Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Deal With The Devil
The mattress creaked shrilly beneath Anya, groaning in protest from each impact of the girl's naked body upon it.  Anya arched her neck, her sweaty, brown hair plastered to the pillow as Blackhart pounded between her open legs, his mouth slurping loudly on her gleaming left breast.
The Watcher fondled Anya's right buttock and thigh with his left hand, his other hand tugged on the panting girl's slick tresses, his tongue ran along the curve of her neck, tasting her flushed skin.  Anya held tightly onto Blackhart's strong back, squeezing his powerful hips with her slim, firm thighs.  She felt Blackhart's cock swell within her cunt, the member shivered, ready to release its load.  Blackhart pulled back painfully on Anya's long hair, thrusting faster into her pussy, grunting with exertion.  Anya flexed her pelvis, driving the Watcher's shaft deeper into her belly, moaning as it massaged the surface of her vagina.  Panting against Anya's creamy shoulder, Blackhart climaxed, his pelvis shuddering while semen squirted from his member into Anya's milking hole.
Blackhart squeezed Anya's chin between two fingers and kissed her roughly, his tongue invading her warm, gasping mouth.  Anya reached between the Watcher's legs and stroked his softening cock.  Parting from Anya's lips, Blackhart lay next to her, catching his breath, idly caressing one of the girl's sweat-slick breasts with a fingertip.
"Eve confirmed that the address you gave me is correct, I thank you," murmured Blackhart,
combing back Anya's thick hair with his hand.
"My magic?" prodded Anya, rolling on her side to face the sated Watcher.
"I cannot return your amulet to you, but I can give you back a measure of your former power."
"Yes?" smiled the girl, her eyes wide and bright with desire.
Blackhart said nothing more, he rose from the damp mattress, dressed, then turned to face the expectant demon girl.  He removed an engraved, golden ring from the pocket of his vest, he gently placed it in Anya's open palm.
"Wear this ring, it will give you the power you desire."
"How does it work, what does it do?" asked Anya, holding the ring before her curious face.
"You must discover that on your own, but be careful," warned Blackhart. Straightening his coat upon his shoulders, the Watcher left Anya's small apartment, leaving the girl on her bed admiring her new artifact.
"Can I have her now?" inquired Eve with a pretty pout.
"No, I may have need of her later," replied Blackhart, climbing into the driver's seat of the rental.  "Where is the Slayer?"
"On patrol, she hunts in the local cemeteries, where the vampire nests are most plentiful."
"Then that is where we will hunt for her," smiled Blackhart, starting the sports car's engine and roaring down the street.
Buffy sprinted after the vampires, her breasts bouncing underneath her gray halter top.  Leaping from the top of a headstone, Buffy landed on top of a male vampire and jabbed a stake into his torso, the body immediately exploding into ash.  Most of the other vampires continued to flee, but one male spun and hissed at Buffy.  He charged the rising girl, lashing out with a kick that caught her on the left cheek.  Buffy spun and fell, the vampire dropping on top of her and pinning down her wrists.
"See you in Hell, bitch!" drooled the vampire, fangs stabbing towards Buffy's exposed throat.
Buffy rammed her right kneecap into the vampire's crotch.  The vampire howled while Buffy rolled away from him and leapt to her feet.  Buffy brought down her right heel that snapped the vampire's neck, she kicked him onto his back and thrust down with her stake, destroying his black heart.
Warm ash floated like mist around Buffy as she tried to see where the other vampires had fled.  She just caught sight of a straggler entering a mausoleum and closing the door behind him.
Buffy raced to the crypt and tugged on the large iron door.  The portal refused to budge until Buffy used more of her strength, shattering the lock and yanking the door open. 
The stench of decay and dried blood assaulted Buffy's pert nose.  She made a disgusted face and cautiously entered the mausoleum, her sharp, dark green eyes searching for waiting undead.
Buffy failed to find undead, but there were plenty of dead littering the floor of the crypt, their bodies emaciated and gray, the dry flesh peeling from their bones.  Buffy tried to ignore the corpses and concentrated on searching for a secret door, drawing a flashlight from her leather jacket and flicking it on. The golden-haired young woman played the beam across the floor and around the single marble tomb in the center of the mausoleum.  Buffy frowned when she noticed that the dust upon the tomb had been disturbed.  She pushed the lid of the tomb open easily, smiling in satisfaction when she didn't find a corpse lying inside, but a shaft that descended deep into the earth.  Buffy swung one slender leg over the lip of the tomb before climbing inside and using a rotting wooden ladder to follow the retreating vampires.
Even though Buffy was careful and took her time, she was still twenty rungs from the bottom when the rungs she was holding and stepping onto crumbled like dry clay beneath her fingers and shoes.  Buffy fell and slammed onto the hard dirt, her vision blurring and her left side a mass of twisted agony.  Buffy shook her head to clear it and scratched at the dirt wall, pulling herself to her feet.  She could move her left arm and leg, but they were sore and flexed reluctantly.  Buffy grimaced as she picked up her fallen flashlight, slashing the beam around her.  A rough tunnel filled with a thick tangle of roots seemed to be the only exit, Buffy ducked down to avoid hitting her head and entered the shaft, pushing away thick tendrils with her sore arm.
The tunnel eventually opened into a circular room dug from the earth.  The chamber was filled with garbage and pieces of torn furniture, there was a faint smell of water in the air.  Buffy was tentatively stepping over some empty, ripped boxes when the vampire sprung, leaping from behind a ruined couch to slash at the Slayer.  Buffy leapt back, kicked the flying vampire onto his back, and stabbed down once quickly.  As the first vampire flashed to ash, a second vampire burst from a pile of garbage, tackling Buffy and forcing her to the floor.  The vampire punched Buffy in the face, then started choking her, both hands squeezing on her throat.  Buffy slashed the tip of her stake across the vampire's pale neck, cutting it open in a spray of dark blood that splattered across Buffy's face.  The vampire released Buffy to clasp his gushing throat, Buffy punched her dripping stake into his chest, the undead flared into flame and ash.
Buffy rolled onto her right arm, coughing harshly, rubbing her bruised throat. The female vampire came out of nowhere, smashing a stiletto-heeled boot into Buffy's face, knocking her unconscious.
Eve knelt next to the senseless Slayer, brushing away golden hair to expose Buffy's warm neck.  The vampire held Buffy's head, her fangs lowering toward the girl's tender flesh.
"Don't even think about it," warned Blackhart, hands in coat pockets as he picked his way through the garbage-strewn floor.
Eve released the girl's head and backed away from Buffy's body, her cruel features melting back into her more pleasing human visage.
Blackhart knelt next to Buffy, he combed her golden hair away from her angelic face.
"You are a pretty thing," smiled the Watcher, his right hand roving over Buffy's limp form, squeezing a breast, stroking a slim thigh.
"There are more vampires about, Master," reminded Eve from her post in a darkened corner.
"Yes, there is much work to do," replied Blackhart, picking up Buffy's light body and holding her against his chest, leaving the lair with Eve trailing behind.
Blackhart sat on the edge of the bed, admiring the Slayer's beauty.  He took her right arm and carefully inserted the syringe, injecting green fluid into Buffy's bloodstream.  The Watcher rubbed the entry point with an alcohol-soaked cotton ball, lowering her arm back onto the clean, white, silk sheet. Blackhart leaned over Buffy and kissed her freshly washed hair before taking her right wrist and slipping it into the heavy, iron manacle.  Binding the girl's left wrist with a matching restraint, the Watcher tugged down the silk sheet covering her nude body.  Blackhart snapped manacles over each of the Slayer's ankles, then took a moment to caress one slender calf.
The Watcher went to the bedside table to open the spell book and find the incantation he required.  Reading with one finger sliding down the page, Blackhart nodded to himself and picked up the jar of demon blood.  Returning to his seat on the bed next to Buffy, Blackhart dipped the tip of his index finger into the thick, black blood and began writing sigils upon Buffy's flesh, surrounding her breasts, writing a single, flowing line of glyphs from her cleavage to her crotch.
Buffy roused with a groan, her eyes fluttering open to take in the canopied bed she lay on, the manacles binding her limbs, and the strange man writing in blood upon her body.
"Do not speak," murmured Blackhart. 
Buffy obeyed, her jaws frozen shut before she could protest.
The Watcher wrote a line of sigils down each of Buffy's legs before putting away the jar of blood.  Buffy tugged on her manacles, but felt strangely weak, as helpless as a kitten.  Buffy's eyes widened in alarm when Blackhart started taking off his clothes.  The naked man climbed onto the bed with Buffy and knelt between her outspread legs, his cock hardening as he reached down with both hands and stroked Buffy's thighs.
"I bind you to me, Slayer.  You will obey my will, you will obey without question," chanted the Watcher, his hands tightening around Buffy's slim thighs.
The sigils grew warm on Buffy's skin.  She moaned softly, tugging frantically on the unyielding manacles, the demon blood glowing all over her body.
"The Magic binds you to me, the Magic makes us One," recited Blackhart, his hands running up Buffy's sides, over her ribs.
Buffy's lips quivered, she fought to scream, to shout her defiance, but she could not, she was imprisoned by the man's spell.
Blackhart grasped his stiff cock and rubbed it against the lips of Buffy's pussy.  He groaned with pleasure, the tip of his manhood dipping into Buffy's sex, the warm flesh of her cunt tender and yielding.  The Watcher gathered several drops of cream from his prick and placed the glistening finger upon Buffy's trembling lips, smearing his semen across her mouth.
"You will obey, now and forever," prayed Blackhart, his face illuminated by the burning sigils on Buffy's nude body.
The runes burned angrily, searing Buffy's flesh.  She screamed, a raw cry of despair as the demon blood was absorbed into her skin, binding her to the Watcher.  Blackhart smiled and kissed Buffy, stifling her scream, his lips cool and hungry on her mouth.  The Watcher's hands crushed Buffy's tits, they slipped underneath her and grasped her ass.  Buffy whimpered at first when Blackhart penetrated her, his thick cock stabbing deep into her cunt, but with each body-jarring thrust her revulsion faded, she began to enjoy the violent pumping between her bound legs.
Buffy wrapped her fingers around the chains attached to her manacles, she started thrusting with her hips, her pussy tightening around Blackhart's shaft until he grunted in a mixture of ecstasy and pain.  Buffy panted huskily, licking her lips, eyes smoldering with lust as she rubbed her crotch on the Watcher's, honey dripping down her thighs, her brown nipples swollen and stiff. Thrusting remorselessly, Blackhart hugged Buffy's waist with his left arm while he groped the Slayer's tits with his free hand, pressing the round flesh over his face, licking and nipping the moaning girl's nipples, driving her mad with arousal.  Buffy threw back her head and moaned sharply, thrusting her breasts up for Blackhart's mouth to devour, her pussy yielding to each push of the man's cock, squeezing his member as it swelled and throbbed. 
Blackhart licked between Buffy's breasts, his tongue leaving a trail of saliva across her hot flesh as he licked down to her tiny belly button.  He wrapped both of his powerful arms around Buffy's thin waist, slamming into her harder and harder, his penis enfolded by the girl's incredibly tight, clenching cunt. Buffy moaned weakly, her eyes closed in ecstasy, her breasts trembling with each pelvis-crashing impact.  Blackhart gritted his teeth and thrust one last time into Buffy, exploding inside her, filling her vagina with jizz until it spilled out to coat her gleaming inner thighs.
Buffy gasped, arching her back, her ankle chains shaking from the orgasm that ripped through her body, melting her pussy and freeing a river of honey that joined the fluids already drying on her sticky thighs.
"Can I help you?" asked the ticket clerk with a warm smile.
"Three for London," replied Eve, coiling a strand of dark hair around one finger.


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