
A trainer checking his pokégear

Goldenrod City, Johto






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Pokémon Daycare Center

Pokémon EggsAt the southern entrance of Goldenrod City is the Pokémon Daycare center. There, a pokémon breeder and his wife raise trainers' pokémon for a living. If two pokémon in the same egg group are being raised at the same time, the female will lay an egg. After a certain amount of time, a pokémon will hatch from the egg.

In 2001 the daycare man gave trainers an odd egg which had been previously abandoned. It is unknown which pokémon will hatch from the egg.

Goldenrod Department Store

Not only is Goldenrod City the biggest city in Johto, but it also has the biggest pokémart. This mart has such a varied selection of items that just about everything can be found here.

In 2001, the rooftop was open to visitors and bargain sales have been held up there ever since.

Goldenrod Department Store
Click the picture to see it larger!

Bike Shop

Misty's bicycle leaning In the year 2000, a bike shop moved here from Cerulean City. They sell "collapsible bikes for fast movement." At first, not many clients came, but thanks to the help of a trainer, sales soon returned to normal for this shop.

Goldenrod Game Corner

Another popular attraction in Goldenrod City is the Goldenrod Game Corner. Here, with a coin case, anyone can buy game coins and play at the slots or "Guess the Pokémon." After winning a certain amount of coins, a prize can be exchanged for them.

Goldenrod City micro view

Bill's House

Bill, inventor
The above image is larger than it may appear

Bill’s house is located in this city. Bill is famous for having invented the PC Pokémon Storage System to store pokémon in the PC and the time capsule to trade with the past. He lives here with his mother and his sister. His father, who also contributed to the invention of the Pokémon PC Storage System, lives in Sea Cottage.


The underground is a long pathway filled with pokémon trainers ready to battle so strong pokémon are required.

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Goldenrod Radio Tower


A team rocket balloon approaches the radio tower
click to enlarge

All the Johto radio shows are broadcasted from this Radio Tower.
Anyone can come to look or participate in their favorite radio show!

In the year 2000, Team Rocket took control of the Radio TowerThe Goldenrod Radio Tower as seen from the White City Mystery Gift Exchange by kidnapping the director, hiding him in the underground, and putting an impostor in his place. Once they had full control of the Radio Tower, they broadcasted signals throughout all of Johto that forced wild pokémon to evolve. Again, their evil was put to an end when the trainer defeated them all and officially disbanned Team Rocket for the second time.

Magnet Train Station

Sign outside Magnet Train Station as it appeared in the Pokémon Johto anime

The magnet train station is located here. The president built this railway to connect Johto and Kanto together. The railroad extends through forests and mountains to finally reach Saffron City.

Pokémon Gym

Whitney is the leader of the Goldenrod Gym. She uses normal type pokémon to defeat her opponents. Her gym is a bit maze-like due to the large amount of flower pots in it. If the trainer doesn't have the right pokémon, she can be tough on them.

Leader Whitney

National Park

A wining Scyther from the Bug-Catching Contest

Just north of Goldenrod city is the National Park. This park teams with trainers and wild pokémon who are just waiting to battle.

Every other day, the bug catching contest is held in the park. This contest gives the participants twenty minutes and twenty park balls to catch the strongest pokémon they can find. All participants get a prize, but the winner gets a rare evolutionary stone.




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