The Beetle Bust

by PJ


"You really know how to treat a lady," grinned officer Debra Morris before she took a long sip from her cup of soda.

"This is the best Street Pizza in the neighborhood, they put lots of cheese on my pie, just the way I like it," retorted officer Paul Desanta, punctuating his remark with a big bite from his dripping slice of pepperoni thick crust.

"I keep telling you to at least get a salad first," sighed Debra, poking at the slightly wilted leaves in the plastic bowl before her.

"Then I won't have enough room for the good stuff," smiled Paul.

The buzz in both Lone Star officers' headcoms halted any further banter.

We've got a possible beetle dealer in your sector. Downloading the address to your patrol car. Go check it out, signal for backup if you need it.

"Next time we go to You Should Not Eat So Much," demanded Debra while she pulled on her long, leather coat over her snug, form-fitting, armor-plated white vest.

"Good noodles and soy beef," agreed Paul, shrugging into his own jacket, and snatching one last bite of gooey pizza before following his partner to their waiting Chrysler Nissan Patrol-1.

Debra took the wheel. Paul checked his shoulder-holstered Thunderbolt, replaced the heavy pistol underneath his jacket, then jacked into the Patrol-1's terminal, downloading the waiting data about the BTL dealer.

"The fucker's in a doss about four blocks from here, no obvious muscle."

"None of the gangs have been moving in, must be a small time dealer," said Debra as she turned the car right, down a dark street littered with trash.

Paul kept his silver eyes glued to the street, low-light vision searching for snipers or ganger scouts.

The two Lone Star officers reached the doss where the beetle dealing was reported. Paul left the car first, right hand inside his jacket as he approached the short front stair of the doss, his silver eyes glancing at a limp ork who sat to the right of the stair, head bobbing, green lips parted, eyes glazed beneath the simsense trode rig he wore. Debra joined Paul at the foot of the stair, her long, red hair pulled back, her Thunderbolt brandished in both hands.

Paul glanced at his partner, then bent down to snatch the trode rig from the drooling ork's knobby head. Paul lightly placed the rig of thin wires and contact pads onto his head, he convulsed, spine arching back painfully, teeth bared in a violent grimace.

He was sweating heavily, running his hands over the elf girl's bare stomach, her flesh hot and soft as velvet. He gazed up at Lauranathalasa's beautiful face, she was smiling down at him, cheeks flushed rose pink, golden hair waterfalling down her graceful alabaster shoulders. Beads of perspiration slid down the naked elf girl's forehead and nose, she leaned over him, droplets of sweat fell from her rolling breasts onto his heaving chest. He could almost taste Lauranathalasa's pouting lips, he shuddered beneath her, his cock ramming up into the elf girl's incredibly tight cunt as she rode him faster and faster, panting into his throat, her slick, golden hair caressing his hot skin....

Paul yanked off the trode rig and hurled it into the moaning ork's lap. The wild-eyed ork snatched the rig and shoved it back onto his greasy black mane, sighing in ecstasy when he returned to the BTL simulation playing on his deck.

"Strong stuff," gasped Paul, wiping at his damp brow.

Debra snorted and shook her head. She climbed the staircase and opened the torn screen door of the three-story doss with her left hand, her right holding up her Thunderbolt. The urine-stained front door was unlocked, Debra pushed the door open, playing the ruby beam of her pistol sight across the stinking, dark recesses of the long hallway.

Shaking his head to clear it of the vivid after-image of the crotch-riding elf girl, Paul rushed up the stairs to join Debra, a golden cross-hair appearing in his vision from the smartlink activating in his right palm.

Hallway's clear.

Paul acknowledged Debra's report through their linked headcoms. He closed the squeaking front door behind him, low-light vision illuminating the hallway. Debra slipped on her low-light glasses, then led the way to the ascending stair at the end of the hall. Paul listened through the closed doors of the dosses on either side of the narrow passage, he could hear crying babies, women screaming curses, and blaring trideos. Paul held his Thunderbolt aimed at the floor, wiry arm stretched out at his side. He looked up at Debra climbing the stairs, her boots making almost no sound on the weak, sinking, wooden steps, her pistol clenched tightly in both hands.

The two Lone Star officers reached the second floor. A few ork and human children playing in the hallway fled to their dosses and slammed the doors, only a few toys were left on the stained, tattered carpet. Debra and Paul crossed the hall to the next stairwell, no one emerged from their dosses, the corridor was utterly silent.

The roar of an Ares Predator froze Paul at the foot of the short staircase. Debra jerked and fell back into Paul, the Lone Star cop caught her and dragged her off the stair, standing her up to the right of the staircase's entrance.

"You okay?" demanded Paul.

"Yeah, bastard caught me in the shoulder, but the vest took it," panted Debra, holding tight onto Paul's wide shoulders.

"I'm sending the call for back-up."

"Good idea," grinned Debra, letting go of Paul and peeking up the dark staircase.

The Predator spat fire again, wood framing exploded in front of Debra's face. Debra snarled and fired back at the shooter, the Thunderbolt cracking three times. A heavy body thudded to the stairs, Debra waited for ten heartbeats, then raced up the stairs, pistol trained on the slumped shape on the staircase landing.

The ork was quite dead, blood dribbling from his slack mouth, green paws still holding his huge pistol. Debra looked up at the head of the next set of stairs that led to the third floor, she couldn't see any more gunmen, but that didn't mean much.

"Let me take the third floor, Deb."

"Fuck that! You're too slow on the draw!" grinned Debra before she climbed up the last set of stairs, Thunderbolt trained before her.

Paul sighed heavily before following Debra. There was a brief transmission from the station, two more units were on the way.

The third floor hallway was utterly dark, even the low-light vision of Paul's cybereyes could barely pierce through the gloom. Mist or smoke played across the floor, it curled around Debra's feet as she walked down the corridor, ruby lance from her pistol sliding from left to right. Paul tensed when he heard whispers through the closed doors of the flanking dosses, the sibilant voices promised slow, agonizing death. The hairs on the back of Paul's neck were stiff as he clutched his weapon, finger taut upon the trigger.

All of the hallway doors opened at once. Howling, leather-clad shapes burst from the open doorways, red lights flashed, fouling the officers' low-light vision. Paul screamed and fired. Long, glittering, razor nails slashed at him, opening his throat, cutting his cheeks to ribbons. As Paul's convulsing body was dragged away into one of the crimson-lit dosses, Debra shot down three of her attackers, their lean bodies thrown back by the force of the Thunderbolt's discharges. A rod slammed into the base of Debra's back, she quaked as a powerful current passed through her body, she collapsed onto the floor. One of the giggling razors rolled Debra onto her back, her hair was pulled to expose her throat, gleaming razor nails scraped together and burned in the harsh scarlet light.

"Stop!" roared the razor's leader.

The leather-clad wraiths fell back. A tall, burly man dressed in a tight black t-shirt and faded jeans knelt beside Debra, cupped her chin between two thick fingers.

"Master, more bad people come!" hissed one of the hopping razors.

"This one isn't bad, I think I'll keep her," smiled the giant, rolling Debra onto her stomach and snapping steel cuffs around her wrists.

"Don't you have enough toys, Kreiger," sighed a lithe, black leather-sheathed elf woman with curly, raven tresses that fell to her curvaceous hips.

"I can never have too much pussy, and you seem to like fresh meat as much as I do, Ramona" pointed out Kreiger, slinging Debra's boneless body over his bulging left shoulder. "Get our shit while I take care of the assholes coming to save these two losers."

"Fine," shrugged Ramona, disappearing back into the doss while Kreiger easily carried Debra down the stairs to the entrance of the flop house.

Two blaring and flashing Lone Star cars squealed around a corner and peeled towards Kreiger. The giant dropped Debra across the hood of her patrol car, then entwined his fingers, cracking his knuckles loudly.

"Wait till you mother fuckers get a taste of this hot mojo!" grinned Kreiger, aiming both of his open palms at the racing patrol cars.

Two green fireballs leapt from Kreiger's large hands. The boiling, sizzling spheres burned down the street and engulfed both Lone Star cars, the vehicles exploded and jumped into the air, spinning end over end, then crashing thunderously to the street.

"I am the Man! I am the Man!" howled Kreiger, thrusting forward with his hips.

"Quit fucking around! Lone Star's gonna bring the heavy artillery next time!" shouted Ramona over the roar of the burning patrol cars.

"I'm coming, bitch," growled Kreiger, hurrying after the long-limbed elf heading towards the black van painted with brilliant red tongues of flame waiting in an empty alley.

Ramona took the driver's seat while Kreiger climbed into the back with Debra and the pack of five chipped razors. One of the wild-haired, giggling razors slammed shut the side door of the van as Ramona revved the engine and peeled out of the alley, smoke gushing from the wheels of the van.

"Take it easy, bitch! I just put new tires on this girl!"

Ramona flipped Kreiger the finger in reply.

Kreiger grumbled under his breath, then remembered Debra lying next to him, groggily struggling with her cuffed hands.

"Give me one of the trode rigs!"

The only razor who wasn't jacked into a BTL deck grabbed a rig and player from the passenger seat where Ramona had dumped their gear and chips from the doss, she gave the rig to Kreiger, then quickly snatched a set for herself. Kreiger rested Debra's head on his lap, he pressed the rig firmly over the blinking woman's red hair, then jacked the trode rig into the BTL player.

"Once you have a taste of this shit, you'll never get enough," whispered Kreiger over Debra's mouth before he kissed her roughly and turned on the simsense deck.

"Hi, there, sweetie! Would you like this candy?" smiled the handsome man in a beautiful, black silk suit, holding out a piece of caramel.

Debra tentatively took the candy. She quickly unwrapped it and popped it into her mouth, it tasted delicious as she chewed and swallowed it.

"I've got plenty more in my car, it's just over there," pointed the kind, smiling man, indicating the nearby black sedan. "It's okay, honey, just climb in with me and I'll let you have as much candy as you want."

Debra hesitated. She played with one of her red pigtails, swaying her small hips from side to side, a warm breeze ruffling her plaid uniform skirt. The recess bell would ring soon, she'd get in trouble if she was late returning to class. The caramel had been very good, though.

"Um, okay, mister, but just one more piece," smiled Debra widely.

"Sure, honey," agreed the stranger, taking Debra's hand and leading her to his car.

Once inside, the strange man locked the doors of his car. He handed Debra another piece of caramel, while she ate it he draped his right arm across her shoulders, his breath was warm against her left cheek.

"You're a very, very pretty little girl," smiled the stranger, stroking Debra's soft, red hair with his large, right hand.

"Thanks, Mister. Can I have another piece?"

"Sure, honey," whispered the stranger, setting the piece of caramel on his right thigh.

When Debra reached for the candy, the stranger snatched her hand, pulled it to his crotch. There was a rising bulge beneath the stranger's trousers, he placed Debra's hand over the hard bulge.

"Doesn't that feel nice, honey?" moaned the stranger, fingers tight around Debra's wrist as he pressed her open palm onto his erection.

"Uh, I have to get back to school now," frowned Debra, tugging on her trapped wrist, her heart beating faster with alarm.

"Just stay with me a little longer, sweetie," panted the stranger, unzipping his trousers with his free hand, then pulling Debra's hand inside.

"Squeeze it, honey, just a little."

Panting, tears welling in her large, green eyes, Debra gently squeezed the stranger's bulge, it was warm underneath his underwear.

"Mmm, that feels so good, honey, just keep doing that."

Debra was sobbing when the stranger wrapped her fingers around his erection, the shaft hot and trembling, covered in a network of swollen veins. The man had his hand over Debra's, he guided her fingers up and down his stiff cock, he was panting, bucking against her small hand trapped inside his silk trousers.

The gasping stranger looked at Debra, he smiled warmly at her. "Bend down, honey, put your head on my lap."

"! I have to get back to class!" sobbed Debra, yanking back on her hand.

"Please, honey, just rest your head for a second, then I'll let you leave."

" promise?" cried Debra, her cheeks burning, her small breasts heaving.

"I promise, sweetie."

Sniffling, Debra lowered her head onto the stranger's lap. The man stroked Debra's warm hair while she continued to caress his thick member.

"Kiss it, honey, just once."

Pouting her lips, Debra quickly kissed the side of the stranger's cock.

"That wasn't a real kiss, do it again."

Blinking back tears, Debra kissed the stranger's cock more firmly, she could taste his meat, it remained on her lips even after she was done.

The stranger firmly grasped the back of Debra's head, he raised it so she looked down at his engorged member.

"Kiss the tip."

With fresh tears spilling down her blushing cheeks, Debra reluctantly kissed the swollen head of the stranger's cock.

The man's strong fingers dug into Debra's red hair, the school girl winced in pain.

"Now suck on it."

Crying, Debra slowly opened her mouth and let the stranger's cock slide between her lips. The strange man groaned deeply, he held onto Debra's head, thrusting sharply with his cock, shoving it up the girl's throat. Debra pressed both of her small hands onto the stranger's right thigh, she bobbed her head, lips sucking and slurping, gasping when the man let her have a moment to catch her breath. The stranger shoved Debra's face back onto his crotch, he moaned while the girl unwillingly sucked his bulging prick, he stroked her silky hair, then slipped his hand into her white uniform blouse, squeezing her small breasts. The stranger rammed his cock into Debra's gasping mouth faster and faster, he finally groaned and squirted thick streams of white cream over Debra's pretty, young face.

Debra moaned on Kreiger's lap, tears running down her flushed cheeks, her mouth drooling as the BTL program began again. Kreiger had Debra's armored vest open, he languidly fondled the outstretched woman's pliable, white breasts, pinching her hard, pink nipples.

"That's my bitch," smiled Kreiger, running his tongue up Debra's right cheek, relishing the taste of the handcuffed woman's tears.



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