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(a song to be recorded some day (?))




‘A’ SECTION: Carlo Giuliani is not living today

but the money keeps flowing and growing anyway

like his blood ‘neath the wheels of a big police van.

That’s right – the carabieneri have just gone and killed a man –

But they can’t kill all of us.

No, they can’t snuff all of us.

No, we’re not that easy to eliminate

Without the help of the G-8.

‘B’ SECTION: Fuck me with slave labour.

Rape me for eighty hours a week.

Shove your Mammon dick in my mouth

So that I cannot speak.

Wash my brain in Tide

Until I think trade means success.

Bend me over the bargaining table –

Yes! Yes! YES!

‘A’ SECTION: Violence is wrong, or so the learned gents all say –

unless it’s economic, ‘cause they don’t have to pay

for the rough free trade that makes their indicators rise

and their greed and their ambition – golden arches ‘neath the skies.

Stop them now – stop them soon.

Send ‘em all to the moon

Where they’ll all so sweetly choke to death

Before they price our final breath.

‘B’ SECTION: No more slave labour.

No more children in the mines.

No more property, no more theft

And no more stealing time.

No more bloody bodies

Broken on the business deal.

Now it’s your turn, cops and bankers –

Squeal! Squeal! SQUEAL!

A TJM Product/Timmer Music item, "©" 2001 (i.e. feel free to copy the words, and maybe write your own tune, but, should you ever hear a recording and want to perform the song in that arrangement, at least confess it isn’t YOURS! J )

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