel. PSP7 users go to effect/3d effects/inner bevel. I used the metallic preset. 

Step 6b: Note: Since my PSP6 crashes immediately after opening, I'm not going to be able to do any screen shots for this. Add another new layer. This is a work around that won't create quite as pretty of a frame, but will work.

Part 1: Go to image/effects/cutout

Shadow Color: White

Horizontal 1, Vertical 1

Opacity 67, Blur 5

Part 2: Go to image/effects/drop shadow

Shadow Color: Black

Horizontal 1, Vertical 1

Opacity 80, Blur 3.7

Step7: PSP5-7 users: Go to selections/select none (control +d) so that you have no selections. Re-enable the moon and star image. Merge visible.

Congratulations! You are now ready to place your framed odd shape on the background you desire or add anything else that tickles you. 

Download the PDF of this tutorial here.
Download Free Acrobat Reader here.

Updated 02/06/02
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