Fallen Angel: Damnation III

by BioDread

Adonis, Desirae, and I emerged on Earth within a rather crude circle of summoning. We appeared in what appeared to be a grove, night-cloaked trees surrounded us, the branches still swayed from the violent wind generated by our piercing of the Veil between worlds. I adjusted my long, black velvet cloak, examining the humans who had summoned us.

Six humans stood in a circle around us. They wore loose, black silk robes with cowls drawn up over their heads. The stench of alcohol and sex was in the summer air, they had obviously indulged in an orgy before invoking us. Adonis merely smiled and smoked his roll of tobacco, Desirae licked her moist, pink lips, aroused by the scents that hung thick in the air.

Desirae was no longer the fey, demure waif that Lilith had given to me. She had grown into a young woman of perhaps nineteen to twenty years, her body curvaceous and lithe, her curly, golden hair spilling like a waterfall to her shoulder blades. She smiled, promising pleasures of the flesh these humans could scarcely conceive of, the male humans visibly trembled in her presence.

"I have summoned you, servants of Lucifer!" proclaimed one of the robed and cowled humans.

I inhaled deeply, the human was female, and young, no older than Desirae's current body.

"I am called Fernando del Diablo. I serve the dread prince Asmodeus, brother of the Prince of Darkness," I greeted with a deep bow from the waist. "This is my companion, Adonis, and my concubine, Desirae."

"Concubine?" inquired one of the male humans.

"Sex slave," supplied the female leader of the coven.

"Cool," chuckled the male.

"Now that you know my name, what task would you like me to perform?" I prompted, eager to begin my true mission upon Earth.

"Make us lots of money!" shouted one of the males.

"I want to be famous!" added a young female.

"I want a concubine!"

Adonis dropped the remains of his tobacco roll and extinguished it with the heel of his right boot. I could sense the demon tensing, preparing to attack. I shook my head imperceptibly, Adonis frowned darkly but obeyed.

I kept my eyes upon the coven leader, she fidgeted beneath my unwavering gaze.

"What do you want?"

"I want to be immortal."


The young woman raised her hands, then pulled back the cowl of her black robe.

"Did anything happen?" asked the coven leader.

"You look the same, Rebecca," answered one of the males.

I gratefully left the circle, Adonis and Desirae following.

"Hey! You're not supposed to leave the circle!" protested a male.

Adonis growled and slashed the boy's chest open with a razor-sharp claw. The remaining worshipers except for Rebecca fled the grove in a panic, screaming into the night. The mortally wounded boy convulsed upon the grass, his dark blood soaking his robe and staining the ground around him. Rebecca slowly knelt at the dying boy's side, watching while death claimed him.

"Crude," I remarked.

"Fun," laughed Adonis, licking warm blood from his long, black nails.

Desirae said nothing, but she stared at Adonis, excitement quickening her breath and enlarging her beautiful, blue eyes.

I was disturbed by my concubine's state, but dismissed it and resumed my march out of the grove.

"Where are you going?" called Rebecca, leaving her dead acolyte's body and rushing after me.

"Asmodeus has placed a task upon me, I require information from this place," I answered, wrinkling my nose at the foul smells filling the night air. I had never smelled such things before, not even in Hell, they were quite distasteful.

"Air pollution," said Adonis, noticing my reaction to the breeze. "The humans have turned paradise into a toilet."

"Regrettable," I replied, removing a perfumed handkerchief from my jacket pocket and placing it over my nostrils to filter the human-created reek.

Adonis laughed and lit another roll of tobacco.

"What kind of information are you looking for?" asked Rebecca at my side.

"You got your immortality, go jump off a bridge or something," dismissed Adonis with a wave of his arm.

"I want to help you," offered Rebecca stubbornly, brushing stray raven hair out of her heavily painted face.

I looked down at the girl. She did not look away, she was determined, and strong of will. I reached out and stroked her long, silky hair, she flinched briefly, then pressed her cheek into my warm palm.

"You should remove that white paint and dark hair coloring, your natural hue is much more becoming," I smiled.

Rebecca blushed, her body warmed with pleasure. I could smell the lust within her loins, she would be a pleasant diversion, but I had work to do first.

"It would be best if we separate. Adonis, Desirae, each of you take a portion of this city and search for any sign of angels. When you find something, report back to me."

Adonis nodded and disappeared in a blur of motion. Desirae stared coldly at me before extending a set of leather wings and ascending into the smoky, velvet-black sky.

"You can fly?" sighed Rebecca, her hazel eyes bright as she watched Desirae flap away.

"Among other things," I said, leaving the small forest which Rebecca called a park.

"Where are we going?"

"To the first place you would go to find angels, a church."


I felt an indescribable sense of unease as I walked up to the cathedral. I stopped near the iron fence that surrounded the cathedral grounds, the feeling of revulsion nearly made me shake where I stood.

Rebecca had removed her black robe, she wore tight breeches that she called jeans, white shoes, and a black t-shirt with a succubus painted upon it. She pulled her black hair back and bound it with a small band of rubber, regarding me with a penetrating gaze.

"You can't enter holy ground, can you?"

"N..no," I swallowed, taking a large step back from the fence.

"Want me to go in, check things out?"

"Humans can't perceive angels unless the angels allow it," I replied, mentally pushing my revulsion aside and searching the cathedral, then the surrounding grounds.

We stood upon the sidewalk for ten minutes, then twenty. Rebecca fidgeted impatiently, but did not disturb me with unnecessary questions.

"Take a wrong turn, demon?"

I called magic into my right hand, turning to face a beautiful woman with fiery red hair. She wore a gray long skirt, blouse, and jacket, with a long coat that fell to her slender ankles. The angel opened her coat just enough for me to see the hilt of her Heaven-forged blade, her delicate right hand was wrapped tightly around the pommel.

When the angel made no immediate move to attack, I dispersed the killing spell in my hand, and opened my senses to the divine being. I carefully examined the aura of Grace surrounding her, the life force infused with the Light of Creation. The angel crooked her head and looked at me with puzzlement while I nodded, my theory was correct, my plan would work.

"Is she..an angel?" whispered Rebecca, peeking from behind my left arm.

"I won't harm you, child," smiled the angel, the radiance from her lovely face warming even my dark heart. "You should leave the company of this demon. God still loves you, He wants you to be happy with Him."

I looked down at Rebecca, who clung tightly to my arm. She raised her head and stared at me, tears filled her hazel eyes.

"It's your choice, Rebecca," I smiled wanly, promising nothing.

"My father was killed in a car crash, a drunk driver hit him. My new step-father raped me in my own bed when mom was working late one night. Where was God then? Where were you?" sobbed Rebecca, glaring at the astonished angel. "This demon made me immortal! I serve Lucifer!"

The angel's radiance died. She gazed sorrowfully at Rebecca, then turned cool eyes on me.

"Lost another one," I smiled coldly.

The angel spun on her heel and walked away. I relaxed, and placed my right palm over Rebecca's squeezing hands.

"Did you get the information you needed?" Rebecca asked as she wiped the tears from her pale face.

"Yes," I nodded, stroking the young woman's skin.

"I guess you'll be leaving then."

"I could stay a little bit longer," I smiled, raising my palm from Rebecca's hands to her shimmering, black hair. Rebecca sniffled, then hugged me tightly.


Rebecca's home was a dark, filthy place. Trash was strewn everywhere, with bits of rotting food and unwashed clothing. Rebecca blushed when she led me into the building, she said that it was an abandoned warehouse, a place where the poor found shelter until the police chased them out.

"I know it's not much, but it's home," shrugged Rebecca, clearing pieces of torn clothing from a chair that seemed ready to fall apart at any moment.

"I'll clear off the bed," laughed the young woman self-consciously. "It'll just take a few minutes."

I walked up to the girl and turned her to face me. She was red with embarrassment, she refused to meet my eyes.

"You are a child of Lucifer now. You will never know want again."

"I..I love you!" cried Rebecca, hugging me desperately. "I'll do whatever you say!"

"This is your time, Rebecca, you get to decide what you want to do. Make a wish, it is yours. Would you like to live somewhere nice?"


"Then come with me, and leave all this filth behind."

Rebecca placed her slim right hand in my left. I squeezed her fingers, and guided her out of the warehouse.


Rebecca's eyes were huge when she stepped out of the elevator into the penthouse foyer.

"It's..the most beautiful place I've ever seen!" laughed the young woman.

"Welcome home," I smiled, encouraging the girl to explore her new home with a flourish.

Rebecca raced from room to room, laughing with joy, marveling at the marble bathroom, the lavish entertainment pit, and the French-accented bedroom with its huge four-poster bed veiled in transparent white gauze.

"It's all mine, really?" giggled Rebecca from the living room, her hands clasped together in front of her.

"It's yours, really," I nodded gravely.

"Thank you!" cried Rebecca, rushing forward and hugging me again. She looked up from my chest, her hazel eyes smoldering.

"Let me show you how grateful I am," the young woman purred.

I allowed Rebecca to lead me into the bedroom. We both undressed and climbed into the enormous bed. Rebecca stretched out on her back, her limbs were slim and smooth, her breasts dove-white and perfect. I straddled Rebecca's thighs. Reaching out with my right hand, I used my magic to wipe the paint from the young woman's face, leaving it clean and pink. I dug my fingers through Rebecca's long hair, she moaned with a smile as I transformed her hair back to her natural auburn.

I inhaled the rich perfume of Rebecca's mane, musky and intoxicating. I let my hands slide all over the moaning girl's body, her flesh was warm, throbbing with life, tingling upon my fingertips. It had been a long time since I had made love to a living woman. I kissed Rebecca's soft left cheek, then I kissed her lips, gently at first, then harder, like a man dying of thirst who suddenly has a cup of cool water. Rebecca groaned against my lips, she dug her fingers into my raven hair, embracing me with equal fervor, her knees pressing against my waist. I slid my tongue into Rebecca's yielding mouth, my hands stroked her thighs, fondled her sleek, luscious flesh.

Our moist mouths parted, I lowered my lips to the young woman's left breast, covering her engorged, brown nipple with my mouth, suckling upon her while she panted breathlessly, her hands pressing my face over her bosom. As I caressed Rebecca's swollen nipple with my tongue, my hands reached underneath her and cupped the taut mounds of her buttocks. Rebecca shivered beneath me, panting as I massaged her alabaster skin, stroking from her quivering buttocks to her slim, shapely thighs.

Rebecca placed her cool palms upon my cheeks. She stared at me with lust-glazed eyes, her sensual lips parting.

"I want you inside me."

I tugged Rebecca's thighs apart. My manhood was already lengthened and engorged, I lowered the bloated head onto the entrance of the young woman's sex, then slowly pushed it into the folds of honey-slick flesh. Rebecca stiffened beneath me. She wrapped her slender arms around my neck, clinging to me while I began thrusting inside her. Rebecca moaned into my ear, her hips bucked underneath me.

"Deeper! Push deeper into me!"

I placed my hands on the mattress next to Rebecca's bare shoulders and pounded harder between the young woman's outspread legs. The bed creaked in protest, the veils fluttering madly as I stabbed into Rebecca over and over, my member throbbing within her, plunging deep into her warm belly.

Rebecca moaned sharply, biting her lower lip, her eyes squeezed shut, her thighs clamped tightly upon me. She arched her back, thrusting up with her waist, forcing my manhood to the hilt inside her clutching womb. Rebecca's nude body was soon gleaming with sweat. I lowered my head and licked her quivering breasts, she moaned in response, her arms tightening around my neck.

I rolled onto my back, Rebecca sat atop my crotch, gasping for air, her auburn hair hanging limp with perspiration. I grasped the young woman's sweat-soaked breasts, kneading them like rolls of dough. Rebecca opened her eyes and smiled wantonly at me. She rested her palms on my firm chest and began riding my member, shoving it deep into her sex. I groaned in ecstasy, this living woman was more enticing than any Jezebel I had ever coupled with in Hell. I let go and simply lay upon the bed, squeezing Rebecca's yielding breasts, stroking her hot, slick flesh as she bucked atop me, her hips rolling gracefully, her legs clamped around my flanks. As her orgasm approached, Rebecca bucked faster and faster, droplets of her sweat rained down upon me, her damp hair flew wildly while she moaned louder and louder. Arching her gleaming back, Rebecca groaned, her hips shuddering as her sex squeezed my manhood so hard I could barely breathe. I flexed my hips, stabbing up into Rebecca's womb, exploding inside the beautiful girl.

Rebecca trembled when my seed filled her. She collapsed over my chest, her warm breasts pressed upon my feverish flesh, her musky hair lingering on my lips. I stroked the curve of Rebecca's spine with my right palm, relishing the warmth and smell of her living body while she fell into an exhausted sleep.


I rejoined Adonis and Desirae at the summoning circle within the park. A day had passed, an unforgettable day of delicious food, fine wine, and languid love-making with Rebecca. As the stars glittered above us, I noticed that I had not been the only one indulging in carnal activities, I could smell the reek of sex on both Adonis and Desirae, but there was no human scent, only demon.

"Did yeh enjoy that humen slut?" sneered Desirae insolently.

"You should have been a field agent, you have a way with humans," smiled Adonis with a nod of respect.

I nodded briefly in acknowledgment, then leaned forward and slapped Desirae. The blow sent Desirae to the ground, she wiped blood from her lower lip.

"Your short time on Earth has made you forgetful. Do not forget your place again, Jezebel," I snarled.

Desirae looked at Adonis, he merely laughed, shrugged, and lit a cigarette.

"I found the information that I needed. Time to return home," I said before performing the rite that split the Veil.

Adonis leapt into the spinning tunnel of fire that led back to Hell. Desirae walked to the portal, then turned to regard me.

"Ah won't beh a Jezebel forehver."

"No, you won't. Ambition runs deep within your veins, take care that ambition does not destroy you."

"Behter to beh dehstroyed than to live as a lapdog lehke you!" spat Desirae before she jumped into the roaring vortex.

I moved to follow, but froze when I smelled Rebecca's sweet scent.

"Take me with you."

I turned to face Rebecca. She ran forward and pressed herself against me.

"I don't want to be alone forever."

"If you remain immortal we will not meet again until the End of Time."

"I don't want to be immortal anymore."

"Done," I smiled, kissing Rebecca's soft, auburn hair.

"Can I go with you now?"

"No. You must live out the rest of your natural life. Enjoy your time, Rebecca, live, revel, make love as much as you want. You only live once, make the most of it."

"I love you," wept Rebecca, looking up with shining eyes.

I gathered Rebecca's tears upon a fingertip, they glittered like diamonds in the starlight.

"I wish I could love you, but I am damned, I have no heart to love anyone."

I kissed Rebecca one last time, hugged her, then let her go. She stood where I left her, she waved when I entered the portal. I watched the image of Rebecca grow smaller and smaller, then the flames of Hell crashed down and filled my vision.


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