1. Website must be family friendly or you need not to apply.
  2. Website must be in English..for this is the only language I can read.
  3. No one under the age of 14 can apply for an award.
    A parent or legal guardian must apply for you.
  4. Website must contain more than just links.
  5. Website must have 3 pages or more of content.
  6. Is credit given where credit is due? No bandwith stealing.
  7. Website should be somewhat easy to navigate.
  8. Website should not contain many broken links.
  9. Website pages should download within a reasonable time.
  10. Website must have an awards section to display award(s) won.

***Kids websites do not have to meet all of the rules, with the exception of rule # 3. It just has to be made from a kid or for kids.***

Supreme Site Award cannot be applied for.

Memorial is for anyone that has an angel in heaven.
It is not considered an award.

***Please take special note***

  1. All information received by an award application will not be used for any other purpose than for the award itself. I will not distribute the information to any other known source.

  2. All requests for an award will be answered whether your site has won or not. Please allow 1-2 weeks for a reply.

  3. If you apply for one award and I feel your website deserves more than the one(s) you applied for, I will send you the other awards I find suitable.

  4. If you apply for an award and I feel that your site does not deserve such award, I will choose another award in place of it. You may reapply for the original award after 2 weeks. If you would like to know why you did not receive original award, please e-mail me.

Okay, I think I've said enough.

New Awards(new graphics):

#1 Excellent Site
#4 Beautiful Site (replaced Honorable Site)
#5 Elegant Site
#6 Best Fantasy Site
#10 Best Poetry Site
#13 Best Native American Site (just added)
**other awards will be replaced soon with new graphics**

On To The Awards

Award Winners

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