
The Praetorius House

by BioDread

The heavy spring rain splattered upon the umbrellas of Lisa Shannon and Shawna Diaz as they climbed the long set of stone steps to the thick oak doors of the Praetorius mansion.

Lisa walked slightly ahead of her best friend, Shawna. Lisa was a tall, statuesque, young woman, with long, flowing blonde hair and intelligent blue eyes. She wore a conservative red jacket and white silk blouse with matching red slacks, she carried a loaded duffel bag over her left shoulder. Shawna was a dusky-skinned beauty with shining raven hair and warm brown eyes. She also wore a business suit cut like Lisa's, but her suit was navy blue. A second duffel bag hung from her left shoulder, she clung to one of the bag's straps as she looked up at the three-story mansion briefly illuminated by the flashing lightning flickering across the gray sky.

The Praetorius House was a perfect example of Gothic architecture. The mansion's windows were tall and arched, statues of leering gargoyles ringed the roof of the sprawling manor. Only the first floor lights were on when Lisa and Shawna reached the iron-bound front doors. Lisa glanced apprehensively at her friend before grasping the thick, iron ring of the door knocker held in the jaws of a snarling demon. Lisa pounded the door, the strikes of the iron ring reverberated through the polished oak.

The right-hand door opened, a tall, skeletal butler with pasty white flesh and a bald head looked at the girls with dead, gray eyes.


"My name is Lisa Shannon and this is my partner, Shawna Diaz, Mr. Johnson told us to meet him here."

"Come in."

The thin, elderly butler moved aside so Lisa and Shawna could walk inside. The heavy oak door boomed shut behind the two girls, they both jumped at the sound.

"This way," groaned the bald butler, his feet shuffling over the rich rug covering the circular entry foyer.

Lisa shook her umbrella before closing it. She looked up at the rising marble staircase that led up to the second floor. A massive crystal chandelier burned above the foyer, the light came from real burning candles, not electrical lights. Lisa and Shawna followed the shuffling butler into the nearby study, a fire crackled merrily in the fireplace to their left, an enormous oak desk sat on the far side of the room, to the right was a bank of rain-drenched windows.

Mr. Johnson rose to his feet from behind the desk. He invited the girls to sit in plush, leather chairs set before the book-covered desk.

"I'm glad you braved the storm to come here, I am in need of your services."

Mr. Johnson appeared to be in his early fifties, his short black hair was streaked with white, wrinkles surrounded his sharp eyes and mouth. The slender man returned to his seat, he waited as Lisa and Shawna took off their jackets and sat in the heavily-cushioned chairs.

"My family has spent a fortune in the study of the occult, many were warlocks, necromancers, practitioners of dark rites. This house is infested with restless souls, I need you to cleanse this place."

"I'll do my best, Mr. Johnson," smiled Lisa.

"Bentley and I will leave in a few moments, I give you three nights to purge this house of evil."

The two girls nodded solemnly. Mr. Johnson left his desk and exited the room.

"Do you feel anything?" asked Shawna, leaving her chair to stand near the dancing fire.

Lisa closed her eyes, she frowned, opening her mind to psychic impressions.

"There is something here, but it's very weak, at the edge of my perception. We'll have to go over the entire house."

"I'll take the bags into the dining room," offered Shawna, crossing the study.

Lisa rose and glanced at the books littering Mr. Johnson's desk. The young blonde woman frowned, the books were scientific texts, treatises about alternate dimensions and the entities that might live in them. Lisa took a heavy book titled "Beyond the Mind's Eye" before she followed Shawna into the candle-lit foyer.


The dining room was as spacious as the entry foyer. The ceiling was buttressed with a series of thick oak arches, a single oval, stained-glass window was set high in the far wall, glowing from the lightning that cracked outside. A gallery surrounded the dining room, the gallery's walls adorned with paintings of severe-looking ancestors.

Shawna unzipped her tote bag and removed several thick books and reference texts. She spread open old blueprints of the mansion and set newspaper clips over each room, each clip relating a story of a paranormal event for that particular room. Every room of the mansion had at least one clip, the bedrooms had at least ten each.

"Do you want to start a house sweep now?" asked Shawna.

"No, let's wait till first light," replied Lisa with a shake of her blonde curls.

"Pick a room," invited Shawna, indicating the clip-covered blueprint.


Lisa was sitting at an antique vanity table combing out her damp hair when Shawna peeked into the room from the hallway door.

"The old guy and his creepy butler are gone," reported the girl.

"Are all the doors locked?"

"Yeah, checked them all myself. Wandering around this place with nothing but a flashlight is not fun."

"There aren't any electric lights at all?"

"The switches are everywhere, but none of them work, it's like the entire mansion was rewired," frowned Shawna.

"Get some sleep, we'll go over every inch of the house in the morning."

"Hope you like orange juice and granola bars," sighed Shawna before she closed the bedroom door.

Lisa was dressed in a light, pink teddy and matching lace panties. She set down her brush and crossed the dark bedroom to the large, canopied bed in the center. She climbed onto the enormous mattress and slipped under the heavy blankets, thunder rumbled outside, lightning briefly outlined the paintings on the walls and the vanity to her left. Lisa's eyes became heavy, she let them flutter shut, her breathing gradually becoming more and more shallow.

In her mind, the bedroom blossomed with scarlet light. The light flowed like waves in bright sunlight, the room grew warmer, Lisa shifted beneath the bed's sheets. Long, red tentacles slithered out of the wall above the bed's headboard, slime dripped from the wriggling tendrils, splashing over Lisa's sleeping face. Lisa watched the glowing tentacles descend towards her body, she could only observe in her dream state as the tendrils threw off the blankets draped over her and caressed her, leaving thick trails of clammy slime over her breasts, stomach, and legs. The sleeping girl struggled to wake up, panic filled her while she watched a pulsating tentacle slip between her thighs, fondling her crotch obscenely. Lisa screamed, helpless as the ethereal tendrils wrapped around her body, violating her.


Shawna yawned, slipping out of the wide bed and padding to the bathroom. She took a very short, cold shower, dressed in a clean halter top and jeans, then made her way downstairs to the dining room.

Lisa was hunched over the blueprint of the mansion, reading newspaper clips with blood-shot eyes.

"Lisa, you look horrible!" exclaimed Shawna, rushing to her exhausted friend's side.

Lisa sat down heavily at her friend's urging, she accepted a water bottle and drank greedily from it. "Something attacked me last night, I saw it in my dreams, and this morning..I..was covered in slime."

"Are you hurt?"

"Sore, mostly," murmured Lisa. "It..probed me..everywhere."

"What was it?"

"It wasn't a ghost or poltergeist. The tendrils didn't feel natural, they didn't come from Earth."


"Not exactly, the best way I can describe them is..other-dimensional," frowned Lisa darkly.

"Hey! The old man's book!"

"I remembered," nodded Lisa, setting her palm on the front cover of "Beyond the Mind's Eye".

"Did it help?"

"Kinda. It describes many different entities that live between dimensions, those tentacles were one of them. They feed on emotions: fear, anger, lust. The book also describes ways to contact these entities. I believe that one of Mr. Praetorius's ancestors built an engine to open a gateway to another dimension, somehow these tendrils escaped and now they infest this house."

"How do we get rid of them?" asked Shawna.

"We need to find the engine first. We'll start in the cellar and work up."


The cellar turned out to be an extensive system of catacombs. Wielding flashlights and a map, Lisa and Shawna spent the entire day exploring the catacombs, they didn't find an engine, but they did find two rows of empty cells, each small, square room adorned with a set of rusted manacles fastened to the stone wall opposite the iron-bound door. Discouraged, the two girls returned to the cellar stairs at dusk, Shawna stopped briefly to collect a dust-covered bottle of wine from one of the cellar racks.

"You shouldn't take Mr. Praetorius's wine, Shawna," admonished Lisa from the creaking staircase.

"I need something to show for today," groaned the lovely young woman before she began climbing after Lisa.

Shawna and Lisa ate cold sandwiches with the wine they had procured. Lisa had found more candles in the kitchen, the rectangular dining room was bathed in glimmering candlelight.

Shawna tapped the mouth of the wine bottle against the lip of her glass, urging the very last drop of wine to descend. The dark-haired girl was quite flushed, Lisa ignored her drunk friend, she concentrated on the book describing the dimensional engine.

"This engine takes a lot of power to operate, that's why they re-wired the house," murmured Lisa as she took notes.

"None of the second story rooms are very large, it has to be on the third floor," burped Shawna from across the table.

"We'll check it out tomorrow," agreed Lisa, closing her notebook and rising from her chair.

"Can you help me up? I'm feeling a little dizzy," giggled Shawna.

Lisa sighed before walking around the table to help her friend. Shawna draped her right arm around Lisa's neck and leaned against her as they both staggered out into the foyer. The girls managed to climb upstairs and Lisa tucked Shawna into her borrowed bed.

"Maybe we should sleep together tonight, so the monsters won't attack you again," whispered Shawna, not letting go of Lisa's neck when the blonde girl tried to pull away.

"Not a good idea," grinned Lisa, attempting to shrug off her friend's arm.

"Remember the last time we fucked, during that case with the mirror monsters, when we were both all covered in that white stuff," purred Shawna, kissing Lisa's throat softly.

"Yeah," whispered Lisa, grasping her friend's arm with both hands, trying to ignore how good Shawna's moist lips felt on her neck and shoulder.

"I'll eat your pussy just how you like it," smiled Shawna, covering Lisa's mouth with her own lips before the blonde girl could agree. Lisa fell on top of Shawna, the black-haired girl groped Lisa's ass, squeezing her small, rounded buttocks. Lisa became as flushed as Shawna, she combed her fingers through Shawna's thick hair, she kissed the young woman hard, rubbing her breasts over her prone friend's.

Both young women rushed to take off their clothes. Lisa straddled Shawna, rubbing her crotch back and forth over the drunken girl's smooth thighs. Shawna smiled up at Lisa and caressed the blonde girl's slender legs, she sighed with pleasure when their bare pussies touched, Lisa's cunt already felt damp with her juices.

"Climb up here so I can make you feel good," grinned Shawna.

Lisa wriggled up to the pillow supporting Shawna's head, she squatted over the young woman's face, lowering her gleaming pussy onto Shawna's mouth. Lisa held onto the carved headboard while Shawna slurped eagerly on her cunt, an agile tongue stroking the lips of her pussy, tasting the honey that clung to her aching clit. Lisa bucked gently over Shawna's face, she caressed her own right breast while Shawna tongued deep into her vagina. Shawna cupped Lisa's bobbing ass, she squeezed each milky white buttock as she sucked on her best friend's pussy, drinking the sweet nectar that poured into her mouth.

Lisa tilted back and stretched out over Shawna. She held her thighs open so Shawna could still suck on her cunt, she ran her tongue back and forth over Shawna's inner thighs, she shivered when the brunette girl nuzzled her crotch with a ravenous mouth, sucking and licking wildly. Shawna slid her palms up Lisa's trembling belly, she clutched the blonde girl's soft breasts, tugging on the yielding tits as she pressed her mouth into Lisa's pink cunt, slurping on the warm, tender pussy flesh. Lisa writhed on top of Shawna, moaning louder and louder until she orgasmed, her stomach shuddering, her bare thighs squeezing Shawna's head.

Sweat quickly covered both girls as they shifted into a sixty-nine, sucking loudly upon each other's cunts, unmindful of the flicking red tentacles that hovered above them, dripping slime across the young women's naked, entwined limbs.


Lisa moaned weakly when Shawna went down on her in the shower. The blonde girl couldn't believe how horny Shawna was, they had fucked all night and her friend still had the energy to suck on her sore pussy while they washed the sweat from their slim bodies. Lisa climaxed quickly, her fingers buried in Shawna's shower-soaked hair as she bucked against the kneeling girl's face, her pussy throbbing with heat.

Shawna stood up and kissed Lisa tenderly, the blonde girl could still taste her own nectar on her aroused friend's lips.

"We have to get dressed and check the third floor," murmured Lisa as Shawna gently licked her throbbing right nipple.

"Oh, alright," pouted Shawna, climbing out of the steamy shower stall.

The girls dressed in t-shirts and torn jeans. They descended to the dining room for breakfast bars and juice, then gathered the map and flashlights before ascending to the third floor of the mansion.

The wooden door at the top of the third floor staircase was warped with age. Shawna had to slam her left shoulder into the door before it burst open. The air was thick with dust and mildew, Lisa coughed as she switched on her flashlight, playing it over the short hallway in front of her.

"The old man hasn't been up here in awhile," remarked Shawna from behind the advancing blonde.

Lisa reached a door and twisted the rusted knob. The door opened reluctantly, Lisa entered a large room covered in a thick film of dust, cobwebs clung to the ceiling and cloaked an object in the middle of the room.

"The engine, I presume," said Shawna, playing her light over the thick cables that ran from all four corners of the chamber to the web-draped centerpiece.

"Do you feel that?" whispered Lisa, fear rooting her in place. "A soft humming sound."

Shawna stood still and listened intently. "Yeah, it's coming from whatever that is."

Lisa swallowed and approached the object that was as tall as she was, every surface blanketed by fine, silky, white webs. She extended a trembling left hand and tore the webs away, beneath was a cylinder of steel, the hum became stronger, filling the enormous room. Lisa tentatively touched the metal skin of the cylinder, it vibrated beneath her fingers, her skin tingled as she slid her fingertips down the side of the object.

"Lisa?" prodded Shawna, moving to her friend's left.

"There should be..a switch..or lever," moaned Lisa, perspiration breaking out across her face, her breasts shuddering while she stroked the engine again, the metal cool and glass-smooth.

Shawna looked hard at Lisa, then she pulled away more of the webbing cloaking the humming engine. Lisa was stroking the cylinder with both hands, she rubbed her crotch against the slick metal.

"Don't..touch it until you find the lever," gasped Lisa, her head falling back as she humped the cylinder, her thighs caressing it, weak moans of pleasure escaping from her lips.

Shawna found the lever Lisa described, it was at the base of the engine, gentle display lights blinked around it. Reluctantly, Shawna snatched the lever and shoved it down, the hum died instantly, Lisa groaned and dropped onto the dust-caked floorboards. Shawna knelt down next to Lisa, she helped her friend sit up.

"T..thanks," grinned Lisa, wiping sweat from her forehead.

"That looked kinda fun," giggled Shawna.

"I..couldn't stop, it just felt so good when I touched it," blushed Lisa, avoiding her friend's laughing eyes.

"Mission accomplished, I would say," smiled Shawna, patting Lisa's shoulder.

"I'm taking a few days off after this one," groaned Lisa as she struggled back to her feet.

 The End.

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