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Why Ponyboys/Puppyboys Are Better Than Gay Bankers

1. A gay banker is likely to go on about his time-share condo on Fire Island. Thanks to the bit or muzzle, a ponyboy or puppyboy is likely to be more quiet. (Yes, you could ball-gag a gay banker, but it seems redundant, given how much bondage they're already in).

2. A puppyboy knows how to fetch balls, while a ponyboy has a firm bite and will not let go until the job is done. A gay banker, on the other hand, will likely withdraw early and loses interest daily.

3. If you don't feel like walking, a ponyboy could either pony-back you or haul you around in a little cart. If you forgot to bring the paper in, a puppyboy would be glad to retrieve it for you.

4. A gay banker is likely to want to spend a lot of money on clothes, with depressingly unindividual results. On the other hand, a ponyboy would be happy with a bit, bridle, tail and ears, while a puppyboy just needs a leash, tail and an accessory or two, and can wear the same outfit quite a few times.

5. A puppyboy has a nice slurping tongue, and ponyboy can nuzzle you. A gay banker could as well, I'll concede, but one could not help but feel he was doing it in the name of rote customer service...

6. A puppyboy's bark is worse than his bite, while a ponyboy is very stable. A gay banker, on the other hand, is a gay banker, and thus has overVAULTING ambition...

7. A puppyboy loves Timmybear. To the best of his knowledge, this has not been the case with a gay banker, and frankly, it sends shivers down his spine to contemplate that possibility...ponyboys have not shared their love with him either, but Timmybear DID think one equine critter some years back had a nice ass (he was a donkey).
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