Vader and Mara

The Emperor's Hand

by BioDread

The Executor sliced into Realspace as a shark would knife through an ocean. A heartbeat after the enormous Super-class Star Destroyer entered the Yavin system, five Imperial-class Star Destroyers followed their flagship out of Hyperspace. The six massive warships, named Death Squadron by the Emperor himself, spread out into a wide wedge-shaped flight pattern, disgorging dozens of TIE fighters from their belly hangers. The TIEs swarmed into the system, breaking formation to avoid the wide belt of debris that had once been the Death Star.

At the far right flank of the task force was the Star Destroyer Avenger. Captain Lorth Needa stood before the bridge ports, observing the TIEs launched from his ship screaming towards Yavin IV, the rebels' main base.

"Sir, long-range sensors detect two squadrons of X-Wings leaving the fourth moon," reported an officer from the sensor tank below the bridge walkway.

"Tactical! Order the fighters to pursue and engage the rebels! Comm! Inform Admiral Ozzel that we have found rebel stragglers attempting to leave the system."

"Aye, Captain!" acknowledged both crew pit officers.

Captain Needa breathed the perfume of the young woman before he heard her soft bootsteps upon the deck behind him.

"Commander Jade," greeted Needa, not bothering to look at the Imperial Security Bureau officer.

"The Avenger must change course at once," replied the beautiful woman, her shoulder length red hair collected in a loose ponytail that draped down her left shoulder.

"My fighters are engaged with rebel forces, Commander," snapped Needa. "The Avenger must remain to support them!"

"Your fighters, this Star Destroyer, this entire task force serve the Emperor's pleasure, Captain," whispered the woman sharply. "You have seen my credentials and you have your orders."

"Yes, the Avenger is at your disposal," admitted Needa through clenched teeth.

"Break formation and set course for these coordinates," instructed Cmdr. Jade, handing the angry captain a data pad. Needa took the pad, read over it, then snapped out the coordinates the ISB agent had given him. The bridge deck shivered slightly as the Star Destroyer made a sharp starboard turn, engines gushing azure fire while it sailed out to the periphery of the system. Mara left the bridge and the glaring captain, she made her way quickly to the main hanger deck.


The modified TIE fighter rose up through the open hatchway. Mara stood next to a bulkhead, out of the way of the techs who surrounded the heavily damaged starfighter. Invisible tractor beams gently lowered the pitted craft to the hanger deck. Gray-suited techs forced the ventral hatch of the fighter open, the cockpit lowered with the screech of torn metal.

The techs parted for the black-uniformed ISB officer. Mara motioned for the techs to help the pilot out of his restraints.

Darth Vader rose to his feet. The Dark Lord's respirator wheezed unsteadily, the unit was dangerously drained of power.

Mara walked up to Vader and bowed deeply. Vader stood proudly, even as the indicator displays of his respirator blinked and faded.

"I've prepared a private unit in the Infirmary for you, Lord Vader," said Mara, inviting the Dark Lord to follow her with a sweep of her right arm.

Vader closed his heavy, black cloak, blocking the dying illumination of his life-support displays. He nodded once, Mara led the way across the spacious hanger to the waiting Infirmary.


"I thought Death Squadron was still assigned to Dantooine," said Vader from the infirmary bed which was tilted forward almost vertically.

"The Emperor ordered the task force to Yavin after the Death Star's destruction was reported," explained Mara, sitting on a stool next to Vader's resting place. "He hoped we would catch more of the rebels before they fled the system."

"Did they take any prisoners?" asked Vader earnestly, his usual cold detachment broken.

"No, a few fighters were destroyed leaving the fourth moon, but their base is completely abandoned."

Vader lowered his masked head onto a pillow, the small room was quiet except for the soft hissing of the Dark Lord's respirator.

"The Emperor will want to see me," said Vader.

"The Avenger will return us to Coruscant while the rest of the task force pursues the rebels," nodded Mara.

Vader turned and regarded Mara with the black lenses of his respirator mask, "Leave me until we arrive at Coruscant."

"My Lord," said Mara, rising smoothly and leaving Vader with his thoughts.


Mara stood before a towering, arched, crystal window, gazing at the spires of Imperial Center, at the clouds of skycraft sailing through the canyons of the largest city in the galaxy. She looked over her left shoulder when the doors to the Emperor's chambers hissed open.

Vader staggered out into the hallway, clutching his right arm. Mara took in her breath when she noticed the smoking stump just at the wrist where the Dark Lord's right hand had once been. When the doors behind Vader slid shut, Mara rushed to the tall man's side, ready to support him if he began to fall.

"My Lord..!"

"It is the Emperor's will, my punishment..,"

"I will take you to the medical ward."

"No, science cannot heal this wound. The Emperor wishes me to travel to Korriban."

"The Death World," murmured Mara.

"It is a holy place to the Sith, I will find the power to heal myself there," said Vader, holding his injured arm to his stomach.

"Does the Emperor have new orders for me?" asked Mara, one of her arms slipping around Vader's waist, the Dark Lord's cloak falling across her slender shoulders.

"He said nothing concerning you."

"Then I will go with you to Korriban."

Vader halted and looked down at the lovely, young woman garbed in her black dress ISB uniform. "You serve the Emperor, not me, young Mara."

"I know," nodded Mara, her green eyes intent upon Vader's mask.

Vader placed a little of his weight upon Mara's right shoulder. "Very well, Hand of the Emperor."


Mara followed Vader down the ramp of the shuttle. Hot sand blasted across the young woman, she quickly covered her face with the thick, red scarf around her neck, her eyes squinting in the glaring sunlight. Vader's long cloak snapped in the storm, his tall figure an ebony blade that cut through the raging tempest. Mara rushed up to join the Dark Lord, he glanced down at her and draped his cloak around her. Mara hugged Vader, protected from the biting sand by his towering frame. Together they crossed the short stretch of desert to the mouth of a shadow-filled canyon. The storm died around the companions when they entered the cool shelter of the canyon, Vader broke away from Mara and strode deeper into the high-walled cleft. Mara brushed sand out of her loose, scarlet hair as she followed the silent Dark Lord. She examined the rough stone walls of the canyon, portraits of powerful Sith lords were chiseled into the red stone, scenes of great battles when the Sith had bathed the galaxy in blood.

The canyon widened until it opened into a valley, a vast space filled with towers of obsidian and pyramids of pale marble. Mara could feel the Dark Side filling the valley, it warmed her blood, it sang seductively in her mind, showing her visions of slaughter and lust. Mara went to Vader's side, she took his gloved left hand. The Dark Lord looked down at Mara, he raised their entwined hands and caressed the bottom of her chin, she smiled at him, her face flushing pink.

"You remind me..," murmured Vader, one finger sliding across Mara's soft lips.

The Lord of the Sith yanked his hand out of Mara's. He walked down a gentle sand slope towards the waiting city, not bothering to see if Mara followed.


The tower of obsidian stood alone in the eastern quarter of the Sith necropolis. Smooth, black stone slid aside for Vader when he raised his left palm. The Dark Lord disappeared within a narrow corridor black as the abyss, Mara rested her right palm on the butt of her lightsaber, reluctantly following Vader into the spire. The Dark Side radiated from the ebony rock, it caressed Mara's lithe body, she felt cool fingers comb through her fiery hair, a soft breath washed over the back of her neck. Everything was darkness, she couldn't see Vader ahead of her, she couldn't even see the confining obsidian walls. Mara moved by touch, the stone slick beneath her fingers, almost liquid to the touch. As Mara plunged deeper into the heart of the tower, the stone grew warmer, until it felt like living flesh, flush, pulsing with blood, beating with desire, desire for her.

Mara stumbled when the walls left her outstretched hands. A column of silver light began to burn in front of Mara, it illuminated Vader, who stood with arms upraised, his cloak discarded at his feet. The beam of silver grew brighter and brighter, Vader gazed up at the ceiling hidden from view it was so high, the light intensifying, burning Mara's eyes. She looked away, the chamber began to hum, resonating with the Dark Side, power building to a crescendo.

*Mara, come to me,* whispered Vader in the young woman's mind.

Mara shielded her eyes as she approached the beckoning Dark Lord. The silver glow was bearable within the pouring beam, Vader caressed Mara's soft, crimson hair, she rubbed her right cheek over the palm of his leather glove.

The Emperor's Hand removed her black tunic. Vader gazed down at her, the lenses of his mask reflecting the silver light that surrounded them both as he grasped her right breast, strong fingers caressing her milky white flesh, molding the pliant tit.

"Do not fight the pain when it comes, you are the conduit, open yourself to the Dark Side," instructed Vader.

Mara was clinging to Vader, her snug trousers slipping to her feet, her thighs clutching the Dark Lord's left knee, when the agony struck her from behind. Mara screamed when a cluster of black, barbed tendrils sliced through her naked body, drenched in her blood as they coiled around the stump of Vader's right wrist. The pain lancing through Mara was indescribable, she held her mouth open in a silent scream, hands squeezing Vader's shoulders while he held her to him, his left arm tight around her small waist, his respirator hissing faster with excitement.

Wires soaked in scarlet melded to Vader's wrist, the tendrils slowly formed into fingers that flexed and bulged with obscene life. The trailing ends of the tendrils slipped out of Mara's belly, her skin was intact, there was no scar to mark the passage of the wires through her nude body.

The Dark Lord raised his bulging, new hand and admired it in the light of the silver beam. There was no more blood upon the hand, the wires slowly stopped pulsing, but they glowed with a soft radiance, a silver light that matched the beam bathing Vader and Mara. Vader wrapped both arms around Mara's shapely waist, she fought to breathe, looking up at the Dark Lord.

"What..was that?"

"Sith Bio-Technology. Through the Dark Side, Sith Lords were able to mesh flesh with metal, creating titans and extending their own lives for centuries."

"I..can still feel it..inside me," moaned Mara.

"The Sith Tech is part of you now, your powers will grow," whispered Vader, holding the naked girl close.

Mara bit her lower lip when Vader squeezed her left buttock with his new Sith hand. The wires were warm as they stroked her creamy flesh, the Dark Lord's finger scratched the mouth of her pussy, Mara sighed and hugged Vader's waist. The Lord of the Sith burrowed the wire digit deeper into Mara's cunt, she moaned when tiny filaments blossomed from the finger, stroking her vagina, teasing it to wetness.

"My Lord!" gasped Mara, her bare breasts pressed against Vader's cold armor while he shoved his wire finger harder into her slit, ramming it up her hole over and over. Mara stood on tiptoes, her arms enfolding Vader's neck, her small buttocks quivering as Vader probed her moist, pink sex. Vader's gleaming hand crushed Mara's luscious ass while his swollen wire index finger buried itself in the naked girl's slick pussy, his remaining bio-tech fingers digging into her tender, white flesh. Mara shuddered against Vader, clutching the tall Sith's neck, her head thrown back as she moaned and gasped, her pussy quaking from the orgasm flooding through her belly.

The quick succession of agony to ecstasy made Mara faint in Vader's arms. The Dark Lord lifted the naked girl easily to his chest. Vader left the heart of the obsidian tower holding Mara in a gentle embrace.


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