World of Darkness

by PJ


Tenel Ka snapped her gray eyes open, she sat up in bed, red curls wrapped wildly around her milk-white shoulders. Tenel Ka took note that she was alone in the enormous bed, her Master, Morgoth, was gone, the spacious bedchamber dark and silent. The Sith girl slipped out of bed, draped on a long, flowing, black robe that she belted loosely at her small waist. Tenel Ka slid her sheathed Sith Sword beneath her silk belt, the weight of the weapon reassuring next to her right thigh. Tenel Ka left the bedchamber quickly, sensing her master's distress.

Tenel Ka found Morgoth on the bridge of the sailing fortress-moon. The Sith Lord stood in the center of the orb-shaped room, surrounded by the faint stars of the dying Sith galaxy. Tenel Ka followed her master's quiet gaze, a single world illuminated by a swollen, purple star hung before Morgoth. The planet was a cracked, barren orb, black clouds boiled across its stark surface, Force-Lightning played across the dead world's face. Tenel Ka shivered, she could feel the Dark Side emanating from the planet, a seething maelstrom of hate, fear, and despair.

Morgoth looked over his left shoulder at Tenel Ka. "Behold what remains of my homeworld, my young acolyte."

Tenel Ka went to Morgoth's side, she leaned against him when the Sith Lord enfolded her waist with his left arm.

"Will you land on the planet, Master?"

"The landing will be dangerous, but yes, I will set foot upon the soil of my world one last time," nodded Morgoth.


"You shouldn't go, Master Morgoth," argued Mara Jade, her hands clenched helplessly as she watched the hooded Sith Lord ascend the ramp of the waiting shuttle.

"It is something I must do, Mara," replied Morgoth evenly, regarding the woman with his fierce, golden eyes. "You may remain here and ward the planet for me."

"What about me, Master? Can I guard you as Tenel Ka will do?" asked Jaina, her slim body tense with bottled up energy.

"No, my eager, young acolyte. You will remain with Mara to watch the fortress-moon," smiled Morgoth.

The heavily-robed Sith Lord disappeared inside the spider-shaped landing craft. Mara grabbed Jaina's right arm and tugged the girl away from the humming craft. The black ovoid curled its spindly legs into its gleaming carapace, then floated out of the hanger into the void, dropping like a stone towards the flashing planet below.

Mara looked across her left shoulder at Jaina. "Have a lot of energy to spare, eh? I have something you can do."

Jaina looked up at Mara, her wicked smile matched the older woman's.


The wild winds of the planet shook the landing craft. Tenel Ka fought with the shuttle's controls, Morgoth sat serenely beside her, wide-sleeved arms crossed over his chest, eyes closed. Tenel Ka sensed her master struggling with the Force-driven wind, keeping the worst of the currents away so that Tenel Ka could land the shuttle safely. Though Morgoth succeeded in preventing the Force winds from tearing the shuttle apart, he failed to keep the gusts from guiding the little vessel's flight, angling the black ovoid towards an isolated mountain range set in a plain of shattered earth and ash.

Tenel Ka bit her lower lip hard, dropping the shuttle into a sharp dive, bringing the hurtling craft up just before it smashed into the ground. The Sith girl slapped on the shuttle's repulsor-lifts, the ovoid lurched into a wobbling hover, then gently descended to the earth, spider-legs uncurling, then trembling when they touched the sterile ash that swirled everywhere.

"Well done, Tenel Ka," praised Morgoth, opening his golden eyes and releasing the belts that held him to his chair.

Tenel Ka smiled widely, she freed herself from her own restraints and followed her master out into the howling storm.

Thunder rocked the very ground beneath Tenel Ka's black boots. The frenzied gusts pulled sharply on Tenel Ka's long, red braid, the Sith girl winced, her narrowed eyes teared with pain as sand scoured her exposed face and limbs. Morgoth seemed untouched by the chaotic weather, his long, black robes barely rustled. The Sith Lord looked up at the tower of rock thrusting up towards the angry heavens, gold eyes narrowed to slits. Morgoth's gray lips parted, as if he were listening to something far away, almost beyond the range of hearing.

"Come, child," bade Morgoth, taking Tenel Ka's small left hand and leading her towards the jagged, obsidian mountain.


Mara sat on her bed, legs spread apart, with Jaina kneeling between them. Jaina kissed Mara furiously, lips sucking and devouring, small hands hidden inside Mara's body suit, fondling the red-haired woman's warm breasts. Mara smiled and tilted her head back, Jaina planted hot kisses along Mara's alabaster throat, moaning softly as she tasted Mara's creamy flesh. Mara ran her fingers through Jaina's thick, cinnamon-brown hair, covering the girl's wet lips with her mouth, tongue driving in deep to stroke her lover's.

Mara pushed Jaina gently back, she grinned while lowering the zipper of her black body suit, freeing her pale breasts from their confinement. Jaina fell upon Mara's luscious tits, cupping them in her small palms, licking and gnawing Mara's pert nipples to hardness.

"Mmm..that's very good, Jaina," moaned Mara into Jaina's sweet-smelling hair. "Suck hard on my nipples."

The young Sith complied, enfolding Mara's right nipple with her soft lips, meeting the sighing woman's half-open eyes while she sucked deeply on the stiff, pink bud, teasing the trembling nipple with her little tongue.

Mara moaned sharply into Jaina's hair, she grabbed the shoulders of the girl's jumpsuit, jerked the snug garment down Jaina's thin arms.


Tenel Ka clutched the hilt of her Sith Sword in a white-knuckled grip. The Dark Side was strong in the enormous, dark cave she currently walked through. The girl's dark vision allowed her to see the outlines of the cave and the shape of Morgoth ahead of her. The howling of the Force storm had been reduced to a mournful moaning, the Dark Side seethed everywhere, Tenel Ka had to concentrate hard to ward herself, otherwise the hate surrounding her would burn her through in an instant.

So focused was Tenel Ka on fighting the Dark Side she failed to realize for several minutes that Morgoth was gone. Realization turned to blind panic in Tenel Ka, her shields crumbled, the Dark Side rushed over her, swallowed her, drowned her. Tenel Ka fell to her knees, she hugged her stomach, eyes clenched shut, pale lips pressed together while the Dark Side's fury buffeted her. Pain lanced through the kneeling girl, Tenel Ka thought it was merely a symptom of the Dark Side assault, but when another sharp pain went through Tenel Ka's throat, she forced open her eyes, her orbs grew large when she realized her predicament.

Glistening fragments of black shell were falling from the cavern's roof. Two fragments had dropped onto Tenel Ka's neck, they completely encased her throat, she gulped reflexively, feeling thread-like tendrils wriggling through her skin, securing the black shells to her body. Tenel Ka tried to scream for Morgoth, but her throat refused to work, bile filled her mouth, poison raced through her veins, draining her strength.

Tenel Ka collapsed onto her back. The girl twitched weakly, mouth gaping open, drool running down her left cheek. Two more black shells fell onto Tenel Ka's heaving chest. Slimy tendrils slithered over Tenel Ka's small breasts, ripping through her tunic, wrapping around her soft tits. Tenel Ka screamed silently when the black shells fastened themselves to her nipples, sharp barbs piercing through her tender buds, pulsating tendrils digging through her silky skin, pumping more poisons into her ravaged, young body.


Mara shuddered, pale arms held over her head, naked breasts bouncing, her long legs splayed apart, pelvis rocking to the slurping of Jaina's honey-soaked lips.

"Uh! Your tongue feels so good! That's it! Keep shoving it into my cunt!" groaned Mara, closing her shivering thighs around Jaina's head, bucking violently against the naked girl's nuzzling face.

Jaina dragged her nails over Mara's quaking buttocks, rubbing her little nose in Mara's musky scarlet pubic hair. Jaina lapped up Mara's oozing pussy, then she stabbed her small tongue through the bucking woman's vulva, driving into Mara's contracting vagina until her mouth disappeared between the swollen pink folds of Mara's cunnie. Mara clutched the pillow beneath her head, her wet lips quivered, she arched her back when another orgasm jolted through her, stealing the breath from her lungs.


Morgoth entered the grand hall, a black-robed wraith among restless ghosts. The Sith Lord could sense the dead, floating aimlessly around the domed chamber, whispering to each other, mourning for what was lost, what could never be regained.

Morgoth approached the raised throne, the throne of the Clan leader, his Clan, that was no more. The obsidian throne was broken, its spine cracked to the base, covered in greasy ash and heavy layers of dust.

"You return too late, Morgoth," groaned the phantom who sat upon the throne, robed and cowled, so weak only a glimmering outline could be seen with dark sight.

"I know. I slept too long," nodded Morgoth, his shoulders slumped in defeat.

"You have seen what has become of our world, our empire."

"Yes. It is all gone, nothing but ruin," sighed the Sith Lord.

"The Sith Empire is dead, but our ways live on, in another galaxy, the galaxy that gave birth to us."

"I felt it before I returned here. The Dark Side was weak, but the potential for strength was there."

"You have found acolytes, young ones to follow our ways."


"Then you must return to their galaxy, gather more to our cause, plant the dark seeds that will allow the Sith to flourish for eternity!"

"I will," swore Morgoth.

"You are the leader of our Clan now, the surviving Lord of the Sith."

Morgoth bowed his head, accepting the phantom's mantle.

"The Dark Side resides in all living things. We are the Darkness to the Force's Light, both are part of the Balance, part of the Living Force. Do not despair, the universe belongs to the Sith, destiny only requires a lord of vision and strength to seize it!"

"I am that lord. I will not fail."

"The Dark Side will be with you, always," whispered the phantom, its glimmering outline fading into final oblivion.

Morgoth raised his head. Tenel Ka called to him, she was hurt, terrified.

The Lord of the Sith spun on his heel and raced out of the empty throne room, ignoring the plaintive cries of his dead ancestors.


Tenel Ka screamed, she screamed until her tortured throat was hoarse, then she screamed again, drawing harsh breath through burning lungs. A shower of black-shelled parasites had fallen over the Sith girl's prone body. The tendriled creatures now completely encircled both of Tenel Ka's wrists, her upper thighs, and her calves in addition to her neck and the two parasites fastened over her throbbing nipples. Tenel Ka's veins were filled with the parasites' poisons, liquid fire raged through her body, she was in so much agony she couldn't move, her body only shivered briefly when another black shell attached itself to her, its slender tendrils nestling deep into her corpse-white flesh.

The rain of torturous parasites finally abated. Tenel Ka rode the waves of pain, she embraced the Dark Side, and the creatures melded to her responded to the flow of energy, enhancing the power rushing through her. The pain transformed into strength, Tenel Ka used it to sit up, to examine the black scales that now armored her body. One more parasite slithered forward upon the floor of the cavern, it groped its way unerringly towards Tenel Ka's crotch, its shell was shaped to perfectly conform to the girl's pussy. Without thinking, Tenel Ka spread her bare legs for the approaching parasite, her skin lost its deathly pallor, it was now flushed rose pink, suffused with the sweet flow of the Dark Side filtered through her black armorlets.

The last shelled parasite lashed out with its roped, glistening tendrils. The tendrils pierced through Tenel Ka's thighs, gushed more poisons into her feverish body. The parasite pulled itself towards Tenel Ka by its embedded appendages, Tenel Ka caught her breath when she saw the flexing hooks surrounding a gasping mouth upon the shell's underside, she bit her lower lip until it bled, then she threw back her head and screamed when the parasite closed over her pussy, hooks driving deep into her labia, the slurping mouth nestled inside her cunt.

Tenel Ka fell onto her back, hands clutching the black shell attached to her crotch. The Sith girl's hips shuddered, sobbing moans fell from her slack lips, her eyes squeezed shut as she felt the parasite feeding on her melting pussy.

Morgoth dove into the cave. He dropped to Tenel Ka's side, passed his wide golden eyes over the girl's trembling body.

"It's alright," soothed the Sith Lord, stroking Tenel Ka's feverish brow. "These creatures are called Orbalisks, powerful Sith warriors join with them to enhance their strength and to armor themselves."

"They..fell on me. I thought..I was going to die," whispered Tenel Ka, reaching for her master's hand and clenching it tight.

"You are strong to survive their poisons, many have not," smiled Morgoth, proud of his young acolyte's stamina.

Tenel Ka winced when the Orbalisk attached to her cunt fed from her sex again, devouring the juices from her damp vagina.

"When you have adjusted to your new condition, you will be much more powerful in the Dark Side, a full Sith warrior, ready to take your place at my side," promised Morgoth, lifting Tenel Ka into his arms, cradling her to him as he left the Orbalisk nest.



The Sith fortress-moon sailed towards the looming Hyperspace Gate. Upon the bridge, Morgoth sat on his raised throne, Tenel Ka standing to his left, tense and alert, naked except for her Orbalisk armor and the Sith Sword hanging from a low silver chain belt draped across her bare hips. Mara and Jaina sat side by side in front of Morgoth's throne, looking out the surrounding display screen, linked to the fortress-moon as their master was, monitoring and guiding the titanic orb ship along its course towards the ring gate.

Morgoth reached out with the Dark Side, activated the Hyperspace Gate. The enormous silver ring started to spin, its entire length glowing with blue flame, a swirling vortex forming at its heart. Space-time unraveled inside the rotating ring, the orb ship dropped inside the swirling breach, disappearing through an endless tunnel of spiraling stars, away from the empty shell of a once great empire.

The End

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