Ulic's Redemption III

The Lightside Explorer transferred into Hyperspace, the cockpit view port flashing with silver-blue light from the twisting vortex that the starship hurled through.  Nomi and her daughter Vima sat in the cockpit, Nomi removing her hands from the flight controls while Vima worked furiously at a side console.

"What are you doing?" inquired Nomi.

"Double-checking the Nav computer," snapped Vima.

"Watch the cockpit, I'm going to make sure the prisoner is secure," said Nomi as she rose from the piloting chair.

"Don't hurt him too much, I'm sure your friends will want to get their measure of blood too," replied Vima acidly.

"You don't know him like I do, Vima.  He's caused more suffering and death than you can imagine.  You're so young..."

"I've been with him, Mother!  He's a good man, a gentle man!  You're wrong about him!"

Nomi looked away from her daughter's anguished face and walked through the ship to the locked cabin where she was holding Ulic.  She tapped in the lock code and waited as the heavy hatch slid open.

Ulic sat on the edge of the cabin's single, hard bunk.  He straightened when Nomi entered the room, he shifted the manacles that bound his arms behind his back.  Ulic's bearded, coarse face was sad as Nomi stood across from him, glaring at him with so much anger he thought Force Lightning would snap from her fingers.

"How could you do this to me?" whispered Nomi sharply.  "Why did you do it?"

"Vima came to me, Nomi," sighed Ulic wearily.  "I..gave her what she wanted."

"You tricked her."

"It was a fair exchange, a favor for a favor.  After the first time, it felt so good to feel the Force again, even if it was through someone else, I couldn't resist her, I had to have more," admitted Ulic, lowering his head, hiding his face with his long hair.

"I have a voice in the Council now, I could have you imprisoned for the rest of your life."

"I'm sure there are a lot of people who would like that," snorted Ulic.

"I'm..sorry for what I did to you, but you had no right to use my daughter like this."

"I don't blame you for the loss of my abilities, no one has been able to block a Jedi for centuries.  You underestimate your daughter as well, Nomi, she has great strength, she will become a powerful Jedi Knight one day."

"If you were lonely, you should have come to me!" murmured Nomi hotly, kneeling in front of Ulic, taking his face and kissing him passionately.

"After everything that happened, the war, the lingering anger of the others, I had to go," whispered Ulic against Nomi's trembling lips.  "You were feeling so guilty about me, I knew we couldn't be together anymore."

"I missed you so much," breathed Nomi, sliding her arms around Ulic's waist, kissing him again, slowly, sensually.

Ulic returned the embrace, then nuzzled the side of Nomi's neck the way she loved.  Nomi brushed Ulic's manacles with a tendril of the Force, the restraints snapped open and fell away from Ulic's wrists.  Ulic brought his hands around and dug them into Nomi's thick hair, he kissed her hard, his right hand slipping down her back and squeezing her taut ass.

"I should go," panted Nomi, jerking open Ulic's tunic, bending down to lick his powerful chest.

"That would be the smart thing to do," gasped Ulic before he pulled Nomi's tunic over her head.

Nomi climbed onto the bunk, pushed Ulic onto his back, and rubbed her crotch over his.  Ulic reached up and caressed Nomi's breasts, she bit her lower lip and leaned down so Ulic could lick her nipples.  Nomi hugged Ulic's neck while he slowly licked each of her engorged nipples, he slid his lips over the woman's warm tits, enjoyed the taste of her creamy flesh.

Nomi pressed her breasts onto Ulic's chest, then started planting kisses over his throat, his shoulders, his dark nipples.  Ulic looked down as Nomi veiled his crotch with her long, dark brown hair, he shivered when Nomi kissed his hardening cock, she licked along its entire length, her fingers teasing his testicles.  Ulic grasped Nomi's head while it bobbed up and down, the woman sucking loudly on his fully erect prick.  She rubbed her moist lips up and down the throbbing member, she sucked in each of Ulic's balls and caressed them with her tongue.

When cum started to escape from Ulic's shaft, Nomi jerked down her breeches, squatted onto Ulic's crotch, and sat down slowly upon the man's thick pole.  Nomi moaned deeply when Ulic's cock drove up into her vagina.  She lowered her full weight onto Ulic's thighs, her own slender legs clenching her lover's hips.  Nomi began riding Ulic's cock, ramming it into her belly again and again, her tits jiggling, her head thrown back, her slack mouth panting sharply with every new buck against Ulic's crotch.  Ulic grabbed Nomi's curvaceous hips, he groaned with effort and pleasure as he thrust up with his strong pelvis, impaling Nomi with his shaft, driving it to the hilt into her tight cunt.  Nomi lowered her face and stared down at Ulic, she pressed her open palms against his heaving chest, she dug her nails painfully into his tough skin.  Ulic winced, and pumped faster between Nomi's legs.  Nomi lowered herself across Ulic, she covered his gasping lips with her own warm mouth, kissing him hungrily while they writhed against each other.  The lovers' slapping crotches crashed together faster and faster, then quivered when they both orgasmed.

Ulic draped his heavy arms around Nomi's slim waist.  Nomi simply rested on top of Ulic, catching her breath, relishing the heat of her lover's powerful body.

"I won't take you back to the Council," whispered Nomi into Ulic's chest.  "I..I don't know what to do with you."

"Forget the Council, let's just go away, disappear into the Outer Rim," murmured Ulic into Nomi's damp hair.

Nomi pressed her cheek over Ulic's beating heart.  "I can't, I have my duty as a Jedi."

"I understand," sighed Ulic, his fingers idly stroking Nomi's bare back.  

After awhile Nomi left the bunk and got dressed.  She left the musky cabin without another word or glance.  Ulic placed his arms underneath his head and closed his eyes, sleep did not offer him escape from his troubled thoughts.


Vima made sure her mother was asleep in her cabin before she brought the Lightside Explorer out of Hyperspace.  There was nothing but empty space surrounding the small craft, Vima opened a comm channel and sent the transmission she had prepared.

Vima's small ship materialized into Realspace and sailed up alongside the 'Explorer.  Vima eased the two ships together and bit her lip when the two hulls impacted.  She confirmed a docking link, then completely locked down the 'Explorer.  When her mother woke up, it would take hours to unlock the ship, more than enough time for Vima and Ulic to make their escape.  

Vima left the cockpit, gathered a satchel bag filled with spare water and food, then marched down the passage to Ulic's cabin.  She unlocked the hatch and slid inside before it had completely finished cycling.

"I brought my ship, it's docked with the 'Explorer right now, we can go!" grinned Vima, her small breasts swelling with excitement.

Ulic slipped back into his tunic, his breeches and boots were already on.  He climbed out of the bunk and joined Vima, the girl hugged him briefly, then led the way outside.  On the way to the docking hatch, Ulic stopped to gather his few belongings, including the half-finished lightsaber meant for Vima.

"Hurry!  Mother might wake up!" hissed Vima impatiently.

"Your mother won't be following us," soothed Ulic.  "We had a talk."

"I don't want to push my luck, Master Ulic!" retorted Vima.

Ulic laughed softly and motioned for Vima to lead the way to her waiting ship.


Vima's ship broke away from the Lightside Explorer and blasted forward on twin plumes of blue flame.  In a blur of distortion, the small starship hurled into Hyperspace, course set for the Outer Rim.

Nomi sat down heavily in the pilot's chair and closed her tear-filled eyes.  She followed her daughter's progress until the distance became too great.  Vima would learn to be a Jedi from Ulic, and Nomi would wait for them both to return to her.


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