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What else is in the offing, mag-wise?




1. "There are no good girls - we are all bad girls, in the best sense of the word." NAOMI WOLF, from Promiscuities

2. "The solution is the total elimination of the money-work system, rather than achievement of economic equality with men within it." VALERIE SOLANAS, from The S.C.U.M. Manifesto

3. "When she walks, the revolution's coming - in her hips, there's revolution. When she talks, I hear the revolution - in her kiss, I taste the revolution." BIKINI KILL, "Rebel Girl"

4. "Don't take back the night - take back the world!" FIFTH COLUMN, liner notes to 1994 Outpunk 7" split with GOD IS MY CO-PILOT

5. "As a woman, I have no country. As a woman, my country is the whole world." VIRGINIA WOOLF, from Three Guineas

6. "Being any gender is a drag." PATTI SMITH, ca. 1973

7. "I am called a feminist when I distinguish myself from a doormat." REBECCA WEST

8. "The press called me a Jap bitch. When I married John, I was upgraded to a witch. That's a good thing, you know." YOKO ONO

9. "I am not a normal girl - I'm a sweaty, angry girl - so bite me!" MAGGIE ESTEP, "I Am Not A Normal Girl"


1. "I must be hungry - 'cause I go crazy over your leather boots." IGGY POP, "Sixteen"

2. "Remember the night when I was so bold - I had no plan - it just felt...yeah yeah yeah..." HORSE (dyke-fronted band in the early Nineties)

3. "He drew a line - drew it right down my spine...we kissed in his room, to a popular tune - oh, real drowners..." SUEDE, "The Drowners"

4. "Under the veil of pleasure - love strikes hard. A complicated game - love strikes hard. It can mess you up and leave you scarred - love strikes hard." CAROLE POPE, "Love Strikes Hard", 1995

5. "This is the moment we live for - when we abandon a hostile world and surrender our clothing to the floor." PANSY DIVISION, "Surrender Your Clothing", 1992

6. "Heterosexuality is not normal - it's common." DEREK JARMAN/ADRIENNE RICH

7. "A lifetime of listening to disco music is a high price to pay for one's sexual preference." QUENTIN CRISP, 1908-1999 (it should be noted, in response to the obvious objection raised by the Boyfriend, that the g(r)ay eminence thought music in general to be a mistake. :) )

8. "Beware - I have one single success to my name. So take cover - I am coming out today!'s illegal, that my tribe, well, we're just not seen as people. On the Isle of Man, I'll spend my time." GENE, "Left-Handed"


1. "Lights go down - the system falls - 'cause unity is powerful." STYLE COUNCIL, "Walls Come Tumblin' Down"

2. "Go to the palaces of the rich. Ask for bread. If they do not give it, take it - it is your right." EMMA GOLDMAN (who, by the way, lived in Canada for a few years)

3. "Burn down the House! Burn down the House!" Heard chanted during the march on Queen's Park (the Provincial Legislature) in Ontario in 1994 when the gay rights bill was defeated due to a cowardly open vote

4. "I can see the chickens coming home to roost - 'cause everybody's tired of the American ruse." MC5, "American Ruse"

5. "I've got nothing against any Viet Cong." MUHAMMAD ALI, in refusing to register for the draft

6. "Hell, no, we won't go! We won't die for Texaco!" Anti-Gulf-Oil-War slogan (and, while I acknowledge the point that it was NOT Canadians and Americans most at risk from dying for Texaco, is it necessary for us to LIVE for that corporation's benefit while it kills us in subtler ways?)

7. "The problem with any political party is that they eventually become the government." some wag or other

8. "The AIDS biz keeps on growing - and our profits continue to rise. We've got billions of dollars for research - that's how we'll win the Nobel Prize!...Honey - get a grip!" the song "Control" from the 1994 film Zero Patience


1. "Given the choice between two evils, I pick the one I haven't tried before." MAE WEST

2. "It's called the music BUSINESS - not the music pleasure." not sure of the source, but apt in terms of recent attempts by artists to wrest control from labels that were never much about artist satisfaction, ultimately

3. "If you don't want to be a star, STOP BEING ONE." John Lydon/Johnny Rotten

4. "Does your mother know you're a Ramone?" MARY WORONZOW, from "Rock and Roll High School"

5. "Family is just a dirty word for censorship." HONEY WHITLOCK (Melanie Griffith), from John Waters' latest film, Cecil B. Demented

6. "You were a wild beast last night - you frightened me. Do it again." MORTICIA ADDAMS, from Addams Family Values

7. "Someone must have told her it was a silent picture, but did that stop her? NOOOOO! The moment the camera started rolling, Miss Bernhardt started gesticulating wildly - her eyes started rolling - her lips were moving as fast as those of a policeman giving corrupt evidence. It wasn't her talent that made Miss Bernhardt famous - it was her NERVE. Oh, and it was the coffin she slept in - and the panther she walked on a leash through the streets of Paris - and the leg on display with Barnum and Bailey Circus." QUENTIN CRISP, on Sarah Bernhardt

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