Private School Nightmare: Sacrifice

by BioDread

Debra Shaw stopped in the hallway to look out a window. The sky to the east was filled with angry, black clouds. A storm was coming from off the coast, the nurse thought with pursed, red lips. The dark clouds were swollen with rain, the storm would be loud and rough. Tongues of white lightning flashed in the heart of the approaching storm, the clouds boiled with stormy fury.

The slender nurse dragged her mind away from the imminent thunderstorm. She resumed her journey down the hall, her thoughts returning to Lisa. The woman smiled from the many pleasurable memories running through her head. She would go to Lisa's room again tonight, they would make love while the thunder crashed and the rain pounded.


Agent Hayek pushed open the door to the Headmaster's office and flicked on the lights. The blonde woman raised her right eyebrow, the office was incredibly plush and richly appointed, more like a wealthy man's study than a principle's office.

Gloria walked around the massive, black oak desk and sat lightly in the huge, overstuffed leather chair. The desktop was neat, almost obsessively tidy. There were no pictures of loved ones or family, Gloria frowned and chewed her lower lip in frustration. She opened the desk's drawers, most were filled with office supplies or reports about the school. The next to bottom drawer had nine files with information about students. All of the students were freshmen with various scholarships or financial aid, the students also all had failing marks in at least one subject. Gloria replaced the files after skimming through them, then closed the drawer and lowered her hand to the last compartment. The last drawer was locked, Gloria tugged sharply on it until her cell phone interrupted her efforts.

The attractive agent reached into a pocket of her dark blue suit jacket and took out the ringing phone. She flipped the cell open and raised it to her right ear.


"Sheriff Biggs. I just wanted to let you know that your colleagues took your sister's remains from the morgue along with the others."

"Thanks for telling me, Matthew," smiled Gloria wanly.

"Are you pulling out with them?"

"I'm checking out one last thing with the Headmaster case."

"Want some help, Gloria?"

"No, thank you for offering, though. I'll give you a ring before I leave town."

"Alright. Let me know if you need anything."

"Bye," said Gloria before she snapped her cell phone shut and replaced it in her jacket. She slipped her left hand into her pants and withdrew a small leather case. Unzipping the case, Gloria removed a lock-pick and applied it to the keyhole of the locked desk drawer. Biting her lip, Gloria deftly fought the lock, and smiled when the drawer clicked open. Opening the drawer, the agent saw a notebook, two videotapes, and three magazines with naked girls who appeared to be no older than fifteen.

Frowning, Gloria sat back in the chair and opened the notebook.

February 14th:

I called Lisa Kessler in for a meeting today. When she came into my office, she was shivering from the cold, her long, silky brown hair was damp from melted snow. She came to me without prompting, kneeling by my chair as I unzipped my trousers. The girl's mouth felt exquisite when it wrapped around my hard cock. I stroked her hair like I always do, I love the feel of a girl's hair in my hands as they suck me off, their small heads bobbing, their tiny mouths slurping as they suck my manhood deep into their tight, young...

Gloria slammed the notebook shut and threw it back into the open drawer. Reluctantly, the woman took out one of the videotapes and rose from the sleek, leather chair. She went to the television and VCR set up in a polished cabinet next to the wall. After turning the volume down, Gloria inserted the tape into the VCR and hit the Play button.

Harsh, muffled moans immediately came from the TV. Gloria took a step back to watch the tape, it showed a young student positioned on her belly atop the Headmaster's desk, naked with her hands handcuffed behind her back and a red rubber ball gag stuffed inside her mouth. The girl had her thin legs splayed apart, a weak moan escaping from her gagged mouth every time the Headmaster rammed himself between her tiny buttocks. The Headmaster spanked the handcuffed girl sharply, grunting with effort while he thrust into the bound child.

Gloria ejected the tape and returned it to the drawer. The agent nearly trembled with anger. Leaning against the side of the desk, Gloria opened her cell phone and punched in a number.

"Sheriff Biggs."

"Matthew, get down here when you can today, I have some evidence for you."


"Yes. This evidence is even uglier than the murder scene."


The storm arrived in the early evening. Thunder shook the walls of Lisa's dorm room, lightning filled the dark bedroom with brilliant illumination.

Debra lay atop Lisa, fondling the nude girl's left breast, kissing her earnestly with a moist, demanding tongue. Lisa was hot with arousal, wriggling slowly underneath the naked nurse, her small hands stroking the woman's firm thighs and taut buttocks.

"I want you," moaned Debra, licking Lisa's cheeks, planting wet kisses on the girl's slender throat. "I want to feel you inside my pussy."

Lisa's small belly shivered. Debra caught her breath when the tendril wriggled into her damp cunt, probing deeper and deeper within her.

"Yes! Give me more!" demanded Debra, sweat gleaming on her face as the tendril engorged inside her vagina, throbbing with lustful excitement.

Lisa pressed her lips over Debra's stiff right nipple and sucked. Debra arched her back, her hips thrusting, driving the growing tendril deeper into her clenched belly. Beads of perspiration fell from Debra's feverish skin as she bucked violently, her long, red hair flying everywhere, her husky moans filling the dorm room with every thrust of her pelvis.

The tendril quivered within Debra's tight cunt. Tiny, wriggling appendages sprouted from the thick, purple shaft. The appendages slithered through Debra's bush of dark red pubic hair, long, slime-coated fibers wrapped around the woman's bare thighs. A single, long fiber slipped into the humping woman's anus, another slithered up into her belly button. The swelling tendril inside Debra's pussy pushed against the slick walls of her vagina. Debra threw back her head and moaned, her large, bare breasts shuddering, the nipples engorged so much they hurt.

Lisa closed her eyes in agony, her small hands clutching at the sheets beneath her, her tiny pelvis pumping up and down uncontrollably.

There was a loud, wet noise, as if flesh was tearing. Both naked young women screamed as the tendril that linked them together separated and split in two.

Debra fell back onto her buttocks. She looked down between her open, splayed legs, a piece of the tendril was still inside her, wriggling like a slime-soaked worm. Thick, pink blood squirted from the tendril's wound, splashing over Debra's long legs and heaving stomach. Debra collapsed onto her back, her body shuddering as the tendril pushed into her vagina, its wound healing shut in moments. Debra grasped the end of the slithering, purple tendril with both hands, tugging on it as the thing burrowed ever deeper within her dripping pussy, nuzzling further into the tight folds of her cunt.

Lisa laid limply upon her back, whimpering softly while her tendril healed and returned to the warmth of her young belly. The girl trembled briefly, honey flowing from her pink cunt onto the wrinkled sheets.

The tendril inside Debra escaped her slime-slick fingers and disappeared completely into her pussy. The sweat-soaked nurse clutched the damp sheets, her pelvis shivering as the alien appendage slipped through her vagina, wriggling deeper, invading her.

The storm continued, rain ran down the bedroom window in shimmering rivulets, lightning cracked across the pitch-black sky. Debra sat up on the bed and wiped away a strand of molten red hair. She placed her right palm over her bare belly, she felt the tendril within her, it shifted, and sent a pulse into her pussy. Debra closed her eyes as the orgasm flowed through her crotch, making her clit throb, her thighs quake. Opening her warm eyes, panting softly for breath, Debra crouched over Lisa and kissed the gasping girl's soft, wet lips.

"I have to do something, then I'll be back."


"After your team went through everything they removed the junk that was stuck everywhere," said Sheriff Biggs while Gloria bent over a large oak chest. "They found more of the Headmaster's toys."

With some effort, the chest opened. It was filled with leather restraints, whips, collars, leashes, and an assortment of nipple clips and dildos.

"Whoa," breathed the Sheriff over Gloria's left shoulder.

"Why didn't they collect this?"

"They were more concerned about the organic material," shrugged Biggs. "Is it really..alien?"

"Yes, and the less you know, the better."

"I already saw those military choppers haul off something. Is this going to cause me problems later?"

"No, the threat ended with the Headmaster. I suppose these things are irrelevant now that he's dead," said Gloria, slamming the chest shut.

"What about the girls in those files?"

"We have programs that could help them, but I wonder if any program would help after what those kids went through," sighed Hayek.

"Do you mind if we leave now? This basement is creepy."

Gloria picked up her halogen lamp from the floor and followed the sheriff towards the basement stairs. The agent was deep in thought, just placing her right foot on the first step when she noticed that Biggs had stopped half-way up the staircase.

"What's the hold-up?" inquired Gloria as she looked up, her eyes widening when she saw the dripping tendril impaled through the sheriff's torso.

Gloria reached for the pistol inside her jacket, but failed to reach it when Biggs' heavy body fell back on top of her. The woman was pushed off the stairs onto the basement floor, there was a dull thud when her back slammed onto the hard concrete.

Gloria struggled to get out from underneath the sheriff's corpse. Someone rolled away the sheriff, and wrapped something around Gloria's neck. Gloria grasped the slippery object strangling her, and gasped when she recognized the school nurse standing over her, smiling cruelly while a tendril emanating from underneath her white skirt tightened around Gloria's throat more.

The agent released the tendril coiled around her neck and tried to reach her gun. She thrust her right hand into her jacket, grasping desperately for the gun holstered underneath her left armpit. Gloria's vision began to darken, spots of light blinded her. She felt the nurse pry her legs apart, she worked her mouth in protest while the nurse unfastened her trousers and tugged them down to her knees.

Gloria was on her back now, gagging as the tendril maintained its vice-hold. Scrabbling fingers brushed against the butt of her pistol. The woman's eyes widened even more when the moist tip of the tendril wriggled inside her open mouth, slime pouring down her throat. Gloria's hips shook reflexively as the nurse licked her pussy, the red-haired woman's tongue burrowing into her quivering hole.

Debra moaned inside the dying woman's slit. She lapped up and down the shuddering, warm cunt, rubbing the delicate clit with the tip of her tongue until it was stiff and blood-swollen. The horny nurse pushed her mouth inside the agent woman's pussy, slurping hungrily, her own crotch aflame with pleasure as the tendril nestled inside her cunt strangled the woman lying in front of her. Driven by her sensual appetite, Debra didn't feel the muzzle against her forehead until Gloria squeezed the trigger. The gun blast roared inside the basement. Debra was hurled back by the blast, her head a bloody ruin. The tendril between Debra's legs convulsed spasmodically, then grew limp, releasing Gloria's bruised throat.

Gloria tore away the slimy appendage around her neck, coughing for air. She rubbed her abused throat after sitting up. She looked at the limp tendril with disgust, following its length to its dead host.

"Case...closed," croaked Gloria.


Lisa sat facing the Headmaster's desk. The FBI agent sat on the desk's edge, leaning forward to give her the name of a therapist.

"You've been through a lot, Miss Kessler, this woman can help."

"Thank you, Ma'am," smiled Lisa. She admired Gloria's shimmering gold hair and slender, athletic body.

Gloria noticed the girl's interest and blushed. She closed her suit jacket and stood up.

"We're done, Miss Kessler. Thank you for coming."

"You're welcome, Ms. Hayek," nodded Lisa before she turned and left the office.

Sara was waiting outside. She placed her arm around one of Lisa's as they walked back to class.

"What did she want?"

"She asked some questions about the Headmaster, gave me a psychiatrist's number in case I wanted help for my 'rape' trauma," giggled the young girl.

"We're excused from class. Want to go back to the room?" purred Sara, shifting her hand from Lisa's arm to her small ass.

"Yeah," grinned Lisa, kissing her roommate's warm cheek, the tendril inside her making her pussy wet with arousal.

The End.

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