Lara Croft/Danger Girls: Lady in Distress
by PJ
Chapter 1
The heavily fur-garbed travelers trudged through the crusty snow, making their way across a blinding, white tundra.  The taller traveler consulted a map, then waved her companion forward, resuming the long, weary trek north.  The daylight didn't last long, before the travelers knew it the weak sun was already disappearing beneath the bleak, flat, western horizon.
The tall woman kept walking, undeterred by the darkness that now blanketed the tundra.
The shorter companion of the woman struggled to keep up, not wanting to lose sight of his employer.  He swayed from the heavy gear strapped to his back, his booted feet plunging deep into the stiff snow.  Concentrating on moving, the bearer almost crashed into the woman when she stopped, her face surveying the area before her.
The snow plain dropped away into an enormous, circular depression that seemed to have a circumference of miles.  The bearer crouched next to the woman, the eyes behind his goggles widening at the sight of the ice-covered ruin.  A ziggurat rested at an angle within the center of the depression, four shattered pillars marking each of its corners. 
The woman turned toward the bearer, opening a pack to retrieve a knotted line and a scaling hook.  She shoved the hook into the snow, making sure it was solidly in place before tossing the line over the side of the depression. Pointing down with one gloved hand, the woman grasped the line and jumped over the side.  Sighing, the bearer took the line and more cautiously began his descent, the pack heavy against his broad shoulders.
The woman flicked on a flashlight, slowly advancing through the wide, open entrance of the arctic ziggurat.  The bearer turned on his own flashlight, playing it across the ice-draped walls.
Defrayed light glowed everywhere within the icy passage as the two explorers penetrated the ziggurat's heart, entering a sphere-shaped room with steps leading from the entrance to a raised dais.  Sitting at the summit of the dais was an enormous diamond, a diamond the size of a beach ball.  It glowed with a faint blue light that emanated from its heart.  For several moments, the woman and the bearer could only look at the diamond, in awe of it.  The woman moved first, descending the steps to the dais, reaching out to take the prize.  The bearer walked to the woman's side, opening a pack for the diamond.  The woman tenderly placed the diamond in the pack, then zipped it shut.  The duo left the chamber, carefully taking the same route they had come from.
Snow blasted over the two explorers when they made it back outside.  The woman shielded her goggled eyes, peering through the powerful windstorm to see what was generating it.
A long, black helicopter sat at the foot of the ziggurat, black-clothed soldiers emerging from its belly like maggots out of dead meat.  The woman opened the flaps of her waist holsters, ready to draw the gleaming pistols within them.  The bearer crouched close to the woman's right leg, trembling with fear.
The soldier struck without warning, raising a rifle and shooting the woman in the right arm with a dart that pierced her heavy clothing.
The woman stumbled immediately, the poison moving quickly through her body.
The bearer grabbed the woman's right hand, frightened for her.
Another soldier leveled a rifle at the bearer, shooting him three times in quick succession.
The bearer released the woman's hand, falling bonelessly to the snowy surface of the ziggurat landing.
The staggering woman drew her left pistol, blasting the soldier who had slain her bearer.
She fell to her knees, grasping the bearer's scarf-covered face.
"Machk!" gasped the woman.
Machk smiled, gently stroking the woman's hands, before his own hands fell limply to his sides.
The crunch of snow on the staircase leading to the landing drew the woman's disoriented attention.  A tall man dressed in a flowing black overcoat stopped at the head of the stairs, looking down at the woman dispassionately. Black-garbed soldiers flowed around the man, aiming weapons at the swaying woman.
"Bastard," slurred the woman, her left arm shaking as she tried to raise her pistol.
The man didn't move, he stared at the woman, his short, pale blonde hair snapping in the wind created by his chopper's whirring blades.
The poison finally claimed the woman, she slumped over the dead bearer, pistol falling from her slack fingers.
"Take her," ordered the man, turning back to board the waiting helicopter. *****
"Nice place," observed Abbey Chase, arms held behind her back as she followed the butler through the ornate doors of the mansion.
"Yeah, a bit much for me, though," shrugged Sidney Savage, running a hand through her lustrous black hair.
The alluring young women were led into a massive study, each of its walls laden with shelves of books.  The elderly butler indicated empty chairs for the Danger Girls, then departed silently, closing the study door as he exited.
"Thank you for coming on such short notice," smiled the handsome, dark-haired man behind the rich, mahogany desk.
"No problem," said Abbey, falling into her chair.  "What can we do for you?"
"I assume you are familiar with the owner of this house?"
"Lara Croft, rich heiress who is rather infamous for her treasure-hunting exploits," replied Abbey.
"Not unlike yourself and your friend," reminded the man.
"Cut to the chase," snapped Sidney.
"Very well," said the man, straightening his jacket lapels.  "My name is Barclay Stratton.  I am in charge of Ms. Croft's estate when she is away from home.  I fear that Ms. Croft has been kidnaped by a Mr. Nikolai Oldenstadt and taken to his remote chateau in the upper reaches of the Alps."
"Why not just call the police?" asked Abbey.
"Nikolai is a very, very wealthy collector of art and historical artifacts. He has more than enough money to keep the cops away," replied Sidney.
"I need you two to break into his chateau and rescue Ms. Croft.  I will pay each of you one million dollars American if you agree to the job."
"Wow," gasped Abbey, eyes wide.
"Abbey?" asked Sidney.
"Let's do it!" nodded Abbey.
Lara slowly regained consciousness.  She groaned, blinking her eyes, luxuriating beneath the thick, warm blankets.  A fire crackled in a nearby fireplace, illuminating the richly furnished bedroom.  Lara sat up, looking down to see a red silk sleeping gown over her body.  Glancing to her right, Lara saw a chair where her clothes were neatly folded, but her weapons were predictably missing.
"Good evening," said a man sitting in a corner near the fireplace, wreathed in shadow.
"Who are you?" demanded Lara, leaning forward.
"Nikolai Oldenstadt.  Perhaps you've heard of me?"
"You're a wealthy collector," nodded Lara.  "Why have you kidnaped me?"
"You're a very fine prize, Lara," smiled Nikolai, rising from his chair to cross the room and sit next to Lara on the bed.  "You're beautiful, smart, and enjoy experiencing new thrills."
"You could have just asked me out," retorted Lara sardonically.
"I'm not used to asking for something that I want.  I take it," said Nikolai, stroking Lara's bare right arm.
Lara jerked her arm away.  "I'm not another trinket for your collection!  I'm a person!"
"Does that make a difference?" asked Nikolai with an upraised eyebrow.  "Are you hungry?  I'm about to take some dinner."
Lara would have refused, but her stomach chose that moment to growl demandingly.
"Dinner is in half an hour.  I'll send a servant to fetch you," said Nikolai with a smug smile,
rising from the bed to leave the room.
The wind tugged urgently on Abbey's arms, attempting to pry her away from the mountain face.  She held on for dear life until the current died, then resumed climbing the rock wall with her scaling claws.  Sidney was a short distance above Abbey, climbing smoothly up the mountain, seemingly fearless as they hung thousands of feet off the ground.
"A million dollars, a million dollars," chattered Abbey, reaching out to bury a claw in the rock above her.
The two young women eventually reached the ledge where Nikolai's chateau rested.  Discarding their climbing gear, Sidney and Abbey sprinted toward the guard wall that encircled the
brightly lit mansion.  Sidney uncoiled her whip and snapped it over her head, catching an outcropping of stone.  She climbed gracefully to the wall top, then lowered the whip so Abbey could join her.  Panting, Abbey jogged after Sidney as the leather-clad woman entered the chateau proper, lovely eyes searching for guards or servants.
"We're clear," reported Sidney, facing Abbey as they stood in a dark alcove. "We'll cover more ground if we separate, this is a big place.  If you find Lara, bring her back here, we'll rendevous in four hours."
"Got it!" agreed Abbey.
"Good luck," grinned Sidney, kissing Abbey's left cheek before leaving the alcove and racing down the carpeted hallway.
"I guess I get the west wing," murmured Abbey, peeking down both ends of the hallway before leaving the alcove.

Lara Croft/Danger Girls: Lady in Distress
by PJ
Chapter 2
"To you, my dear," toasted Nikolai, raising his crystal glass of wine before taking a deep drink.
Lara sipped the rich, red wine, resplendent in a sheer purple gown with a plunging neckline and slits up the sides to display her long, sleek legs.
"You are a vision, Lara," complimented Nikolai, lowering his glass so he could attack his well-done steak.
"How long do you intend to keep me a prisoner?" asked Lara, biting into a freshly baked dinner roll topped with melting butter.
"Until you no longer please me," replied Nikolai, chewing on a piece of steak.
"Then what, you kill me?" glared Lara.
"You really should eat something, let the future attend to itself," suggested Nikolai, smiling warmly.
"I hate you."
"As you wish," retorted Nikolai, his smile widening.
Lara cut violently into her steak, stuffing the meat into her mouth and chewing it viciously,
glaring at Nikolai while she ate.
Abbey ducked into a linen closet, closing the door to a mere crack while two black- uniformed guards strode down the hall.  Waiting several minutes, Abbey gathered her nerve and opened the door wide, peering into the now empty passage.  Sighing, Abbey continued down the hall, taking a turn to the right and walking down a passage lined with paintings along both walls.  She reached a set of double doors, which she opened tentatively.  A bedroom lay beyond, an enormous room with a roaring fireplace, a wall length sliding glass window, and a huge four poster bed.
Footsteps sounded behind Abbey.  She grimaced, slipping into the bedroom and closing the door behind her.  Looking around frantically, Abbey dove underneath the bed just as one of the bedroom doors opened.
"Post guards outside her door, make sure she doesn't leave her room," ordered Nikolai from the open doorway.
"Yes, sir!" acknowledged the soldier, before Nikolai closed the bedroom door.
Nikolai pulled off his jacket, tossing it on a nearby chair.  He loosened his tie on the way to a small bar table, pouring himself a glass of wine, then walking to stand before the large window, admiring the mountain scape beyond the glass.
Abbey bit her lower lip, sweat beading on her forehead as she watched Nikolai.
The blonde man finished his drink, returned the glass, and climbed out of his clothes, placing them over his jacket for servants to take care of later. Naked, the man stood a moment before the fire, then approached the bed.  Abbey glanced up as Nikolai settled in, eventually the only sound in the room was the snapping logs and Abbey's pounding heart.
Abbey waited another few minutes before rolling out from underneath the bed. She crouched on the floor, looking at Nikolai who slept peacefully nearby. Abbey hesitantly stood up, walking quietly toward the bedroom doors.  The young woman was looking at the polished doorknob, trying to turn it without making a sound, when a strong hand slammed down on her right shoulder.
"Going somewhere?" inquired Nikolai, whispering into Abbey's right ear.
Abbey elbowed Nikolai in the stomach, then swung her right foot around, knocking the man back further.  Nikolai recovered quickly, reaching out to snatch Abbey's shoulders and throw her back deeper into the bedroom.  Abbey fell into a chair near the fireplace, her short golden hair gleaming in the bright firelight.
"Why have you invaded my home?" asked Nikolai, advancing on the young woman.
"You kidnaped Lara Croft!" accused Abbey, springing to her feet, dropping into a combat stance.
"And you've come to rescue her, interesting," smiled Nikolai, standing a short distance away from Abbey, unconcerned about his nudity.
Despite herself, Abbey's eyes strayed down to Nikolai's well-endowed penis. She ran her gaze back up the man's wide, muscled torso to his handsome, confident face.
"You can't have her, she's mine," stated Nikolai simply.
"Then we have a problem," retorted Abbey, stiffening her body.
"How much are they paying you?" asked Nikolai conversationally, walking to the bar to pour two glasses of wine.
"One million," answered Abbey, her eyes flicking to Nikolai's taut buttocks.
"I'll pay you five to forget all about Ms. Croft," countered Nikolai, returning to Abbey, offering her a glass of wine.
"Five million?  Just to leave?" stammered Abbey in disbelief.
"Yes.  Do you accept?" smiled Nikolai, staring boldly into Abbey's eyes, his face beguiling.
"I..I don't know," said Abbey, her face growing hot.  She drank deeply from her glass, the wine sliding smoothly down her throat.
"How can I sweeten the deal?" murmured Nikolai, moving close to Abbey, his musk thick in the young woman's nostrils.
Abbey looked up at Nikolai, her lips trembling as he took away her glass.  He grasped the back of her head with his left hand, crushing her mouth with his lips.  Abbey moaned, pressing her body next to his, her hands squeezing his buttocks while his strong right arm entwined her slender waist, his wine-flavored breath filling her throat.
Sidney smashed her left foot into a guard's throat, the man's body collapsing atop one of his comrades.  The young woman ran across the catwalk, bullets sparking against the railings as more soldiers fired up at her from the level below.  Sidney escaped the storage bay, sprinting down a dark hallway that led into the unknown.  She entered a well-lit passage that ran between two large rooms.  Glass walls allowed Sidney to see into the rooms, a tennis court to the left, a wrestling room to the right.  A woman was in the wrestling room, moving through a series of smooth martial arts exercises.
The sound of approaching guards drew closer.  Sidney swore under her breath, squeezing the handle of her whip as she charged into the wrestling room.
"Don't move!" shouted Sidney, raising her whip.  "I won't hurt you if you cooperate."
"You're not one of Nikolai's playthings," observed the woman, arching a brow.
"No, I'm looking for Lara Croft, you better tell me where she is if you know!" snapped Sidney, cracking her whip threateningly.
"I dislike little girls with no manners," drawled the blonde woman, lowering her white- sleeved arms.  "I think I shall have to punish you."
"I've got the whip," grinned Sidney maliciously, snapping her whip against the woman's left foot.
The woman's blue eyes flashed.  She jumped into the air, spinning toward Sidney in a ball before uncoiling and smashing both feet into Sidney's chest. Sidney went flying, crashing into the wall length window, the thick glass cracking from her impact.
The woman smiled, hopping forward, taking fistfuls of Sidney's suit and hurling her through the air toward the opposite wall.  Sidney landed heavily on the mat floor, the breath knocked out of her.
Guards halted on the other side of the window, watching.
The woman bent down, grasping a handful of Sidney's hair and slapping her hard across the face. 
"Do you want us to take her away, Ma'am?" asked a soldier tentatively from the open doorway of the workout room.
"No, I'll handle this one myself," smiled the woman cruelly, still holding the unconscious Sidney up by her hair.
Nikolai dragged off Abbey's tunic before kissing her ravenously on the lips. Abbey raked her nails over Nikolai's chest, her lips sucking deeply upon the powerful man's mouth.  Nikolai unclipped Abbey's white lace bra, tugging the cups aside so he could fill his palms with the young woman's warm tits.  He kissed her briefly, then fastened his mouth against the side of her neck, his lips caressing her creamy skin as his hands fondled her heaving breasts.  Abbey rubbed her small palms over Nikolai's hard buttocks, her crotch sliding against his stiffening prick.
While rubbing Abbey's right nipple between two fingers, Nikolai sucked hard upon her left tit, his right hand sliding down her clenched belly to her wet sex.
Abbey moaned deeply when Nikolai slipped his hand inside her pants, his fingers caressing her swollen cunt lips.  He kissed her again, hot and overpowering, as he crushed her right breast, his right index finger scratching her shivering clit.  Abbey wrapped her arms around Nikolai's waist, pumping her pelvis forward, forcing Nikolai's finger harder against her throbbing clitoris.
Nikolai pulled off Abbey's pants while she tossed away her open bra.  He slid Abbey's soaked panties off her slim legs, then pushed her limbs apart as he knelt between them.  Lowering his face to Abbey's crotch, Nikolai began licking her cunt, moaning with pleasure as he tasted her nectar.  Abbey clutched at the bed sheets, arching her back, groaning loudly, her naked body shuddering from the touch of Nikolai's caressing lips.  Nikolai stroked Abbey's legs as he sucked on her labia, his cheeks glistening with the young woman's honey.  Abbey writhed upon the bed, breathing harshly, sweat gleaming on her white skin. Nikolai sucked gently on Abbey's engorged clit, making her gasp in bliss.
Kneeling up, Nikolai grasped his cock and positioned it in front of Abbey's pussy.  Abbey spread her lithe legs wide, stroking her clit as she waited for Nikolai to enter her.  Nikolai placed his powerful hands over Abbey's curvaceous hips, raising them slightly as he slowly slipped his cock into the naked woman's vagina.  Abbey moaned softly, biting her lower lip, feeling Nikolai's shaft slide up into her belly.  Nikolai started pumping against Abbey, his hips thrusting, his firm torso looming over Abbey while he rammed into her.  Abbey closed her legs against Nikolai's thighs, she pressed her palms upon the muscled male's sweating chest, her hips working as she thrust up, helping Nikolai's cock stab even deeper into her womb.  Both lovers moaned in ecstasy, Nikolai letting his weight fall upon Abbey, her soft tits rubbing against his chest while he kissed her
wildly, their tongues fencing as their crotches slapped together again and again.  Nikolai's thrusts increased, the bed rocked from the violence of his stabs into Abbey's slick pussy.  Abbey's moans got louder, until she screamed with release, her orgasm washing across her cunt and belly.  Nikolai groaned into Abbey's ear, his pelvis smashing into the young woman's crotch one last time before he released his cream into her tight vagina.
Nikolai rested atop Abbey, breathing heavily. 
"Do we have a deal?" inquired Nikolai, stroking Abbey's flushed left cheek.
"Yes," panted Abbey, sealing the bargain with a long kiss. *****

Lara Croft/Danger Girls: Lady in Distress
by PJ
Chapter 3
Sidney woke up just as a young girl in a skimpy leather brazier and short hot pants finished removing her suit.  The raven-haired woman looked up, discovering that her wrists were bound above her head by leather manacles. Breathing harshly, Sidney lowered her face when the blonde woman who had captured her walked to the young girl and stroked the child's small chin.
"Here are her clothes, Mistress Hannah," murmured the girl, lowering her head respectfully.
"Very good," smiled the tall, lithe woman, running a hand over the girl-child's small chest.
"Leave me."
The girl removed her cheek from where she had been rubbing it against Hannah's arm.  She left the candle-lit stone room quickly, leaving Sidney alone with the latex-garbed diva.
"What, you gonna whip me now?  Make me beg for your mercy?" asked Sidney sarcastically.
"You're not a stranger to bondage and pain, are you, girl?" smiled Hannah, raising Sidney's leather suit.  "Your choice of clothing proclaims it."
"I've dabbled," shrugged Sidney, watching Hannah as the woman strutted around her.
"I worship it," declared Hannah, caressing Sidney's outfit with her right cheek.  "The kiss of leather makes me so wet."
"Uh, yeah," agreed Sidney, her face becoming hot.
"You say you're here to rescue Lara Croft?" inquired Hannah, standing behind Sidney, resting a cool hand on the young woman's left shoulder.
"Yes," nodded Sidney, her skin shivering from Hannah's soft touch.
"She is Nikolai's toy.  He'll tire of her soon, he always does," said Hannah, running her hand from Sidney's shoulder down her bare back.
"Who are you, his perverted sister or something?" retorted Sidney, her nipples hardening while Hannah fondled her buttocks.
"I'm a..friend," chuckled Hannah, running her left index finger up Sidney's crack.  "He lets me stay here sometimes."
"Could you let me loose now?" asked Sidney, her body warming.
"But you're enjoying this, I can tell," purred Hannah in Sidney's left ear, her finger stroking the bound woman's pussy.  "Your cunt is wet."
"No, I'm not enjoying this!" protested Sidney, biting her lower lip when Hannah inserted a finger into her quivering slit.
"Liar," accused Hannah, licking the back of Sidney's neck.
"Stop," moaned Sidney, her tits aching, her thighs pressing together while honey escaped from her cunt.
"You want me to hurt you, because you're a slut," whispered Hannah, licking Sidney's nectar from her finger.
"Let me go!" shouted Sidney.
"Bitch," said Hannah softly, walking around to face Sidney and slapping her across the face.  Hannah twisted Sidney's left nipple until the naked woman grimaced with pain.  "I'm going to make you howl like a dog."
Hannah walked back behind Sidney, toward a wall covered with various whips and crops.
She selected a stiff riding crop, smacking it loudly across her open left palm as she returned to the manacled young woman.  Sidney tried to look behind her, her tits pumping while she heard the crop smack into Hannah's hand.  Hannah slammed the length of the crop against Sidney's ass, making the naked woman grunt loudly.  Hannah struck Sidney's ass again and again, forming long, throbbing welts across Sidney's tight buttocks.  When Hannah started hitting the backs of Sidney's thighs, she cried out, tears of agony falling down her flushed cheeks.
Hannah licked the sweat from Sidney's smooth left armpit, rubbing the crop between Sidney's legs.
"Say you love it," said Hannah, cupping Sidney's firm left breast.
"," panted Sidney, perspiration dripping from her long, black hair.
"You must really be a whore if you want me to keep beating you," murmured Hannah, yanking back Sidney's wet hair and kissing her hard on the mouth.
Sidney gasped for air, her arms shaking in their bonds while Hannah resumed her place.
The riding crop slapped against Sidney's back, white hot agony shooting up her spine.  Sidney screamed as the crop slammed up and down her back, the welts feeling like strips of fire.
Hannah moved to stand in front of Sidney, taking each of the young woman's dripping breasts and sucking on the erect pink nipples.  Sidney moaned loudly, drool flowing down the corners of her mouth, her skin smoldering with arousal. Hannah licked between Sidney's heaving tits, up her neck, and across her drool wet chin.  The blonde woman kissed Sidney again, a long, possessive kiss that made Sidney's pussy release a fresh stream of honey.
"You're a horny bitch," smiled Hannah, squeezing Sidney's left breast painfully.
"Yes, please fuck me," moaned Sidney, licking Hannah's right cheek.
Hannah stroked Sidney's pussy with the crop, the young woman's juices lubricating the hard, black leather.  Hannah licked Sidney's right nipple, fondling her ass while sliding the crop back and forth across Sidney's melting cunt.
Sidney groaned sharply, closing her eyes, her orgasm taking the air from her lungs.
Hannah hugged Sidney tightly, sucking on the naked woman's mouth, her hand crushing Sidney's right buttock.
The blonde woman pulled away from Sidney, leaving her dangling from her arms, her body drenched in sticky sweat.  Sidney watched through slitted eyes as Hannah strapped on a long, black dildo and retrieved a jar.  Hannah moved behind Sidney, opening the jar and applying clear jelly generously around Sidney's asshole.
Sidney moaned while Hannah spread jelly between her buttocks and around her small anus.  Hannah cleaned her fingers on Sidney's tits, the jelly gleaming over the young woman's shivering nipples.  Placing her hands on Sidney's graceful hips, Hannah thrust violently into Sidney's asshole, making her grunt with pain.
"You like me fucking your ass?" growled Hannah, her pelvis thrusting against Sidney's creamy white buttocks.
"Yes!  Yes!" moaned Sidney, juices sliding down her legs as the stiff plastic dildo shoved up into her rectum, filling her small hole.
"Whore," laughed Hannah, slapping Sidney's bruised buttocks with her palms, pushing into the helpless woman's anus over and over.
Sidney jerked in her wrist bonds, her tits shaking from each strong thrust into her rectum.
Sidney moaned softly, her thighs shivering when another orgasm struck, cunt juices spraying from her puffy twat.
Hannah knelt beneath Sidney's ass, pressing her face between the young woman's gleaming buttocks, sucking the honey that oozed from Sidney's pussy. 
"That feels so good," groaned Sidney, eyes squeezed shut, mouth slack and panting as Hannah devoured her sweet jizz.

Lara Croft/Danger Girls: Lady in Distress
by PJ
Chapter 4
Nikolai escorted Abbey to the massive front doors of the chateau, his left arm wrapped lightly around her waist.
"The money has been transferred to the accounts of you and your friend.  It was a pleasure doing business with you, Ms. Chase."
"You were very persuasive," smiled Abbey, running her palms over Nikolai's robed chest.
"You're always welcome.  Just use the front door next time."
Abbey and Nikolai laughed while Hannah and Sidney appeared from a side door.
"Ah, here's your attractive friend," said Nikolai.
"Are you okay, Sidney?" asked Abbey.
"Uh, yeah," replied Sidney, lowering her face to hide her blush.
"Did Hannah keep you properly entertained?" smirked Nikolai.
"I had her begging for more," giggled Hannah, spanking Sidney's sore ass, which made the young woman flinch.
"Good-bye, ladies," bade Nikolai, motioning for the doorman to open the tall portals.
Abbey and Sidney walked out compliantly, heading for the limousine that would take them back down the mountain.  The sun was beginning to rise as the doorman shut the entrance.
"The dark one said that you had Lara Croft held here," said Hannah while they both headed into the dining room for breakfast.
"I do," confirmed Nikolai.
"That's rather dangerous, isn't it?  She has some rather powerful friends, just like you do."
"I won't detain her long, she'll want to stay with me," replied Nikolai as he took his seat at the head of the table.
"Rather confident of our sexual prowess, are we?" smirked Hannah, sitting across from the handsome collector.
"If I can charm a would-be rescuer at the dead of night, I can beguile a thrill-seeking heiress," smiled Nikolai wolfishly, saluting Hannah with his cup of steaming coffee.
Lara moaned with pleasure when she smelled the scent of hot coffee.  She opened her eyes, slowly sitting up in her bed.
"Good morning," smiled Nikolai, laying a silver tray covered with plates and a steaming cup over Lara's lap.
"Good morning," returned Lara, grasping the coffee mug with both hands and inhaling deeply before taking a slow, blissful sip.
"Sleep well?"
"As well as can be expected when I have to hear you pounding into some girl for hours on end," glared Lara.  "Was that supposed to make me horny or something?"
"Did it?" inquired Nikolai, spreading jam on a fresh muffin for Lara.
"No," snapped Lara, ignoring the offered muffin and taking a bite of scrambled egg instead.
"Then what's that smell?" retorted Nikolai with a smirk.
"What?" asked Lara, bunching her legs together beneath the tray.
Nikolai pulled the tray away, setting it on the bedside table before yanking the blankets off of Lara's body.  Lara blushed furiously while Nikolai looked at the wet stain beneath her thighs on the sheets.
"You're not being very honest," admonished Nikolai, covering Lara back up and replacing the tray on her lap.
"I hate being a prisoner here!  I won't have sex with you!"
Nikolai sighed, gazing deeply into Lara's eyes.
"Very well, you may leave.  I only ask that you have dinner with me one more time tonight, then my driver will take you to the nearest town so you can go home."
"Agreed," nodded Lara.
"One of my servants will collect the tray when you're done," said Nikolai, rising from Lara's bed and leaving her room without a backward glance. *****
"It's risky, but it might work," said Hannah, running a finger around Nikolai's right nipple.
"It will with a little help from you," replied Nikolai, his right arm underneath Hannah's head, his hand squeezing her smooth right shoulder.
"I knew it," smiled Hannah, snuggling next to Nikolai.  "You never play fair."
"I don't like to lose," murmured Nikolai, gazing up at the canopy of the bed. *****
"You're beautiful," complimented Nikolai as he seated Lara at the table.
"Thank you," replied Lara, her body wrapped in a sheer pink scarf that ended at mid-thigh, her nipples jutting against the cloth that strained to contain her enormous breasts.
Nikolai crossed to the head of the dinner table and sat down, picking up a glass of white wine.
"To my last night with Lara Croft, may it be a memory that I treasure always."
Lara raised her glass politely, sipping the remarkably sweet wine.
"I hope you're hungry, I instructed my chef to produce his best tonight."
"I can't wait," smiled Lara wanly, draining her glass thirstily.
Nikolai's bedroom door crashed open, the two lovers entwined together as they spun from the open doorway to the bed.  Lara leaned over Nikolai when he fell atop the mattress, unbuckling his pants with wild eagerness.  She violently pulled off Nikolai's open trousers, ripping off his underwear to grasp his warm cock.  Lara sucked Nikolai's prick between her lips, groaning with wanton hunger while her head bobbed up and down quickly.  She knelt between his outspread legs, caressing his balls with her hands, her mouth never leaving his hardening shaft.  Lara twirled her head, her long, brown hair flying as she sucked on Nikolai's member, her tongue caressing every throbbing inch.  She licked down to Nikolai's balls, stuffing each one in her mouth, covering them in her warm saliva.
Standing up, Lara tore off her cloth sheath, then knelt naked before Nikolai to press her large tits on either side of his cock.  Nikolai thrust his prick up against Lara's soft breasts, her flesh enfolding his shaft, fondling it. Lara licked the head of his cock whenever it got within range of her tongue, she moaned when she tasted his pre-cum, her own pussy already moist with lust.
Lara wrapped her mouth around Nikolai's meat, fingering her own gleaming pussy while she took her lover's pole deeply down her throat.  Nikolai panted sharply, his cock aching for release, Lara's lips massaging every engorged vein.
Nikolai slid up completely onto the bed, Lara following him.  She straddled Nikolai's waist, running her fingers up his chest, her own breasts pumping as if she was in a race.  Reaching underneath her, Lara grasped Nikolai's penis and positioned it beneath her pussy.  Lara moaned loudly as she squatted down upon Nikolai's cock, the shaft caressing the walls of her clenching vagina. Lara placed her palms on Nikolai's muscled chest, thrusting forward with her hips, driving his cock deep into her stomach.  Nikolai stroked the tops of Lara's warm thighs, shoving up into her cunt, his cock squeezed by her pussy until it felt it would explode.
Lara groaned like a bitch in heat.  Sweat beaded off of Lara's luscious white skin, it dripped from the tips of her pendulous tits.  She humped Nikolai relentlessly, never easing up, her crotch slapping over Nikolai's so hard the bed creaked beneath them.  Lara stretched out over Nikolai, holding onto his neck while she fucked him, her breasts squashed against his chest as her ass clenched with each powerful thrust of her hips.
Lara's thrusts quickened, she kissed Nikolai hungrily, her tongue exploring his throat as his cock stabbed up into her womb.  With a muffled moan, Lara orgasmed, her juices dribbling down the sides of the cock that still remained inside her pussy.  Nikolai climaxed, his hips jerking while he squirted his milk several times inside Lara's cunt hole.
With her orgasm, the sexual frenzy that had possessed Lara faded.  She slid off of Nikolai,
resting on her back, her gleaming tits rising and falling in the moonlight.
"You did something to me," accused Lara softly.
"A simple drug in your wine," supplied Nikolai.
"You fucking bastard."
"You seemed to enjoy yourself."
Lara climbed off the bed.  She walked naked across Nikolai's room, slamming the bedroom door behind her.
Nikolai draped the blankets over his cooling body, falling into a deep, sated sleep.
Nikolai stood near the doors of the chateau, watching while the departing limousine disappeared down the side of the mountain.
"How was she?" asked Hannah curiously, sipping from a glass of orange juice.
"Your helper worked like a charm," smiled Nikolai, hugging Hannah's slender waist.
"Do you think she'll come back?"
"Does it matter?" shrugged Nikolai, guiding Hannah back inside the mansion.
The End.


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