The Coils Of The Dragon

by PJ


Soth backed away from the smoldering hole left in the bedchamber wall by the hurling body of Cyan Bloodbane. Green fog curled out from the jagged opening, Cyan's large muzzle appeared, twenty times larger than it had previously been, green smoke pouring from his open jaws.

The death knight spun upon one booted heel and dove at the elf queen's bed. Soth snatched Laurana and carried her under his left arm as he jumped through the shattered window he had just entered from, black cloak snapping behind him. Soth landed on the soft, green grass and immediately set off across the manor's well-kept grounds, armored legs pumping in an effort to put as much distance between himself and the angry dragon as he could.

The roof of the Speaker's manor burst upward towards the flashing sky. Cyan Bloodbane's great, leathery wings unfurled in a terrible display of strength, the green dragon's wedge-shaped head slithered free from the crumbling roof, he spotted the fleeing death knight and his burden, Cyan roared furiously, shaking the surrounding treetops with the force of his rage.

Before Laurana disappeared into the treeline, she noticed curiously that Qualinost was burning, tiny shapes fought upon the arched bridges protecting the elven capital. The compromised Senate Guard, Laurana assumed as low-hanging branches scratched at her bare flesh, Cyan's forces had begun their move against her own Guard, fighting for control of the city.

Laurana's numb mind was pulled from its contemplation of the igniting civil war by the loud, thunderous cacophony of Cyan Bloodbane's wide wings. The naked elfess tilted her head towards the lightning-stroked night sky, Cyan was passing over the treetops, setting the tall, slender sentinels to swaying, leaves fluttering everywhere as the green dragon hunted for its lost prize.

Soth lunged from the trees onto a road. Battle raged along the boulevard, Queen's Guard dressed in red and gold fought Senate Guard garbed in black and silver, bodies already lay strewn along the flat, pink stones, staining the road dark crimson with blood.

Cyan Bloodbane appeared above the road. The dueling elves froze and gazed up at the enormous, flapping leviathan. Cyan curled back his green lips and inhaled sharply, his wide, scaled chest ballooning outward. Soth ran away from the hovering dragon, then dodged right into another stand of thick trees just when Cyan expelled a thick stream of green fog from his gaping maw. Laurana squeezed her weeping eyes shut as she listened to her people scream in agony, the poisonous vapors searing lungs and melting flesh from bone.

Soth crossed several more roads on his swift trek west across Qualinost. The scenes were always the same, elves slaughtering each other, the streets running with the blood of the dying, bodies strewn like broken dolls down the breadth of each battle-choked path. Once in awhile Laurana would spot Cyan gliding over a section of the city, breathing his poisonous breath down onto the fighting elves or onto innocent civilians attempting to flee the slaughter of the two fanatical factions. Tendrils of green mist became more and more frequent as Soth and his burden traveled west, the clinging mist veiled over the sprawled bodies of half-melted elves and elfesses.

The death knight halted at the curve of a narrow road that ran from the north and turned east. Laurana looked up from the path, she beheld the great Western Arch Bridge that spanned the entire western flank of Qualinost, warding the elven city like a defensive battlement. Elves fought upon the graceful pink crystal span, blood showered from the Arch like the rain that still sprinkled over the capital, small fires from upset braziers burned in places, a body would fall writhing to its doom a hundred feet below.

"Elven rabble," growled Soth as he gazed up at the battle raging along the Arch. The death knight turned abruptly when the wind gathered behind him. Soth remained still when Cyan Bloodbane passed over the road he stood upon, he watched the dragon rise on an updraft to smash through the middle of the Western Arch. Elves of both Guards fell screaming as the graceful crystal span shattered and collapsed into the wind-swept trees. Cyan rose ever higher towards the boiling, gray clouds, he disappeared into the passing storm, green scales gleaming like polished jade when lightning snapped around his serpentine form.

"The worm appears to have given up for now," observed the death knight, setting Laurana on her bare feet, reaching over her right arm to snap the golden chain binding her chaffed wrists together.

Laurana regarded Soth with as much dread as she had Cyan Bloodbane while Soth unclasped his black cloak and draped the ragged garment over the elfess's nude body. Reluctantly, Laurana clasped the foul cloak to her slim body, it reeked of death and the grave, but at least it warded her flesh from the death knight's hot stare.

"You will follow me and obey my orders, if you do not, I will bind you once more."

"I understand," replied Laurana, her eyes locked with Soth's glowing scarlet orbs. "Why are you in Qualinost?"

"We will speak later, when we are away from this nest of vermin," snapped Soth, snatching Laurana's bruised right wrist and pulling her after him towards the ruins of the Western Arch.


Soth crouched over the pile of dead branches and leaves he had gathered and summoned death fire into his right hand. The death knight buried his burning fingers within the pile of dead vegetation, the wood quickly caught, green flame shifting to orange as the deadwood crackled and gave off sweet-smelling smoke.

Laurana sat opposite Soth, pale legs crossed before her, trembling fingers clutching the torn cloak hanging from her thin shoulders. Soth remained crouched near the dancing flames, eyes glowing like the flickering fire before him.

"Why did you save me from Cyan Bloodbane?" asked Laurana, breaking the silence when it became obvious Soth would not.

"My..master is looking for the Dragon Orb. I felt the Orb's presence in this forest, its magic is old, it sings to those who can hear it."

"The Dragon Orb is gone," said Laurana, letting go of the death knight's cloak to warm her hands over the fire. "Cyan wants it too, I told him Alhana Starbreeze has it, she took it back to Silvanesti with her."

"You are different, Laurana," noticed Soth, crimson eyes narrowing to smoldering slits. "You stink of Darkness."

"Perhaps it's your cloak?" sneered the elfess, her almond eyes sharp as daggers.

Soth grew rigid, but did not leave his place by the lowering fire. "I will take you to my master, he will want to hear what you have said to me."

"Do I have a choice?"


Laurana dropped her eyes to the crackling fire. She watched the branches turn to ash as the flames consumed them, she shifted several times to get more comfortable on the hard ground, the scratches from Cyan's claws still burned over the elfess's body, the wounds seemed to be healing slowly, many of them were still open. The death knight noticed Laurana's squirming.

"Your body bears wounds from the dragon. Do they still pain you?"

"A little," admitted Laurana, avoiding Soth's gaze.

Laurana looked up when Soth rose and walked around the fire to join her.

"I'll be fine! I don't want your help!" shouted Laurana while Soth knelt beside her and reached into a heavy beltpouch.

When Laurana started to stand up, Soth grabbed her left arm and held her down. The death knight held a stoppered vial in his right hand, red liquid filled the clear vial, Soth pried off the cork stopper with his thumb and held the elixir up to Laurana.

"Drink it."


Soth released Laurana's arm and squeezed her cheeks, forcing her mouth open for the strange concoction. Laurana wriggled violently as Soth poured the potion between her quivering lips, he pinched the elfess's lips shut when the vial was empty and stroked Laurana's taut throat until she reflexively swallowed.

The potion burned Laurana's esophagus, she could barely draw breath. When Soth let go of Laurana's lips, the elfess dropped onto her right side, the death knight's cloak falling away. Laurana's skin itched and burned hot, the elfess dug her fingers into the earth as her wounds closed and faded away. The heat fell as quickly as it rose, Laurana struggled into a sitting position, she looked over her nude body, not a mark remained from her ordeal with Cyan Bloodbane.

Smiling softly to herself, Laurana raised her eyes to the death knight. Soth stood over her, staring down with brilliant, piercing, red eyes. Laurana leapt to her feet, she backed away from the death knight, she knew that look, remembered what it meant.

Soth's gloved hand caught one of Laurana's wrists before she could escape from him. The death knight spun Laurana around, his armored left arm snaked around her slender waist, trapping the naked elfess against him. Soth's right hand caressed Laurana's blushing cheek, he let his fingertips slip down the side of Laurana's graceful neck, across her bare shoulder, then down to the swell of her healed right breast.

Soth pressed the cold iron of his closed visor upon Laurana's flushed cheek as he fondled her soft, pliant breast, rolling the small, milky orb in his gauntleted hand, pinching the engorging nipple between stiff fingers.

"Soth..no," moaned Laurana, reaching up with her shaking right hand to claw weakly at the death knight's sealed visor while he squeezed her right breast, the biting cold of his touch freezing her lungs, her ivory skin becoming pale blue.

The death knight dropped Laurana's cold breast and stroked her bare stomach, frost clinging to the elfess's shivering belly everywhere Soth stroked. When Soth pressed his right palm over Laurana's pussy, the elfess gasped sharply, her thighs shuddering while Soth fondled her tender cunt, slipping a gloved digit up Laurana's vaginal hole, ice lime forming over her clit and puffy labia like glittering frosting on a sweet, moist cake.

Soth's languid fingering felt so cold Laurana's pussy burned while icicles seemed to pierce her cunt, sending jolts of body-shaking agony through the naked elfess that made her moan with ecstasy. The dull, blackened, iron gauntlet between Laurana's bare legs worked more and more furiously, Laurana clung to Soth's helmet with her right hand, she bucked against him, pelvis contracting, thighs glittering with frost while Soth pried her freezing pussy open, thrusting his index finger deep into Laurana's shuddering snatch. Laurana turned her face and rested her blue cheek upon Soth's scarred and blackened breastplate, she ran her shaking fingertips over the ruined engraving of the Order of the Rose, Soth hugged the panting elfess tighter and stabbed his thick digit to the knuckle within Laurana's frost-lined cunt, filling her clenching belly with cold fire.

Laurana whimpered when she orgasmed against the death knight, her thighs quaking, warm honey melting the frost upon her pale blue labia. Soth rubbed his visor over Laurana's hot cheek, he drank in the musky smell of the elfess's flushed body, the sensual heat that radiated from her pale, creamy flesh.


In the morning, Soth and Laurana walked south, away from the battleground of Qualinost. They marched through the dense trees, stopping briefly when the elfess needed to rest, until they reached the feet of the Kharolis Mountains, a fence of towering rock running east to west that linked the northern and southern ranges.

A midnight black stallion waited for the death knight and his charge. Soth climbed into the stallion's leather-worked saddle easily, he reached down and lifted the slim elfess to his perch, setting Laurana before him with pale legs dangling down the ebony steed's powerful left flank. The stallion glanced at Laurana over his left shoulder, his eyes glowed crimson like his master's, he snorted a gout of red flame and bared sharp fangs before Soth lashed the hellish beast with biting reins.

The nightmare growled and thundered into motion, following the curve of the mountains west, then south. Laurana grinned fiercely as she rode the racing beast, her gold hair flying behind her, the death knight's left arm draped around her small waist.



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