Parasite Eve: Resurrection

Part One

"Danny! Time for supper!" called out Aya Brea, walking down the hall to her son's bedroom. The beautiful blonde woman peeked into Danny's room, smiling when she saw him playing Final Fantasy 20 on his small television.

"Coming, Mom!" shouted the boy, not realizing his mother was watching him.

"C'mon, wash up," prodded Aya.

"I'm just about to fight the Witch!" grinned Danny, glancing briefly at his mother.

"Pause it and come eat. You can save the world when you're done."

"Mom!" groaned Danny.

"No arguments!"

Reluctantly, Danny paused his game. He pushed himself off the carpet and followed his mother into the hallway.

"Hurry now, before your dinner gets cold!" smiled Aya, patting her son's rump lightly.

Danny rushed into the bathroom to wash his hands as his mother instructed.

Aya returned to the small dining room of the apartment, making sure everything was in place. Danny burst into the room, flopping down in his seat opposite his mother.

"What's for supper?" asked the boy eagerly.

"Spaghetti and meatballs with french bread," replied Aya, filling her son's plate.

"Cool! Thanks, Mom!" grinned Danny.

"You're very welcome, son," chuckled Aya, handing a plate heaped with steaming food to the suddenly ravenous boy.


"Be careful with that!" snapped Gale Raymond as she watched her lab partner, Verner Sheplar, lift the frozen tissue sample from the smoking storage unit.

Verner glared briefly at Gale before he gently opened the sample vial with thick gloves and poured a tiny droplet onto the platen of the microscope. Verner re-sealed the vial and replaced it inside the small freezer unit while Gale bent down to examine the sample beneath the 'scope.

"Amazing, even after all these years, the tissue is still viable!" gasped Gale in astonishment.

"Let me see!" said Verner, poking Gale in the side.

"Wait your turn!" retorted Gale, poking Verner back as she continued to examine the sample avidly. Opening a notebook with her right hand, Gale began writing down what she saw so she could review the data later with Verner.


Aya wiped her face with the towel, relishing the sensation of freshly washed skin before she returned the towel to its rack, switched off the light, and walked toward her waiting bed. Tossing her short silk bathrobe, Aya slid naked into the bed, covering herself with two thin sheets.

"That was a great dinner, Mom," murmured Danny, snuggling close to Aya's left side.

"I'm glad you liked it," smiled Aya, kissing her son's ruffled blonde hair.

"Can we have sex?"

"If you want."

Danny kissed his mother's soft lips, his small hands caressing her warm, full breasts. Aya moaned softly, wrapping her arms around her son's waist, feeling his small penis press against her left thigh. Danny lowered his mouth to Aya's left tit, covering the nipple with his mouth, sucking intently on it. Aya slid her hands through Danny's hair, smelling the shampoo lacing it from his recent shower. Danny climbed on top of Aya, switching to her right breast, licking her stiff nipple while his little cock rubbed against her pussy. Aya pressed her slim thighs against her son's legs, holding him in place over her crotch. Danny sucked loudly on Aya's soft tit, his mouth full of her smooth, white flesh, his young prick tickling Aya's trembling clit.

Aya ran her hands over Danny's back, sliding her right hand down to one of her son's buttocks. She pressed down on Danny's ass, forcing his cock into her cunt. Aya moaned loudly, her thighs tightening against Danny as his member slipped into her vagina. Danny groaned, squeezing his mother's shoulders with his hands while he started humping her pussy. The boy's cock engorged, caressing the slippery walls of Aya's love hole. Danny nibbled on Aya's heaving right tit, his teeth gently rubbing her aching nipple. Aya pumped up with her hips, ramming her son's shaft, her body on fire with uncontrollable lust. Sweat beaded the naked bodies of mother and son, then they both convulsed as they orgasmed together, Danny's cock milk squirting into Aya's belly.

Smiling, Danny kissed his mother tenderly on the mouth before falling asleep on top of her. Aya hugged Danny possessively, sharing her warmth with her son.


"I'm ready to call it a night," declared Verner, rubbing sore eyes.

"Alright," nodded Gale, stifling a yawn as she closed her notebook. "Did you put the sample back?"

"No, I'll do it now," said Verner, rising stiffly from his chair to make his way to the microscope.

Gale rose as well, reaching into the wide, right-hand pocket of her white lab coat to retrieve a piece of chocolate. She popped the sweet into her mouth, chewing thoughtfully as she followed Verner to the lab table.

"Any plans tonight?" whispered Gale seductively, hugging Verner from behind.

"I thought I would just go home tonight. I think my wife is starting to get suspicious," replied Verner while he opened the freezer unit.

"Please, Verner?" smiled Gale, lowering her right hand to Verner's crotch.

"Damn, Gale," sighed Verner, his cock hardening from Gale's gentle touch.

"I want to fuck," growled Gale, spinning Verner to face her. She stood on tip-toe, kissing Verner hungrily.

Verner returned Gale's enthusiasm, fondling her left buttock with his right hand.

The scientists tugged off each other's lab coats before working on their clothes.

Verner pulled down the purple lace bra covering Gale's left breast. He sucked on her tit, his lips warm against her shivering flesh. Gale tugged down Verner's underwear, then grasped his stiff prick with her right hand, massaging the shuddering member. Gale placed her left arm around Verner's neck, rubbing her bra and panty-clad body over his. Verner slipped his right hand underneath the back of Gale's panties, stroking her crack with his right index finger. When he touched her wet pussy, Gale moaned, she squeezed his cock even harder.

Verner seized Gale's hips and rolled them both so she rested against the edge of the lab table. He slid the lovely woman's panties to her knees, his left palm fondling her bra-covered right tit. Gale hopped onto the table, jostling the microscope violently. Verner hugged Gale's slim waist, shoving his stiff cock into her moist slit. Gale moaned deeply, wrapping her legs around Verner, her pale arms draped over his strong shoulders as he pushed into her vagina. The lab table shook from the lovers' coupling, the microscope teetering from side to side. After one particularly powerful thrust, the microscope fell onto its side. The tissue sample plopped onto the table near Gale's left buttock. The thick, clear liquid quivered, then slid toward Gale's taut ass. The liquid touched Gale, instantly absorbed into the oblivious woman's skin.

Gale hugged Verner tighter, she thrust her crotch onto his thick, veined pole. Gale's hips moved faster and faster, her cunt clenched Verner's cock, milking it.

"You're hot tonight!" gasped Verner, his body drenched in sweat as he shoved into Gale up to his dangling balls.

Gale smiled, perspiration glistening all over her lithe body. She leaned forward, licking Verner's flat chest, kissing his left nipple.

Verner groaned with pleasure, his arms tightening around Gale.

Gale's wet skin became hotter, it transformed from creamy white to an angry dark pink. Sweat turned to steam on Verner's flesh, he tried to pull away from the suddenly fevered young woman.

"Love me," moaned Gale, her smoky grey eyes becoming bright green.

"What's going on?" gasped Verner, the heat radiating from Gale's naked body growing hotter and hotter.

"I..I don't know," stammered Gale, her face contorting with anguish. When she looked up at Verner, the man's eyes widened just before he burst into flame. Gale screamed, the stench of burnt meat thick in the air as Verner's flaming body stumbled from one lab table to another. Finally, the nearly consumed man fell to the floor, nothing but a scorched skeleton remaining.

Gale clutched her twisting belly, moaning weakly. The woman's short red hair lengthened, became a chaotic mane of glistening fire. Gale's skin transformed to a corpse-like blue-white, her body thinned, her breasts enlarged.

Eve rose from the lab table, floating upright, her hair twisting as if each strand was alive and aware. Tears of flame fell from Eve's wide, green eyes. She reached up with both arms, and a pillar of fire blasted from her open hands, burning a shaft up through the roof. Rising like an avenging angel, Eve rocketed up into the clear night sky of New York, her coldly beautiful face twisted with rage.


Part Two

Aya passed through the doorway from the front desk room to the main hallway of the police station. She glanced from side to side, warily checking to see if Chief Dollis was hanging around the hall.

"He's in a meeting, Brea," grinned Officer Cathy, leaving the cop she was talking with to join Aya. "Running a little late?"

"Danny wanted pancakes for breakfast," shrugged Aya helplessly as she made her way to the office.

"Did you have to leave him with anyone?"

"No, he's old enough to be on his own. He said he'd be at the mall playing games," smiled Aya.

"That should keep him out of trouble for the afternoon," agreed Cathy. "I'm going to get some coffee, want a cup?"

"Yes, please," nodded Aya before she opened the office door and braced herself for the verbal assault of her fellow detectives.


Danny tightened his fingers around the hilt of his enchanted sword, raking the sunlit forest with his eyes in search of prey. There was a scuffling to the boy's left. Danny smiled, racing toward the shaking bushes. Two goblins burst out, squealing in their high-pitched language while waving notched short swords. Danny slashed down at one goblin, cutting the monster's torso open. The goblin howled as it disappeared into thin air. The second goblin stabbed at Danny, hitting the boy in the left leg. The sword pierced Danny's leather armor, biting into his flesh. Danny kicked the goblin away, hobbling on his numb left leg before he thrust down with his sword, impaling the goblin on the ground. The monster disappeared as well, leaving Danny alone in the forest. Danny looked down at the bloodless wound on his leg, cursing his bad luck. He continued staggering through the forest, hoping he would find a healing potion somewhere.

"Look out!" warned a female voice from above.

Danny raised his sword just as three fat orcs pushed their way into a large forest clearing.

"You give us gold or we kill you!" snorted the orc leader, hefting a vicious spiked mace.

"No way!" retorted Danny, standing his ground.

The orcs charged Danny, weapons upraised.

An arrow flew from the trees, smacking into one orc's wide chest. The monsters halted suddenly, looking around in confusion. A second arrow hissed over Danny, embedding itself in another orc's meaty leg.

"Let's take them!" exclaimed a short, thin girl with long, golden hair. She wielded a gleaming rapier, which she used to slash at the wounded orc. Danny joined the girl, parrying a mace blow aimed at her back by the orc leader. The orc grunted in frustration, swinging savagely at Danny. Danny blocked and dodged, cutting the orc several times with his blade. The runes etched on the sword's blade glowed with blue fire, excited by the duel with the orc.

"Flame on!" called out Danny.

The magical blade was engulfed in fire, making the orc leader squeal in terror. Danny grinned as he swiped at the orc, cutting the monster in half. The orc's corpse disappeared, replaced by a pile of gold coins and two blue potion bottles.

Danny spun to help the young girl, only to see her impale her foe in the heart with her agile rapier. The monster winked out of sight, allowing the girl to face Danny.

"What did the leader have?" asked the girl, brushing a strand of blonde hair away from a delicate elven right ear.

Danny didn't reply at first, his eyes were busy taking in the elf girl's slim, leather clad body.

The elf girl noticed Danny's interest, she blushed hotly.

"Oh, sorry," grinned Danny in embarrassment. "He had some gold and two healing potions. Want to split it?"

"Okay," smiled the elf girl. "My name's Hanna."

"Danny," replied the boy, shaking the elf girl's hand.

"I think there's an orc camp not far from here, want to check it out?"

"Sure!" nodded Danny before he knelt down to retrieve his share of the treasure.


"We've got a suspected murder at Shinra Biotech," said Daniel "Bo" Dollis from his chair.

"How'd they die?" asked Aya, sipping her coffee.

"Burned almost to the bone," replied Bo, looking intently at Aya.

"Not..not like Eve?" gasped Aya with wide eyes.

"Exactly the same MO," nodded the big black man.

"But she's dead!"

"Evidently the smart guys and gals at Shinra Biotech got a hold of some of Eve's remains. The storage container was left open at the scene, and the deceased's female partner is missing."

"Dear lord, it's starting all over again!" murmured Aya.

Bo looked sympathetically at Aya.

"Look, Brea, maybe you should just take off for a week or two, until this whole thing blows over. Spend some time with Danny."

"I can't just abandon you!" protested Aya.

"We know how to kill the thing, I've got teams scouring the city for it. It's under control."

"Maybe you're right," sighed Aya.

"Get out of here, Brea. I'll call you soon with an update."

"Okay. Thanks, Bo," smiled Aya wanly, rising from her chair.

"Don't mention it," grinned Dollis.


"I'm starving!" said Danny before he took a large bite from his slice of pizza.

"Those orcs were tough," grinned Hanna, taking a long drink from her cup of soda.

"Yeah, but now we've gained three levels, we can go after the lich king now," declared Danny, his eyes shining with excitement.

"It'll have to be tomorrow, Danny, I have to get home soon," replied Hanna before she finished eating her pizza.

"Yeah, I better get home too, Mom will be waiting for me," admitted Danny mournfully.

"We can ride our bikes together for part of the way," suggested Hanna.

"Okay!" grinned Danny, gobbling down his pizza and draining the last of his soda.


The sky was a dull red as the sun continued its descent along the horizon. Danny and Hanna pedaled swiftly, making their way home along the less crowded residential streets. As they passed by an empty park, Hanna screeched to a halt.

"What's wrong, Hanna?" asked Danny, stopping his own bike and looking back at the blonde girl.

"Did..did you really like how I looked?" asked Hanna, her face downcast and burning.

"Yeah, you were beautiful," admitted Danny, blushing deeply himself.

"Have..have you ever kissed a girl? For real?"

"No. Have you ever kissed a boy?"

"Uh, uh. Would you like to kiss me?"

"Uh..sure," replied Danny, swallowing a little fearfully.

Hanna climbed off her bike, rolling it into the park.

"Let's go behind that big bush."

Danny followed Hanna, his stomach clenching, the pizza he ate a heavy weight inside his gut. The boy licked suddenly dry lips, the blood pounding in his temples as Hanna lowered her bike to the grass and disappeared behind the large, leafy green bush. Danny rested his bike next to Hanna's before entering the small space in the bush's heart.

Hanna sat on the grass with her legs tucked beneath her. She seemed just as nervous as Danny, watching the boy with wide eyes while he sat down next to her.

"Um, you want me to start?" asked Danny hesitantly.

"Okay," agreed Hanna, her small chest pumping quickly.

Danny licked his lips again, then leaned forward, touching his mouth to Hanna's. The short girl's lips were soft and warm, they tasted nice to Danny. He pressed his lips harder against Hanna's, his right hand resting on the girl's silky left thigh.

"Umm," moaned Hanna, placing her slim arms around Danny's neck, opening her mouth slowly so the boy could touch her tongue with his. Danny eagerly complied, caressing Hanna's moist tongue, her breath warm inside his mouth.

Blood roared in Danny's veins, he felt his flesh become feverish with arousal. The boy slipped his hand up Hanna's leg, reaching the edge of the girl's pink shorts. He unzipped Hanna's shorts, caressing the girl's heart-decorated white panties.

"I shouldn't," panted Hanna, before Danny stifled her protests with another hot kiss.


Aya was waiting at a traffic light when her pussy exploded with heat. The lovely woman leaned against the steering wheel, gasping harshly as she felt a flood of honey pour from her shuddering cunt.

"Danny! No!" moaned Aya, slamming down on the gas pedal when the light shifted to green.


Danny removed Hanna's purple t-shirt before unsnapping her training bra. He lowered the moaning girl to the grass, caressing her soaked panties as he placed his mouth over her small right breast. He sucked deeply on Hanna's little tit, his teeth pinching her sensitive nipple. Hanna groaned loudly, her small hands wrapped around Danny's right wrist while his hand pressed up and down her panty-covered slit.

"I'm so hot!" moaned Hanna as Danny moved his wet mouth to her left breast. The boy slipped his right hand underneath Hanna's wet panties, scratching her little clit with his index finger. Hanna's skin was warm and creamy inside Danny's mouth. He licked her left nipple, watching it stiffen with pleasure. He kissed the panting girl again, probing her throat with his dripping tongue. Hanna moaned, she squeezed Danny's hand with her thin legs, her pussy trembling underneath the boy's eager touch. Danny's cock ached for release, he slid down Hanna's open shorts, then grasped the waistband of her panties and began tugging the honey- soaked underwear off the groaning young girl.

The screeching of a car's brakes barely registered in Danny's mind while he positioned himself between Hanna's open legs, the smell of her young pussy driving him wild with hunger. He started lowering his crotch onto Hanna's, his released cock shivering in anticipation.

"No, Danny!" snapped Aya, ripping an opening in the sheltering bush.

"Mom!" gasped Danny, the glaze of lust fading from his eyes.

Hanna whimpered, hastily yanking her panties and shorts back up.

Aya grabbed Danny's right arm and pulled him out of the bush. She retrieved Danny's bike before leading the stumbling boy back to the running car.

"Mom, I'm sorry!" burst out Danny, tears welling in his eyes.

"It''s not your fault, son," replied Aya softly, letting Danny go so she could load his bike into the trunk.

Danny was waiting inside the car when Aya slid into the driver's seat. She squeezed the steering wheel with both hands, angry at herself.

"Mom? Are you mad?" whispered Danny tentatively.

"No," replied Aya, glancing at her son and smiling weakly.

"Can we go home? I have to take care of something," laughed Danny uncomfortably.

Aya looked down at Danny's crotch, his jeans straining from the erection pressing against them. She raised her face, watching while Hanna rocketed out of the park on her bike, crying.

"Open your pants," ordered Aya, turning off the car's engine.

Danny slowly unzipped his fly, his cock bursting free.

Aya lowered her face to her son's crotch, placing her mouth on Danny's cock head. She started pumping her lips up and down Danny's shaft, sucking on the throbbing meat. Danny groaned, pressing his hands against the seat of the car while his mother engulfed his prick with her warm mouth. Danny's hips began bucking, shoving his cock up into Aya's throat. Aya hummed softly, her tongue caressing the underside of Danny's member, making it quiver in ecstasy.

"I'm cumming!" gasped Danny, his milk spilling into Aya's mouth.

Aya swallowed her son's jizz, sucking the engorged head of his cock until he had spent himself.

Wiping her lips with the back of her right hand, Aya sat up and re-started the car. She backed out of the park's lot, flicking on the car's headlights now that night had fallen over the city. After Aya and Danny left, Eve emerged from behind a tree, smiling darkly.


Part Three

Aya slept in late the following day. She awoke with Danny entwined around her. She smiled affectionately, kissing his forehead and brushing stray hair away from his temples. Aya broke away from Danny as carefully as she could before leaving the bed and draping on her short silk bathrobe. Yawning lightly, Aya went to the kitchen to make herself a cup of coffee.

While she watched the water boil, Aya abruptly raised her head, her eyes widening when she realized who she was sensing. The beautiful woman rushed to the door, unlocking it before flinging it open.

"Good morning, Aya, it's been a long time," greeted Maeda self-consciously.


"Why did you come back?" asked Aya from her seat on the couch.

"I heard about Eve's rebirth. I left Japan as soon as I found out," replied Maeda, a steaming cup of coffee forgotten in his hands. "How are you and Daniel?"

"Fine," nodded Aya, sipping her own coffee. "Eve hasn't appeared around here yet. Bo let me take some time off."

"You know that Eve will come for you and the boy, you're the logical target."

"I know," whispered Aya. "Bo has search teams scouring the city for her, they're prepared to take her down."

"I hope they do," said Maeda, tentatively reaching out to clasp one of Aya's hands.

"Danny will wake up soon, you better go."


"Please! Just go, I'll be fine," whispered Aya, lowering her eyes to the floor.

"Is Daniel..experimenting?"

Aya looked up sharply.

"I caught him once. I was able to stop him before anything happened."

"Why couldn't you just have abor.."

"No! He's my son! I take full responsibility for him!" snapped Aya.

"I'm sure the dead will find that very comforting," frowned Maeda.

"Mom?" called Danny from the bedroom.

"Your bedroom? Don't tell me you've been.."

"I'm doing what I have to do! Now get out!"

Maeda set his untouched drink on the coffee table. Gazing coldly at Aya, Maeda let himself out of the apartment.

"Mom, was that Dad?" yawned Danny.

"No, just someone I used to know," sighed Aya as she stood up from the couch. "Let's get you some breakfast."


"I'm just going to make a quick stop at the grocery store, then I'll be right back," said Aya, draping on her leather jacket.

"Can I go with you, we've been stuck inside all day!" whined Danny.

"It's dangerous right now. I want you here, where it's safe."

"You're scared of that Eve person, aren't you?" guessed Danny shrewdly.

"Yes, I am," admitted Aya. "Will you stay here, for me?"

"Okay," agreed Danny reluctantly. The boy's face brightened, "Can we have sex when you get back?"

"I suppose," sighed Aya, ruffling her son's hair. "I can't imagine what you'll be like in four years."

"I'll want to do it all the time!" grinned Danny.

Aya laughed, kissing Danny on the forehead before leaving the apartment. She waited to hear Danny lock the door, then continued down the hall towards the descending staircase.


Danny was in his bedroom, sitting on the floor in front of his television playing a game when a stranger appeared in the doorway. The boy jerked around, filled with surprise, fear, and an unexplained longing.

"Hello, Danny," smiled Eve, pursing her sensual lips.

"Who are you? How did you get in?"

"My name is Eve. We're related after a fashion," replied Eve, floating gently into the room.

Danny stood up, facing the towering woman.

"You killed a man," accused Danny.

"He died because he was inferior, he could not resist the Mitochondria, but you can," purred Eve, caressing the bottom of Danny's chin with one long cool finger.

"My Mom will be back soon," murmured Danny, his head tilted up so he could gaze in fascination at the wild-haired woman.

"Would you like to have sex with me?" smiled Eve, descending so that her large, pale breasts filled Danny's vision.

"Yes," groaned Danny, his young cock already hard and aching with need.

"Good," sighed Eve, placing her thin, white arms around Danny's neck.


Aya was walking out of the grocery store with two bulging sacks in her arms when a car screeched to a stop in front of her.

"Hey!" shouted Aya, her eyes blazing angrily.

"Get in!" exclaimed Maeda, pushing the passenger door open.

"What's going on?" demanded Aya.

"Eve's in your apartment! She's with Danny!"

"Oh, no!" gasped Aya, dropping her bags. She dove into Maeda's car, slamming the door while he screamed away from the grocery store, wheels smoking.


"That feels nice," smiled Eve from her perch on top of Danny. The boy had his hands on top of her cool tits, caressing her large, stiff nipples. Eve lowered her chest towards Danny's face so he could suck on her left breast. She moaned softly, licking her lips with a long, pink tongue. Eve stroked Danny's hair with her clawed hands, rubbing her crotch against his erect penis.

"I want you inside me," murmured Eve, her green eyes glittering as she reached beneath her body to grasp Danny's cock and guide it to her gaping pussy. She inserted the boy's member into her cunt, her vagina closing around it until Danny groaned with pleasure. Eve hugged Danny's head, pushing his mouth onto her left nipple while she humped his shaft, driving it deep into her belly.

"Do you feel the Mitochondria singing in your blood?" asked Eve, her hips thrusting evenly.

"Yes," groaned Danny, Eve's nipple resting on his chin.

"Give in to the Mitochondria, let it take control," moaned Eve, her cunt caressing Danny's prick, squeezing and coating it with warm honey.

"Yes," sighed Danny, wrapping his arms around Eve's slender waist, pushing his cock up into the coldly beautiful woman's womb.


"I brought my gun," shouted Maeda over the roar of the car's engine while he slid through traffic.

Aya frowned, pressing her hands on the dashboard when a wave of heat washed over her body. She gasped for breath, sweat beading on her face.

"What's wrong?" demanded Maeda when he glanced briefly at Aya.

"Danny, he's aroused," panted Aya.

"You can feel what he feels?"

"Yes," groaned Aya, her pussy shuddering, juices dampening her panties.

"We have to stop Eve! If we don't.."

"Danny will become the Ultimate Being," finished Aya, her skin burning with lust.


Eve bucked against Danny, her buttocks clenched as she thrust her pussy over the boy's engorged cock. Danny was slamming into Eve harder, a wolfish grin frozen on his face, his eyes glowing with green flame. The boy sucked hungrily on Eve's right tit, licking her ripe nipple, devouring her smooth, blue-white flesh. Eve closed her eyes in bliss, she moaned deeply, her cunt gushing with sweet-smelling nectar. Danny's skin became warmer, perspiration gleaming on his body as he writhed underneath Eve. Eve's naked body matched Danny's body heat, they both grew hotter and hotter until the very air in the room became distorted from the intensity. Eve tilted Danny's face before pressing her lips over his. Danny returned Eve's embrace, entwining his tongue with hers. The air seemed to catch fire, Danny's hands slid over Eve's bare back, stroking her smoldering skin.


Maeda pushed past Aya after she had unlocked the apartment door. Wielding a large pistol, the scientist ran toward Danny's room, Aya on his heels. When he reached the open doorway, Maeda reflexively backed away from the overpowering heat. Aya charged into the furnace-like bedroom, gasping for breath.

"Sister! How nice to see you again!" smiled Eve, Danny's face pressed between her large breasts. "Would you care to join us?"

"Get away from him!" snarled Aya, her eyes gleaming dangerously.

"He's mine," purred Eve while Danny licked her cleavage. "Payment for the son that you destroyed."

"You won't turn him into a monster! I won't allow it!" swore Aya, her body glowing with golden flame.

Eve smirked insolently until Aya transformed into angelic form. Aya hurled herself at Eve, smashing her off of Danny. The two women grappled with each other, before Aya sent them both roaring up through the ceiling to the roof of the apartment building.

Maeda checked on Danny, discovering that the boy was back to normal, sleeping heavily. Satisfied, Maeda raced out of the room to find a staircase leading to the roof.


Aya blasted Eve away with a stream of golden fire. Eve hissed in pain, blocking the fire with her left arm. Eve opened her right palm, disgorging a blast of cold slime that splashed over Aya, weakening her flame-shrouded body. Eve floated into the air, summoning brilliant purple energy that coiled around her right arm. Leveling her arm at Aya, Eve unleashed a javelin of power that slammed into Aya and knocked the woman off her feet. Leaning on her left arm, Aya sent dozens of fiery tendrils at Eve. The red-haired woman staggered as strike after strike crashed upon her, a rain of flaming blows that hammered at her body. Aya's body slowly lost its golden luster, then it finally returned to normal, her frame naked and shivering.

Eve straightened, her red mane billowing around her head and creamy white shoulders. She floated towards Aya, her right palm aimed at the helpless woman's face.

"Good-bye, dear sister. I will take good care of Danny, my son," smiled Eve as energy formed within her hand.

A dart slapped into Eve's chest, just above her left breast.

"NO!" screamed Eve, her white flesh bubbling and smoking from the dart's contents.

Eve howled in agony, twisting and twitching as her mitochondria was assaulted. The naked woman's legs melted and pooled on the roof, followed by her liquified torso. Eve reached out towards Aya, her eyes begging just before her face melted into a gooey mass.

Aya gazed vacantly at Eve's smoking remains while Maeda covered her with his jacket. Aya let Maeda hold her, she was too numb to protest.



"The moving truck's ready to leave!" called out Aya from the apartment doorway.

"I'm coming!" replied Danny, leaving his bedroom with a large box in his arms.

"Why didn't you pack that with the rest of your things?"

"It might get thrown around in the back. This is very delicate equipment!" protested the boy.

"Oh, I'm sorry then," smiled Aya, ruffling Danny's hair. "Go ahead and get in the truck, I just want to thank your father for helping us move."

"Okay," nodded Danny. "Bye, Dad!"

"Good-bye, Daniel," said Maeda, keeping his gaze on the outside view.

"You could at least.."

"He's your son, Aya. What happened with Eve just proves how dangerous he is," retorted Maeda.

"I'll watch him."

"What about when he's sixteen? Will you go to school with him? Make sure he doesn't fuck any of those cute high school girls? Will you continue to act the whore for him?

"He's my son, as you said. I love him. I'll do whatever it takes to keep him safe," said Aya stubbornly.

"You're a fool, Aya Brea. I hope your folly doesn't destroy mankind," snarled Maeda before he stormed out of the apartment.

Aya closed her eyes, breathing deeply. When she felt a little better, she looked one last time around her apartment before closing the front door and walking out to the waiting truck.

"Are you okay, Mom?" asked Danny softly, sensing his mother's sadness.

"I'm fine..I'm fine, honey," smiled Aya, kissing her son's left cheek. Danny hugged Aya tightly, which she returned in kind.

"I love you, Mom."

"I love you," murmured Aya, stifling her tears.

Aya let Danny go to grasp the steering wheel with both hands.

"Let's go to our new home," said Aya.

"Cool!" grinned Danny eagerly.

The End.

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