The Hound From Hell

by BioDread

Jill Valentine sharply turned the corner of the alley and sprinted down the garbage-strewn passage, the soles of her leather boots slapping the slick concrete. As Jill fled, she glanced from the corner of her left eye, her heart thudded in her heaving chest as the shadow of her pursuer swelled upon the nearby brick wall. The creature's throaty growl made Jill's taut belly clench, she raced down the alleyway as quickly as her slim legs would propel her.

Jill reached another intersection. The young woman dove to the right and pressed her back against the wall. Perspiration covered Jill's gasping face, her blue tube top clung uncomfortably to her torso, the top was soaked in clammy sweat, Jill's round, erect nipples were visible through the fabric. Jill wiped gleaming moisture from her forehead with the back of her right hand, the hand that held her M92F handgun. Jill's bare thighs shook visibly while she fought to slow her racing heart, she wore a snug, black leather mini-skirt with leather boots that went up to just below her knees. Licking drops of salty sweat from her lips, Jill peeked around the alley corner, her knuckles turning white around her raised pistol.

The creature stood at the far mouth of the alley. The animal had been a dog once, a powerful, midnight-black mastiff. The G-Virus now raged through the large dog's veins, the animal mutated, his limbs were bloated with corded muscle, the paws contorted into vicious claws that were glistening with dark blood. The mastiff's teeth were massive fangs, they had grown so large they could no longer be contained by the dog's mouth, he grinned obscenely, drool and white foam dripped from his enormous lower jaw. The mastiff's eyes made Jill's belly burn as if she had swallowed a mug of acid, the bulging orbs were blood-red, the retinas were white, when the beast peered at his surroundings it appeared as if he was a crazed, rabid thing.

The mastiff padded slowly down the alleyway. He sniffed at the air, sifting through the stenches of urine and smoke in his quest to find Jill's musky, tantalizing scent.

Jill consciously slowed her breathing and thumbed back the hammer of her handgun. She never looked away from the advancing hound, when it was half-way across the alley she thrust out and leveled her gun at the sniffing beast.

The thunder of the discharging pistol reverberated through the dark alley. Jill fired three 9mm parabellum rounds into the enormous black dog, the creature howled piteously as the heavy slugs ripped into its wide, muscled chest. The bleeding dog crawled forward a few steps, then collapsed onto its side. Jill was breathing as heavily as the wounded dog, her eyes wide, her breasts swelling and contracting. The hound looked at Jill with his huge, insane orbs, his teeth exposed in a rictus smile, his fat, purple tongue lolling out the side of his black muzzle. The dog scratched lightly on the stained concrete while black blood pooled underneath it. Jill lowered her handgun, she began to turn away, wondering how she would escape the maze of alleyways she had fled into. Jill glanced over her left shoulder briefly, some instinct whispering that she should check one last time upon the dying hound. Jill stumbled when she beheld the ebony mastiff rising to his feet, fangs grinning maliciously, foam oozing down his furry chin. The mastiff growled, he stepped gingerly forward, claws digging into the ground, eyes huge and glowing with dark intent.

When the hound leapt for her, Jill fired two wild shots in the direction of the beast and fled down the dark passage. The stars overhead were dim and weak, power had failed across Raccoon City hours ago, Jill had to depend on her natural nightvision to avoid trash cans and sagging cardboard boxes.

Jill's long legs were throbbing as she sprinted from one alley to another, choosing paths without thought while the pursuing mastiff charged closer and closer, the only sounds of his approach the heavy padding of his paws upon the ground and the bellows-breathing of his powerful lungs. Jill was sobbing as she ran, she couldn't help it, terror clutched her beating heart, she never seemed to draw enough air into her straining lungs.

Jill half-fell into a passage to the left. She lurched forward, stumbling into a slackening run, her legs quaking, her mouth open and raggedly gasping. Running without really looking at what was ahead with her exhausted, glazed eyes, Jill crashed into a solid wall covered in graffiti. Jill clawed at the tall wall, she sobbed into the cracked stone, her entire body shuddering. Jill froze when she heard the hound's low growl. She sniffled and slowly turned to face the hunched beast, she raised her pistol with two trembling arms.

The black mastiff roared and dove at Jill. The frantic young woman emptied her gun at the flying hound, one bullet slashed into his left side, the others went wide as the heavy beast smashed into Jill.

Jill's skull cracked against the dead end wall. The hound's weight dragged Jill's body onto the filthy concrete, she lay dazed beneath the enormous animal while he clawed at her, shredding her blue tube top to pieces, slicing crimson lines across her stomach and breasts. The ebony dog sniffed between Jill's slack legs, he pushed his moist, black nose underneath Jill's leather skirt, she closed her eyes and bit her lower lip as the hound rubbed his nose over her pussy, muzzle pressed firmly upon her white panties. The mastiff closed his fangs on the right side of Jill's panties and jerked to the left, ripping her underwear open. The hound immediately started licking Jill's cunt, his bloated tongue drenching the semi-conscious woman's pussy in canine saliva. The heavy mastiff rested his forepaws on Jill's smooth thighs, he scratched down her legs, his jagged nails burned as they sliced across her skin. Squeezing his muzzle between Jill's legs, the infected dog lapped hungrily upon the young woman's sex, stroking her bare cunt, unwittingly arousing her pussy and making it warm. Jill stretched out her arms, she clutched weakly at the ground, trying to drag herself away from the licking mastiff, but the beast was too heavy, she could only scratch at the hard ground and moan while the ebony hound slipped his tongue up and down her cunnie, savoring the droplets of honey already dribbling from her blood-swollen pussy.

The black sky was a blurry haze as the mastiff mounted Jill, his large body forcing the young woman's legs apart. The hound's breath was hot upon Jill's face, the beast's saliva splashed across her lips and cheeks, she could feel the powerful creature's claws digging into her scratched, bare breasts. Fresh tears welled in Jill's eyes when she felt the dog's long, heavy cock slide against her crotch, she groaned weakly when the hound penetrated her, she squeezed her eyes shut, unwilling to look while the ebony canine humped between her open legs, his thick member stabbing through her vagina.

The huge mastiff panted as he thrust between Jill's slim thighs, he licked Jill's face with his fat, purple tongue, he drooled over her bleeding tits, he crushed her breasts beneath his large, black paws. Jill tilted her head back, the dog licked her exposed throat, his enormous body pinned her to the ground, she felt suffocated beneath the humping animal. The muscled, black hound began thrusting faster into Jill's wide pussy, she moaned underneath him, her body shifting back and forth from the force of the infected dog's gyrations. The drooling hound raked his fangs across Jill's pale throat, his canine breath was foul, reeking of blood and raw meat. Riding on top of Jill, the mastiff ran his bloated tongue around her erect, brown nipples, he bit each of them, gnawing without drawing blood. Jill remained slack beneath the thrusting dog, she faded in and out of consciousness, always aware of the hound's shaft inside her cunt, growing within her pussy, engorging and engorging until it finally burst like an overripe fruit, hot, sticky cream filling her vagina, then gushing out of her slit, splashing over her thighs and boots.

The burly hound's dripping cock slipped out of Jill's aching pussy. The dog's claws stabbed into Jill's bare flesh, she couldn't breathe because of the beast's crushing paws upon her breasts. Drool poured over Jill's gasping face and tits, her eyes widened in horror when she beheld the mastiff's huge, open maw. The infected hound tore into Jill's naked left breast, Jill clutched weakly at the black dog, a wet gurgle escaping her throat as the large mastiff buried his black muzzle in her chest, his huge, ivory fangs closing around her frantically pounding heart.

The End

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