Son of Bhaal


Jaheira clung to the frame of the rocking cot as Sarevok thrust between her naked buttocks, ramming his long cock into her pussy, his member hot within the slick folds of her vagina. The half-elf woman closed her eyes and bit her lower lip until it bled, she stifled the cries that fought to escape her lips, her ass shook from every slam of the large man's muscled pelvis.

Sarevok's grunting filled the small tent, he pumped into Jaheira smoothly without stopping, slapping her small buttocks with his palms until they glowed red, then grasping a handful of her long, violet hair and jerking back on it painfully, making Jaheira grimace. Sarevok lowered his massive chest onto Jaheira's bare back, he pinned her down on the squeaking cot, wetly licking her left shoulder, then sliding his tongue up the side of her slender neck. Still pulling on the elf woman's wine-colored hair, Sarevok kissed Jaheira hard, sucking hungrily on her soft lips, forcing his hot breath into her mouth. Sarevok humped Jaheira faster, his bloated cock pierced deep into her belly until it finally swelled and exploded inside her. Jaheira shivered as she felt the human's seed fill her sex, it was thick and sticky, it almost seemed to burn the soft flesh of her vagina.

Sarevok pulled back on Jaheira's hair one last time and kissed her roughly. He climbed off of the naked half-elf woman and draped on a thick, black robe. Jaheira remained on her stomach, breathing heavily, her bare, sun-browned skin gleaming with perspiration. The tall, powerful warrior-lord poured himself a goblet of wine and regarded the limp woman while he drank. Setting the empty goblet down on a folding camp table, Sarevok grasped his weapon-belt and marched out of the tent that was thick with the stench of sweat and sex.

Jaheira finally sat up on the cot. She snatched a towel from a nearby chair and wiped Sarevok's semen from her sore crotch, she tossed the damp cloth into a far corner of the tent. The cool night air wafted through the closed tent flap and chilled Jaheira's sweat-soaked flesh, she shivered and reached for her leathers. Once she was dressed, Jaheira stood and paced across the tent, brushing damp hair away from her beautiful face.

Sarevok would be consulting with the mad wizard, thought Jaheira, verifying that they were on the right path to the ancient city. She knew the patrol schedule of the guards after watching them for days, she felt confident that she could escape the camp into the woods. It was Sarevok that gave Jaheira pause, would he send warriors after her? Would he hunt her down himself? Or would he have Xzar simply cast a spell to slay her? She knew why he sought the hidden city, he could not allow her to tell others before he found his prize.

With hands clenched behind her back, Jaheira chewed on her lower lip and continued pacing. She heard the guards outside changing shifts, if she wanted to escape, it would have to be now.

Deciding to take the chance, Jaheira went to the back of Sarevok's tent and pulled free two of the binding stakes. Glancing once at the closed tent flap, the half-elf wriggled through the opening she had made and crouched on the other side. No guards were visible, even with Jaheira's elven vision. The leather-clad woman lunged into the trees, running silently, breaking not a single branch or disturbing a single fallen leaf as she fled from the dark warlord's camp.


Bain opened heavy eyelids and stretched muscled arms over his head. He ran a hand through his thick, black hair and glanced to his side, Imoen had left their sleeping blankets, she was not in sight. Concerned but not yet alarmed, Bain quickly pulled on his leather tunic and breeches, slipped on his boots, and grabbed his sheathed sword. He stood silently and listened, birds sang high in the trees, small rabbits and squirrels foraged in the undergrowth. Bain smiled when he picked up the faint sound of splashing water, Imoen had found somewhere to bathe.

The burly warrior walked through the clustered trees until he came upon a small pond fed by a slender stream. He squatted down at the pond's edge and smiled, his sister was naked in the middle of the pond, splashing water over her lithe body.

Imoen noticed Bain's interest and smiled. "Good morning, brother."

"Good morning," nodded Bain. "Are you almost done?"

"Aye," replied Imoen, sliding through the crystalline water towards her sibling.

Bain stood when Imoen reached him. He grasped the girl's shoulders gently and kissed her, Imoen enfolded her brother's waist with her slim, glistening arms, her passion matching his.

When they parted, Imoen licked her lips and stared deep into Bain's green eyes, "Did you decide where we should go?"

"No, I was hoping you.."

A young woman with long, violet hair burst out of the trees on the far side of the pond. Imoen stiffened at the sound of breaking brush, Bain moved to protect his sister, hand clasped firmly on the hilt of his sword.

"Who..who are you?" panted the woman, her face flushed, her hair damp with sweat.

"My name is Bain, who are you?" frowned the warrior.

"I am Jaheira, I need your help!"

"Why?" asked Imoen, peeking from behind Bain's left arm.

"An evil warrior named Sarevok is searching these woods for a ruined city. He seeks a magical sword, a sword of great power!"

Imoen moved to her brother's side, "Sorry, we're on the run right now."

Jaheira leaned forward and stared hard at Bain. "You are the one Sarevok wanted to kill, you are a son of Bhaal just like him!"

"What?" gasped Bain, his eyes wide.

Jaheira quickly circled the pond and stood in front of Bain, she grasped his arms and looked up intently. "You have the power to stop Sarevok, you must find the ancient city before he does and take the Sword of Blood."

"I..I don't know," murmured Bain, not meeting Jaheira's fervent gaze.

Imoen cast the elf woman a dark look before addressing her brother. "Forget about this sword nonsense, let's just get out of these woods, if this guy's really after some sword maybe he won't chase us anymore."

"Sarevok will still pursue you, son of Bhaal," argued Jaheira, shaking her head. "Except that if he possesses the Sword of Blood you will have no chance against him."

Bain glanced from Jaheira to Imoen, visibly torn. He finally met the elf woman's eyes and nodded, "I will find the Sword of Blood before my brother does."

"Bain!" exclaimed Imoen.

"She's right, Imoen, if Sarevok gets an enchanted sword, he'll butcher us both."

"I still think we should keep running," mumbled Imoen stubbornly.

"I don't like running, I want to kill the man who murdered Gorion," snarled Bain.

"We should get moving," reminded Jaheira. "Sarevok was travelling north-east to reach the city."

"Very well, lead the way," agreed Bain.

After Bain gave Jaheira one of his daggers, the half-elf took point and led the group through the sun-lit forest. Bain followed a short distance behind Jaheira, hand resting on sword pommel, eyes scanning the foliage for signs of danger. Imoen trailed behind her brother, muttering softly to herself, shooting murderous glares at the guiding elf woman.


"That traitorous bitch!" spat Sarevok, exploding out of his empty tent, startling the warriors who passed through the camp.

"I warned you about her, mighty lord," grinned Xzar.

"Shut up, wizard!" snarled Sarevok. "I saved her from orcs, fed her, protected her, and this is how she repays me."

"Forget the elf bitch, concentrate on recovering the Sword of Blood. It is close, lord, I can hear its song," sighed the wild-haired mage.

"When I recover the sword, first I will slay my brother, then I will hunt that whore down and drink her life's blood!" swore the warlord.

"Aye, lord, all in good time," agreed Xzar.


Bain reached down, took his sister's hand, and carefully pulled her up onto the thick branch next to him. On another branch further up Jaheira crouched, dagger in hand, looking down at the passing line of orc warriors. Imoen clutched her brother's waist, Bain briefly kissed her hair and held her tight. The squat, green-skinned orcs growled to each other in their own language, wearing mis-matched armor and wielding notched swords and axes. At least ten warriors marched underneath the party's tree, the trio kept silent and remained motionless.

Just when it seemed that the danger was past, the last trailing orc stopped and sniffed the air with his snout, tilting his head upward.

"Elf sweat," snarled the orc to himself.

Jaheira dropped down from her branch and stabbed the orc through the neck. A stream of black blood gushed from the dying orc's throat, he gurgled and fell forward.

The crash of the orc's body alerted his comrades. The orc raiders screamed in rage and charged the lone elf woman. As Jaheira crouched with her bloody dagger held before her, Bain landed in the middle of the raiders, slashing gracefully with his long sword, cutting down one orc after another. Imoen hid in the bushes near the forest trail, when a wounded orc stumbled by she leapt up and stabbed him in the back.

Jaheira parried a wild sword swing and slashed open an orc's belly. Steaming entrails flopped onto the ground, followed by the slack orc's corpse. The half-elf caught her breath and watched Bain fight. Awe filled her, he fought just like Sarevok did, dispatching his foes efficiently, ignoring the half-dozen wounds that bled on his body. The orc raiders died quickly, but one wounded orc broke away from the melee, stumbling down the brush-covered trail. Imoen stood up from the bushes and threw one of her daggers, it slammed loudly into the base of the orc's spine, he fell to the ground like a sack of stones.

Bain was wiping dark blood off his sword on one of the dead orc's leather tunics when Jaheira rejoined him. Bain nodded at the elf woman and sheathed his weapon, he turned when Imoen jogged up to him.

"The runner had some copper on him, want me to check the others?"

"Aye, we'll need the coin," agreed Bain.

"You fought well," complimented Jaheira, sliding her dagger into her belt.

"I learned from the best," smiled Bain, accepting the half-elf's praise.

"I have some healing skills, do you want me to take care of your wounds?"

"No, I'm fine."

Jaheira raised one slender eyebrow, some of the wounds Bain had suffered were quite deep. Jaheira examined Bain's leather tunic, it was slashed in several places. She tugged up the tunic, Bain smiled as she looked at his bare chest and stomach. The only signs of Bain's injuries were dull, red welts that were almost healed themselves. Jaheira looked up at Bain in amazement, then realized what she had done and quickly pulled down his tunic, blushing furiously. Imoen rejoined the group carrying several heavy pouches of coins, her eyes were smoldering angrily at the embarrassed half-elf.

Bain looked at the two young women, coughed uncomfortably, then straightened and tried to take on an air of command. "Imoen has gathered what she can, we should put some more distance between us and Sarevok."

"I agree," nodded Jaheira, gratefully breaking away and marching through the brush.

Imoen offered her brother the coin pouches. Bain took one and motioned for Imoen to keep the rest. The siblings followed after Jaheira, not saying a word to each other.


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