Dayanera Tylea Sanders Online Baby Book
Born: March 16, 2003
Time: 5:33 p.m. by Cesarean Section
Weight: 7 lbs. 1 ounce
Length: 18 inches
Hair color: Dark Blonde
Eye color: Dark Blue

How I got my name: Dayanera is the phonetic spelling of Deianeira which comes from Greek mythology. Deianeira was Hercules wife. It's meaning is something along the lines of most beautiful and most loved. My mommy picked my first name. She decided to spell it phonetically so that people wouldn't have such a hard time pronouncing it. The Kabalic meaning of my name is:
Tylea comes from Tyler which is what my middle name would have been if I were a boy. My Daddy picked my middle name. Since my Daddy made it up, it really doesn't have a meaning, it's just pretty. The Kabalic meaning of my name is:
My mommy thought that together my first and middle names created a pretty good balance for personality traits. There isn't really anyway to come up with a perfect balance.
This is a picture of me just seconds after I was born.
This is my hospital Birth Certificate
These are my footprints from the hospital
My Birth Story:

My mommy was scheduled to be induced with me on Tuesday, March, 18th but I decided I was ready to come out Saturday night, March 15th. My mommy was at my Grandma's house helping her find my Aunt Jerrica a dog on the computer. She was waiting for my Uncle Justin to come over because they were going to go to the Twilight Zone after my daddy got off of work. My Uncle Justin got there and mommy stood up from the computer. That's when her water broke. She told my grandma a few minutes later who really thought it was funny. Mommy's water broke at 10:15 p.m. She called my daddy at work who didn't believe her at first. He thought she was kidding. Uncle Justin drove her to pick daddy up so they could go get Nana Laura and go to the hospital. They stopped and got gas and taco bell on the way to Nana's house. Nana was in bed and hadn't gotten the message from her answering service. Daddy made a ton of phone calls from Nana's house, Nana got ready and they went to the hospital.
  They got to the hospital at about 12:30 a.m. Mommy's labor still hadn't started. The nurses called Dr. O'Neil and he said to wait and see if mommy's labor would start by itself. It wouldn't so they gave mommy tons of pitocin 8 hours after her water broke. Contractions were very hard and started at 2 minutes apart. They got to be 1 minute apart and lasting 1 minute very quickly. When mommy came into the hospital she was only dilated to 2cm.  18 hours after her water broke she was still only dilated to 2 cm. She'd been up for 32 hours, was exhausted and in alot of pain. They wouldn't let her have any pain medication cause it might slow labor down. Dr. O'Neil said at 18 hours and still only dilated to 2 cm it was time to start talking about a C-section. Mommy had lost almost all of her water, was very tired, and hurting pretty badly. She was afraid of a dry birth and the doctor was afraid she might get an infection after so much time. She told the doctor to go ahead and give the cesarian.
  Daddy went out and told everyone in the waiting room that they were going to do a cesarian. Everybody was there waiting for me to be born! My grandma and Jeff, Aunt Jerrica and Aunt Lex, My Great Grandma, Uncle Justin, Nana Laura, Francis and Brian, Lisa and Luke, and Christina... I was popular before I was even born! The nurses had to go find daddy so he could be there when I was born.
  They gave mommy a shot in her back called an intrathecal to numb her. The surgeon came in and daddy had to get gowned up. Daddy sat by mommy's head while they did the surgery. Daddy's face lit up like a light bulb when they pulled me out and showed me to him. He gave the nurses a couple of cameras so they  could take my picture. Daddy followed me around as they cleaned me up and weighed me. They finished the surgery on mommy and wheeled her back into her room. Mommy was kinda doped up but was so happy that I was born. Then everyone came in to see me and hold me. I was so cute when I was born. Mommy can't remember lots of it but does remember how beautiful she thought I was.  Most everyone was there the first day I was born but people came to see me the next day too and mommy's phone in her room never stopped ringing with people calling to see how we were. Angie, Kristi, and Scott came to see me the next day. So did Great Grandma and Nana. Heather and Vaughn came later that night. That's the story of how I was born.
When I got to come home from the hospital:

Date: Tuesday, March 18th 2003 at about 1:30 p.m

I wore: a very cute little dress and pants outifit with precious moments bunnies on it. It was white with pink and blue ribbons on it. The nurses put a pink ribbon in my hair.

Who was there: Just daddy and mommy.

The first thing we did when we got home was:
Mommy set herself up on the couch with all the essential stuff for me like diapers, wipes, breast feeding paraphanalia, etc. so that she wouldn't have to do too much moving around cause of the c-section. Daddy went to the pharmacy to get mommy's perscriptions. Great Grandma came up to see how we were and told me how cute I am.

How I spent the day: I slept most of the time and ate. Daddy brought home some movies and we all watched them.

How I spent the night: I slept in the bassinet in mommy and daddy's room.
My Personality and stuff so far:

  I am a very good baby, I don't really fuss, I sleep good and am eating very good. My personality is alot like my daddy's. I am very laid back and content with life. I am not too demanding. I don't like to be uncovered and I hate having my diaper changed. I don't have any birth marks. I get the same expressions on my face as my daddy and I have a cleft in my chin like my grandpa. I seem to be a serious child and curious about my surroundings. When I am awake I like to look around and study things. I look up at my mommy with a serious expression and make noises like I am trying to tell her something.
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